Jane Tomlinson

I have just seen the news and am also very sad to hear of the death of Jane Tomlinson.
Her family must be very proud of all that she has achieved in the past 7 years.
I was diagnosed Jan 06, doing fine now but have not plucked up the courage to read Jane’s book
which I have had for nearly a year but will now try and find out more about this remarkable person.

To her husband, children and family our thoughts are with you at this sad time.


Dear all

There is a report on Jane now on Channel 4.

Cecelia. x

Jane - RIP - you have touched us all and are a total inspiration.

Jane was a very brave lady, she touched everyone and her family must be very proud of her. My prayers are with them. Rest in Peace Jane.


Just wanted to add my condolences to the others. May you rest in peace Jane xx


I am very sad to hear that jane has lost her battle… what a truly amazing and inspirational lady… one that will never be forgotten…I particulary found her books very factual as she told the truth with how this disease effects us bc sufferers…

rest in peace jane… my thoughts are with your family…

Love jakki

RIP Jane, you were unique.
Thinking of her hubby and children. How i cried seeing the little guy shouting his mummy on when she was swimming.
I dont know if i could read her book, but i am sure it is wonderful.

we all have our places in life, Jane was here to show us what can be achieved, and well, not a lot you can say really, except that all our love goes to her family and to let them know what a fantastic person she was, she never gave up the fight, as none of us ever should, no matter what the prognosis

lots of love


Very sad news - an inspirational lady - read her first book a couple of years ago after my diagnosis. Gave me a real boost and lifted my mood. Currently half way through her second book - will be hard now to finish given the news. My condolances to her family and friends. A great, spirited lady!!!


A very sad day.
What a truly Insprational Brave Lady.
Sending my thoughts & condolances to her family and Friends.


What sad news.
She was a true inspiration. If I only acheive a fraction in my life, of what she did in her lifetime, I’d be very proud.

Lisa x (Aged 28, Dx 1 yr ago)

Was really sad to hear this news, her courage and dignity shone thru as did her love of life.

As with so many of you, my condolences to her family, they must be so proud of her.


what a lady, so inspirational to all who are fighting this awfull disease, she really was a fighter rest in piece ,my condolances to her family at this sad time, lynn (56. diognosed may 06)

When I was diagnosed I really didn’t want to start running, swimming and biking and I felt quite inadequate compared with the newspaper reports on Jane Tomlinson’s achievements. Then I read her book, “The Luxury of Time” and I realised she really was a fantastic woman - it’s a really honest book that tells it how it is. She isn’t always lovely, her husband lets her down by going to the pub rather than being with her when he needs her, and she gets cross and pissed off with her family.

Yes she was a great woman and she has been a great role model, even if you don’t want to be an ironman.

Jane - rest in peace, or go on running up in heaven.

Just wanted to echo what so many others have already said.

Jane Tomlinson was a truly inspirational lady who certainly knew how to live life to the full.

I am so saddened to hear of her passing and my condolances go to her family, friends and all those who were fortunate enough to know her.

R.I.P. Jane, I hope you have gone to a much better place and are at peace, free from pain,


RIP Jane. i’m going to cut her picture out of the newspaper and whenever i start feeling sorry for myself i’ll look at it and remember her message. deepest sympathy to her family and friends.

A wonderful. inspirational lady. Also, lets not forget the support she must have had from her friends and family, to allow her to acheive those amazing goals. I heard her husband in an interview once, and it seemed to me that he gave up a lot to support her, though I know he did this willingly and with love.

My thoughts are with you all, and I hope your good memories sustain you through these dark days ahead.

Love irene

I was deeply saddened to hear of Jane’s death, I have always run and in the difficult days of chemo last year for secondary cancer I kept myself going out with thoughts of , if she can do it so can I ! I have read both her books and she comes across as very realistic but determined not to give in. They are also an illustration of how normal family life goes on despite devastating illness. She was completely without self pity. I did wonder how her kids coped with the constant reiteration of the fact that her illness was terminal. She was a great role model for them. I hope that the fact that she touched so many people’s lives is a comfort to all her family

A very brave lady that her family must be immensely proud of. She has been a huge inspiration to me and I would like to thank her and her family. May she rest in peace now.

Lisa x