I've gone ginger!!!

Had my hair coloured for the first time since it’s started to grow back. Just wanted something similair to my own colour to cover the grey but it turned out ginger. Had the option to have it re coloured but I really liked it!


Not Sure how long since you finished your treatment or what treatment your on, but I know after chemo and rads it’s not advisable to colour your hair. x

I borrowed a semi perminant hair dye from my daughter and have come out ginger (well auben) too. I pancked at first cos it wouldn’t wash out (i’m very grey) but actually really like it now- who says it’s the blonds that have all the fun!

Well done, I’ve gone orange.

Hi Muffett
I waited 6 months as advised!


me too I won’t do anything with it until February - I really don’t know what colour to go for though as I quite like my ‘silver’! x

Ha Ha how strange ive just coloured mine since finishing treatment and mines gone ginger aswell anyway its better than grey fluff x maybe this is another late side effect girls LOL x

My hairdresser actually put on my record card for colour ‘it will be a lottery!!!’


Just had mine coloured and hairdresser advised a strand test as she couldn’t say what colour I would go! I decided just to go for it and see what happened. Guess what another ginger here! Its gone curly as well never even had a curl before!(I used a vegetable based colour so it was kinder to skin) I think it is just a Lottery for a while!!!