Thank you to so many of you who have posted tributes for Jane. I am always touched deeply when I return to this site to read them. She spent hours on the forums and found great comfort in having a voice there. It is so pleasing to know she was appreciated by so many.
I am keen to find ways to ensure that others are able to read some of Jane’s blog, essays and posts on the issues around breast cancer. Can anyone suggest how this can be achieved.
I am also keen to ensure that all her books on cancer are free to anyone who would like them or again how best might I get these into hands who would appreciate and learn from them. Jane’s research into breast cancer was extensive and I am sure others will be able to benefit from these. Any advise would be very welcome.
To all women with this dreadful disease I wish you strength and hope.
Hi Rita
I am sure there are lots of people on here that will never forget Jane. I lost my daughter to breast cancer on June 10th 2008 … I can’t believe its 2 years now since I last saw my beuatiful girl, it still feels like a few days ago.
I will never forget the support and advice that Jane gave us both before and after Lisa died.
I can’t help with your question but I would certainly like to read more from her. I know that she did a lot of research and was very down to earth about this damned disease that is taking women’s lives far too young.
So nice to good to hear from you. Jane gave so many of us such sound and knowledgable advice and I and am sure many others would definitely benefit from being able to read her blogs and her books so if there is any way I can get to read them I certainly appreciate. I have secondary breast cancer.
Thank you for thinking of us all Rita, do hope we can get hold of the literature some how.
Hi Rita,
Jane was a real force on this site and I really miss her well researched advice and opinions (even if they were a little abrasive at times!)
I’m not sure how you would go about getting the posts published - although I for one would like to read them again.
I would think somewhere like’the Haven’ would appreciate her books - or what about Christies - not sure if either have a library but it would enable a lot of sufferers and their families to access useful information if they did.
best wishes
jane was one special lady and is greatly missed on the forums with her no nonsense advice and what a legacy to have her posts imortalised to help others i wish you well ,and hope its not long before they can be printed ,hope your coping ok .xx
Hi Rita
I remember Jane from 2004 when I used to read and not post very much (too shy). I was intrigued by her knowledge and strength. I could tell she was a special person and I was so sorry to hear she has gone. I send my deepest sympathy to you. I have come back in 2010 because bc had come back to me.
Hugs to you
I never met Jane - but wish I had done. I loved her posts, her knowledge and straight, excellent way of communicating were inspirational. Even now when someone puts on certain posts I think of Jane and how she would respond.
I am glad to see that her blog is still active and frequently steer people towards it with it’s and excellent articles. I do hope that her blog can remain there as it is good to refer to especially for people to learn about the real impact of this disease and underlying political messages. I think the BCC team were putting together a list of blogs so would be good to have Jane’s added.
Thanks you for coming to visit us Rita and I wish you all the very best. Jane’s legacy will live on, she was one amazing woman.
Hi Rita
I am another one that always admired Jane’s posts, and ill never foget her.
It would be good if this site could put a link to her blog, or failing that if members could bump this message up from time to time with a link in it - perhaps the site managers could advise. As to the books, is there a breast cancer care centre or Maggie centre near that would take them for their library - you could put a note in them that they were given by Jane?
I just wanted to let you know that we are planning to get in contact with Rita off-forum to discuss how we can help to maintain JaneRA’s legacy. Please do continue to post your suggestions here as well.
Thank you for responding re JaneRA’s legacy be great if we can get to read all her writings I am sure they will benefit all of us with secondary breast cancer.
Hi Rita,
Just wanted to say hello and I hope you’re doing okay. We still talk about Jane on the forums and I think of her often, and when I do i wonder how you are too.
It’s a great idea to keep her valuable thoughts alive to new readers. I hope BCC can help you find a way. Having a permanent link to her blog from this site would be a great start.
Once again i’d just like to say how much i admired Jane. I learned a lot from her and enjoyed her company so much when we met up.
Love to you Rita
Hi, I feel so bad. I have not been back for a long time.
In 2006 I posted a message to Jane, wishing her all the best & said I hoped her cancer would be cured. She replied in a most abrupt manner telling me her cancer would not be cured. At that time I had only just been diagnosed & didn’t fully understand the disease, so I felt very hurt. She replied with an apology. Ever since that day I have kept up with her news, her good work on here & her commitment to helping others. I never told her this. Today, the 1st thing that came into my head, when I was told my cancer had returned was I need to talk to Jane (selfish I know).
So, here I am, not even sure when she passed away, just wishing I could send a message saying, actually I followed so many of your threads & your website.
What a brilliant lady & my sincerest condolences to all of those she helped (including me)
A link to Jane’s blog is surely all that can be achieved from this site.
Jane was a great force on this forum particularly with regard to Triple Neg. But by her own admission - and I hope you won’t mind me saying this Rita - she was not infallible and never claimed to be. I can’t imagine that she would value all of her posts (which she can no longer reconsider and edit) being enshrined as some kind of gospel truth.
Personally what I derived from Jane was the impetus to question and self-educate - and rattle cages. I think that is a fitting legacy. Encouraging people to take control of their lives and health, to not be intimdiated by doctors and science and to be VERY VERY cynical about all the mythical mumbo jumbo that surrounds this disease.
In the 2 years since I have been using these boards so many women have died - Jane, Kay, Bahons, Debsincornwall … All of them contributed enormously to my understanding and experience of this disease.
Is it therefore fair to just laud one forum member? Given Jane’s socialist soul I don’t think Jane would really appreciate that would she Rita?
I was thinking this too,so many inspirational, knowledgeable and helpful women who have passed in the two and a half years since I first came on here.Dippykate being one I will always remember with her Gobby gang. Such an inspiration and kind and helpful.
Beautifully & sensitively put msmolly - I can almost hear Jane laughing. We can add to those names that of Bahons2 and the amount of knowledge and help she gave to those suffering with lymphodema.