It's back!

Hello ladies
I originally was diagnosed April 07 and had WLE, chemotherapy and radiotherapy which only finished in January 08 (I was on TACT2 trial) and also taking Tamoxifen since November 07. I found another lump in the same breast back in May and it has taken until now for it to be diagnosed as another tumour. It wasn’t picked up on my first annual mammogram and I had to point it out to them. I can barely believe that this has happened so quickly after having the full treatment. They think it is probably a new primary tumour - how can it have appeared so quickly? As anyone else experienced this?
This time I have to have a full mastectomy and also a reconstruction at the same time. Not sure what it’s called but taking muscle from the back. The operation is hopefully w/c 15th September. Can anyone advise whether I’ll be able to take a short flight (1 hour) by 17th October as it’s my godson’s 1st birthday and I was would have really liked to have been there so learning about other ladies recovery time may help me.

Chemotherapy as been mentioned again, but I’m really doubting the benefits considering what’s happened. Again, any advice and wise words from you special ladies would really help.

Best wishes.


Hi Carol

So sorry that you have been dx’d with a new primary so soon.

Firstly, because it is a new primary it is usually not as bad as having a recurrence (which I had) of your first cancer. The fact this has happened to you is just very, very unlucky.

The reason they are saying that you “may” benefit from chemo, will be determined by the size of the new tumour, the grade of the cancer and whether it has spread to the nodes. Usually, until they have done the mascectomy and removed the lymphs, they are unable to accuarately tell you this. So within a few days of your op your pathology will tell all… Have you got any palpable nodes? Have they told you what size/ stage your tumour is?

With regard to your LD flap reconstruction and travelling a month later. I went to my sisters 50th 2 weeks post op and have to admit I spent the entire time either in bed or lying on the sofa! …BUT…after 4 weeks I reckon you might be OK. Take it easy, continue 4 hourly pain control if needed and be kind to yourself. Rest is still important then… Howver, don’t discount chemo and it’s benefits if necessary.

Sending you love and luck,


Thanks Nikki. I had sample nodes taken with the WLE and 1 out of 9 showed as being affected. This time they are going for total clearance. They can’t yet tell what the stage or size is (although it feels like a big gob stopper to me!). I suppose I’ll need to wait until the path results.

Best wishes.


Hi Carol,
Sorry to hear your news ,you must be devastated.
I am 5 weeks post mastectomy and LD flap recon,same as you are having.
I would have managed a short flight last week fine,but it would have tired me out so factor that in to your plans.Make someone else carry bags etc.
It will be good for you to have something to look forward to!
Best wishes