It's late

Does anyone else feel so tired during the day but can’t switch off at night

Good morning Tinylion

Hopefully you manage to drop off at some stage, isn’t it is a pain as soon as our heads hit the pillow the brain does overtime, and it goes on and on I think maybe best to get up make a nice cup of tea try, read a book all very easy said than done sometimes happens to me I put the TV on or play a game on the computer I know this is all the wrong things but there you go.

Is there anything on your mind at the moment if so please let us know and maybe somebody on here will pick up and be able to help you.

Happy Sunday and have a nice walk in the park and get some fresh air I think it always helps.

biggest hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow:

I have been diagnosed twice once 19 years ago and this time in June 2022. I must say this time it’s been easier as I knew what to expect more. That is, to be surrounded by people who are a bit like Gods and don’t speak English. None of them communicate with each other and certainly not with the GPs or patients. I try and treat them as normal human beings and remember I am as good as them and just cos they have trained for yonks there’s a reason some of them become surgeons - they prefer their patients sedated or unconscious. Not that I am prejudiced in any way…
