Its good news week

Its good news week

Its good news week Hi all - just had to let you all know - I have finished, yes finished with the Tamoxifen - its been two years of hell. No more tablets for me thank you very much.
Wh - hoooooooooooooo

I am not taking an alternative - I am doing fine according to the Breast Clinic - they have even given me a 12 month appointment so another
Wh - hooooooooo

Will keep you informed of my progress.

David W

Congratulations Just wanted to say well done, David, for coming to the end of your Tamoxifcen run. You must feel so liberated! Deirdre.

Hope you atart to feel better Hi David

A big decision made! I do hope that you start to feel a bit better as the stuff gets out of your system.

Take care an my regard to the family


That’s great, David! I only have 1.5 years more of Tamoxifen - can’t wait! Hope it clears your system quickly.
