I've finished my 5 years tamoxifen, ready to get pregnant but doubts! Help!

Hello my name is Emily, I was dx in 2008 grade 1 stage 1 bc, had mastectomy and hormone therapy, no chemo or rads.
my main goal throughout my journey was to have a family, ands I have a lovely partner and home and we are very ready. I was told by onc and bc nurse that we could try three months after I finished tamoxifen, which I trust BUT I’m scared that its too soon and hat something could be wrong with baby i(if we are lucky enough to get pregnant when we first start trying). I was fine with three months but now its next month hat we can try, doubts are tarting to kick in…its just been a dream before now! my partner is also scared…we do not know anyone our age who has been through anything like this (28) and had children after!
Can anyone help me, or advise if you have been through this or been told this, we feel quite Aloan as we really wan a baby but are both so scared and want o enjoy it and not fear it!!
thank you for reading
Emily x

Hi Emily

I am sure your fellow forum users will be along soon to give you some much needed support, there are a number of users of this site who are a similar age to yourself so I’m sure they’ll be only too happy to exchange experiences with you.

While you are waiting I have put for you below links to some of BCC’s publications you might find helpful. Also our helpline team are just a free phone call away where you can talk in confidence to the staff here. Lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2 0808 800 6000



Take care,

Jo, Moderator

My sister was on Tamoxifen for 2 years and then went on to have a 2nd baby afterwards. No problems at all with pregnancy or birth. Fingers crossed for you.