Jane Tomlinson

I have just heard of Jane Tomlinson’s death and I felt that I needed to say something. When I heard I cried, I didn’t know Jane but thought that she was a real inspiration to all those affected by breast cancer. What a wonderful woman, my thoughts are with her husband, children and family at this time. If we could all do what she has done then a cure for this terrible disease would not be far away. Thank you Jane.

Nancy ( 33,diagnosed 3 years ago)

I completely agree with you Nancy. I was very sad to read of Jane Tomlinson’s death also. She has achieved so much in her life in spite of this terrible disease and should be an inspiration to everybody with or without breast cancer. My thoughts are with her family and friends at this time. I never knew her but was always interested and very heartened by her many achievements. She was an inspiration to us all.

Anne (37)

Hi Nancy,

I too was very touched to hear the new about Jane.

She was a remarkable woman and a real inspiration.

My thoughts too are with her family.

Fay (38 undergoing chemo for secondary breast cancer)


I can only repeat what has been said above, my thoughts are with her family and friends.

I was diagnosed at 28 and with secondaries at 29 reading about Janes life and seeing her attitude towards this horrible evil disease really helped me and pushed me to thinking i had a life still and to fight with everything i have! I will continue with this attitude and know Janes achievements will continue to encourage until this thing is beaten.

My love to all Lynnc (30)

Thank god for people like jane tomlinson, who has shown people you can live with breast cancer and still acheive great things. She has done so much work to rasie cash for charities even though she knew there was no hope of a happy ending for her and her family. She really has been a inspiration to everybody and my thoughts and prayers are with her family who must be devasteated but also so proud to have known such a brave selfless woman

I am very sad and shocked to hear of Jane’s death, she has been through so much and achieved so much I almost didn’t expect her ever to die from breast cancer although it was inevitable.

As someone who has been “a runner” for many years she always inspired me that I could anything, after all I didnt have breast cancer and secondaries to contend with too. Then when I was diagnosed with breast cancer her story helped me to believe that there is still life and to grasp it with both hands, hence I try to live every day to the full and try not to waste the time I have left worrying about what might be (although that is never easy).

My love to her husband and lovely daughters and son who she at least has seen grow up.

Pauline (44) x


Oh how sad to hear that this spunky lady has died.
Condolences to all who knew her.


She was a true inspiration.

Condolances to her family


Very sad to hear this. Condolences to her family, friends and all who knew her.


Very sad to hear that this brave, inspirational lady has passed away. Condolences to her family, friends and all who knew her- R.I.P.


Ive just read - she was a true legend!

How sad! I pass my condolences to all who knew her.

Dear All

Indeed, I echo everything you have all said. She was an amazing lady and my heart goes out to her family and friends. She will be long remembered.

What an amazing woman Jane was - an absolute inspiration to us all.

My deepest sympathies to her family, and friends.

Julie x

Dear Jane, Rest in Peace.

Just wanted to echo everything said.

Condolences to her family, an amazing inspirational woman, she will be sorely missed.

Cecelia. x

RIP Jane, she was so inspirational. An amazing lady.

My thoughts are with her husband Mike and her three children

Ruthie xx

I didn’t know much about Jane Tomlinson until I read her book - The Luxury of Time. It was most inspiring. She seemed to cope remarkably, juggling cancer, work and family life. To me the greatest thing about her was her courage. When suffering great pain she seemed to push her body and spirit to the very limit. Thank you Jane for making me realise I am not the only one out there who has had poor GP care. But mostly, thank you for giving me the courage and hope that getting cancer doesn’t have to mean you lie down and die.

My thoughts are with her family of which she had great support.

God bless.


I can only echo what has already been said.

Jane was a real inspiration, I thought that before I was diagnosed with bc last month.

My heartfelt condolences to her family.


God Bless Jane a true inspiration to us all.
Sincere condolences to her family and friends.


Jane was a truly inspirational woman who fought her illness with much courage and dignity…A very brave woman.
God bless Jane.
Sincere condolences to her husband and children.
