January 2024 radiotherapy starters

Hi Copperycat. I am 7 weeks out from treatment now and I have a seroma too. My breast is still quite swollen. The physio keeps advising that this is a common reaction so not to worry at this stage but I can’t help thinking it might be lymphedema. I did have a VERY bruised and swollen breast after surgery as I had a haematoma so I think the RT has triggered this off again. It’s not terrible but is annoying and tender. Feels a bit like breastfeeding again! Any particular massage tips? Are there any good YouTube clips? I am not sure I am doing it right xxx


Sorry to hear that @blue80. Sounds similar to me. I feel like I’m growing another boob! I don’t have any places to recommend looking for tips about massage. I’ve done that much reading about it that I now can’t remember where I picked up most of the info! I know I read that when massaging, work towards the middle of the seroma/haemotoma. So from the bottom up, top down, far left and far right towards the middle. Also I find most of my info from Dr Liz O’Riordan. I follow her on IG and she is a goldmine of information, having BC herself. She is also on Youtube. She did this episode about Lymphoedema which I thought was brilliant. The Dr she was talking to had brilliant advice.One I took away that I do every day is “shake you arms in the air like you just don’t care”! it apparently wakes up the lymphatic system.

When I saw the nurse yesterday she advised massaging the arm on my surgery side as this will also help. Best wishes to you, hope you get some relief soon xxx

Hope that helps a bit.

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Thank you. Yes, I have watched a few of her things and agree she is brilliant. Will give this a view…and do some arm shaking :grin: xxx

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Hi dear, sorry for your situation, I had a bit seroma too but I used to do lots of exercise and I watched also on YouTube videos for lymphatic massage after mastectomy and I found them very well. In time seroma goes.
I started now water aerobics and I feel better with, as I have pain in all my bones :sob:
Take care :kissing_heart: and big hug :hugs: to all .
Happy Easter :rabbit::hatching_chick::rabbit:


I had final phone appointment with oncologist, so just the anastrazole for 10 years! he suggested acupuncture for hot flushes but there is bound to be a wait, and as some one else said to expect joint pain. Managing this with pain killers most of the time. Still getting tiredness hitting me randomly - I can do a 20 mile bike ride ok then go for a short walk and absolutely done for.
Really strange feeling that that’s it!
Actually I have a surgical review en of May as my nipple is ‘tethered- sideways’ . At least it will be a chance to ask anything in person.
Good luck to all of you with your recovery. Happy Easter x

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Coppery and blue, sorry to hear about the seromas. Really hope the various and varied advice helps you both. I don’t have a seroma but still have a very sore axilla and chest post mastectomy and node removal (7) so 8 months on. I do my exercises daily too.


Hi Cami, I empathise with pain in the bones. I have that too, and joint aches.

Elsie, great you have a follow up.

Does anyone know what checks they will have going forward? I’m going to discuss that with surgeon in April as my lump was mammo occult so not confident mammograms will be very useful as I have dense breast tissue.

I wonder whether anyone has got them to agree to do an ultrasound on chest and underarm on mastectomy side by way of follow up too?

Does anyone else have a rash and itching on the other side of chest following radiotherapy?

Hope you all have a lovely Easter


Hi daffodil1. Mine didn’t show on mammogram either so my follow up is going to include MRI for next 2 years. Apparently Tamoxifen should make my breasts less dense after that. We shall see! I also had a recent ultrasound after radiotherapy as one of my lymph nodes swelled up. That was just for reassurance so hopefully they will offer you the same.

I don’t have itching on opposite side but again if you are worried I would ask your breast care team. I suppose the whole process will have taken its toll on your body and I guess an inflammatory response elsewhere could happen. Aloe vera and antihistamine helps me. Take care xxx


Hello to all.
After 6 weeks radiotherapy I developed a bad sore throat, had antibiotics a week, but after a month still felt a pain on my right side of the neck. Ultrasound done, all come back clear, probably side effects from radiotherapy, I still feel a pain when I move my neck but I am happy is nothing to worry.
How is everyone doing? Hopefully you are feeling better, and have more energy.
I am happy with my water aerobics class 3 times per week, and sometimes I am walking too
In Ireland after treatment I will have checked by oncology team every year and also once a year by breast cancer surgery team, so will be split every 6 months to see one of them. Still can contact my oncology nurse is I have any questions, and the prescription for tamoxifen and Zoladex injection is prescribed every 6 months by oncology team.
My hair is growing up I will have my hair cut in a month, I will send you a picture then.
I tried to do tattoo on my eyebrows but they said a year after treatment, so need a bit to wait more.:grin:

I wish you all the best and good health. :heart::gift_heart::kissing_closed_eyes::hugs::muscle::kissing_heart:


Well done on completing your treatment, hopefully the neck pain will ease soon. It sounds as if you have a much more comprehensive follow up than where I am. A phone call with oncologist 8 weeks after rads then just annual mammogram with open access if I have a problem. Good luck x


well done on the exercise. Aqua aerobics sounds great. Your follow up treatment sounds good too, much better than where I am. I last saw my oncologist a few days before my last chemo in December, just a follow up phone call. Now It will be annual mammograms is all and can contact if I’m worried about anything.


Due to see the BC team next week about the seroma that has gone hard after radio and also I noticed some puckering in my other breast. Hopefully nothing :crossed_fingers:

no other side effects from radio except I get tired quite often. Hope everyone is doing ok xx


Hi @copperycat

I hope everything goes ok with the seroma next week. I still tired from radiotherapy and have achy ribs that I need paracetamol to ease. I was hoping it would have settled by now :sleepy:

Like you I had a phone call before my last chemo in December from oncology team nurse to see how I was. Nothing since! I’m still under them with Herceptin but they outsourced to a private company to come to my home. The nurses from the private firm are great and I can use their helpline if I need to but it’s talking to somebody new again and I can’t be bothered. The oncology team didn’t seem to be that bothered once chemo finished. I though they may have checked in with me a month after chemo finished but no.

I did get a letter the other day saying I would get a phone call end of May from ‘one’ of the team, 5 months after chemo finished! I have a MUGA scan that day so hopefully they call when I’m not being scanned. I didn’t want to change the appointment as it would impact on another day.

I have had some contact with the breast care nurse attached to the surgical team but they don’t know much about the chemo/radio/Herceptin on going side effects.

@Camy_Radika seems to get better follow up than I do in Wales.

Take care all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @naughty_boob . It seems to be random the after treatment we get. Some areas definitely better than others!

I wondered if anyone has listened to the new podcast by Dr Liz this week which was about Radiotherapy? Also the Victoria Derbyshire one this week is also about Radiotherapy. Listened to both today and found them really interesting xx


Yes I listened to Dr Liz as she chatted with @RadChat who have a YouTube and Instagram account that I found really helpful.