Okay I’m sure i’m not the only one who has the seasonal lurgy. Now into its fourth week, and the lymph nodes under my jaw are up and the throat is two huge painful lumps and the phlegm is still thick and green… Hello, Yes it’s just the seasonal and everyone I know has it. I’m generous like that. I know enough that if a cough is productive you should not use things like night-nurse to suppress it, or the nasty germ-filled gunge wil just build up and have a party in your lungs instead, but hey, the guys in the other flats need to sleep. Hey, I need to sleep!
I’m here for a moan because after four weeks of hacking my guts up all day and all night, it’s getting me down. I’m ready to dose me up with piriton and sleep for a week, but I know that wouldn’t be good for the lungs, and I know that if I went to my doctor she will be very kind and sign me off - Oh no, you’re not working now, are you, well just stay home then - but not bother with antibiotics because “these things are mostly viral anyway…” How long do you carry on and pretend it will all get better soon, before the ideas of “things worse than germs” in your lungs sneak up and worry you and you want to get a chest x-ray? So far I have managed to remember that not every little bump or ache or pain is the cancer coming back but this is just going on too long…
As you say, most probably a seasonal lurgy that lingers.
I was told right at the start as a rule of thumb that anything that goes on more than 2 weeks ought to be checked out. To be honest if I’d had a yukky cough for four weeks as you have, I’d probably have been wanting it checked anyway, cancer or no cancer (and I HATE going to doctors). I’ve already had two seaosnal lurgies and coughed for almost exactly two weeks each time
Hope you get it sorted and it’s just a nasty seasonal lurgy.
Wanted to chip in here, was dx in march this year with primary and secondary mets on both lungs. I know complete and utter nightmare. I also had a cough not initially it developed back in august just before my mx (I did inform all at the hospital that I had a cough) went through surgery and back home still coughing my guts up well not coughing that much up but coughing by this time I have gone out of my mind thinking that this is it, my number is up, but its gradually got better and now almost completely gone, this cough had nothing to do with the lung mets it was a viral infection (obviously could of done without it) but its gone, breathing is fine and found out that the chemo worked as all the mets have shrunk to tiny and are unchanged or stable from the last ct scan back in june. Also lots of other non cancer patients have had a cough that goes on and on all my neighbours and friends have had a similar cough so there is alot of it about at the moment and the cough seems to be the common symptom of this virus. I would advise you go to your dr, I went to mine an got anti-biotics in the beginning of course they did not work cause its a virus, but still as its been a month already I would go to the drs and get checked out. But if its the same virus as what we’ve all had it takes months to go away.
Sending love, light and healing vibes
Hope you feel better soon
Sarahlousie xx
Thank you both for your encouragements and perspective. I guess it’s yet another duvet day for me then. Need to be more patient but I think the burn-out and stress of all the last two years is finally getting to me and also can’t forget seeing dad with his lung cancer not so long ago. That showed up as a won’t-go-away cough over Christmas… and he was dead within six months. Not that anything like anti-depressants would help a cough, and I couldn’t possibly try counselling in this state so I just need to ride it out.
That’s monday morning sorted then Boo yeah I don’t like going to the docs either, last time I turned up with a problem, I ended up with a mastectomy and rads and lymphoedema.
Although have to say, the honey lemon and brandy worked quite well - same chest but i didn’t care so much… for a while.
PS sorry for the excessive clinical details, it probably was Too Much Information for some, I don’t always screen well when unwell.
But glad nobody thinks it’s a recurrence