Just what I am thinking. If only I could see the future, I could deal with the will be, rather than worry about the mightbe or hope for the maybe.
Meanwhile I just sit and wait, for the next scan to see if the enemy within has roused its troops and is winning any battles. Which reminds me of a quote from years ago, on a promotional ‘quote for the day’ thing we got at work, “You don’t have to win every battle to win the war”.
This is my hope then, that I win this war. For my children, my husband and my parents, my brothers, the others and my friends. And for me, because I LOVE them all so much and I love my life.
On a lighter note, did you hear the one about…
L x L x L
I will toast that - heres to winning the war!
Clarabelle xx
Yep - I know where you’re coming from! I guess us mets girls just live for the ‘stable’, ‘no spread’ results days don’t we? In between we live our lives as ordinarily as possible - medication allowing - but it can be very surreal at times. I too love my family and my life and just hope and pray I can enjoy both for a long time still to come. Here’s to all of us and may we all win the war
Nicky x
Hi girls,
I so agree, here`s to winning the war!!
I also know where youre coming from when you say it
s so surreal,
the only time I know I,m ill at the moment(thank god) is when I go to the hospital and I see their faces it scares the life out of me!
I have such a wonderful team though.
Im off to play golf now ,non of the ladies know about my secondaries so it
s bliss.
Then off to eurodisney with my grandchildren next week…my b.c. nurse told me to do as much as I can whils`t I can…how scary is that!!..sooo surreal.
Take care,