Google Alert has just sent me an article that appeared in the Daily Mail dated 5 September. I am assuming this is your case. This story is incredible. How this can happen in this day and age is beyond belief. I had no idea he had been that bad. Next thing I want to hear is that he has been struck off the register.
You must be very relieved that it is all over. And what an achievement! You have put up a great fight and I hope this will give you closure.
You are an inspiration to me. Reading about your case helps me to fight on. To know that some people do go on and win is very positive news for me.
The on-line Daily Mail article left me thinking that a good case was being made, but that it is still ongoing. There is no confirmation that he will definitely be struck off which will be at the end of the hearing.
It look good and I’m sure JaneRA is pleased, but don’t pop the champagne corks just yet.
20 days were set aside for this, so it is unlikely to be all over on day 1.
Holeybones is absolutely right. No champagne corks popping yet please.
I was simply a witness yesterday giving evidence for 3 hours. I decided to suspend anonymity which means I am now being identifed by name in the press. Times on-line carries a report if anyone ones to read it.
Thanks Jeannie: I hadn’t seen the Daily Mail.
There are three weeks to go in the case and much more evidence to be heard yet.
PS Please don’t believe everything the newspapers might say I said!
Just discovered this thread. Sadly the GMC fail to strike off a number of doctors who, to my mind at least, fail patients comprehensively and repeatedly.
Consider the case of Dr John Brennan who was the Director of the East Devon Breast Screening Service. According to a GMC press release published in 2002 he failed to carry out the triple assessment on numerous patients, failed to recall for assessment women recorded at the time of screening as having significant clinical signs or symptoms, and even assaulted another doctor in a car park. Neither Brennan nor his colleague Dr Graham Urquhart, who similarly failed to carry out triple assessments, were struck off despite being found guilty of serious professional misconduct. They merely had so-called ‘strict’ conditions put on their registration. (I believe that one, or possibly both, doctors later managed to get some of these conditions lifted but I can’t find the reference for this.)
If you want to know further details please see the GMC press release on:
The press release is absolutely shocking and demonstrates just how hard it can be to get justice and just how difficult it is to get a doctor struck off.
Clearly Jane is wise in saying that she cannot pop the champagne cork yet. Let’s hope that five years on the GMC is prepared to be tougher. Jane, I wish you luck and commend you for being so brave and determined.