January 2024 radiotherapy starters

Hi to everyone on this thread.
Just an update to keep the follow up, currently on my 6th week after finishing radiotherapy.

Nipple skin is back to its usual color and still about 20% bigger than the other one (it was doubling size one week ago). Brest is also just a little swollen, I guess I can use the nipple as an indicator for the full breast.

Got my period 43 days after the last one and 43 days on tamoxifen, it only lasted two days.


Hi, thanks for asking @daffodil1 . My back is still a bit itchy and feeling burnt like sunburn! I keep putting cream on it. I have a follow up appointment for radiotherapy soon so I’ll ask about it then. Hope you’re doing ok :hugs:


Hi copperycat, how are you doing and how is your itching?

My chest is itching so much, not just the right chest wall but the whole of the upper chest. Weirdly still no itching whatsoever in the axilla. The itching wakes me at night!

And how is everyone doing with fatigue? Mine seems to have hit more this week and last at 3-4 weeks post-treatment.

Sending best wishes to all of you


Hi @daffodil1

Sorry to hear you are still itching. Have you spoken to the radiology team to see if there is something you could take. Antihistamines or creams? Could it be a skin allergy to a product?
I’m 8 weeks post radiotherapy and still fatigued and have sore ribs (paracetamol). I had radiation on both boobs, so more intense. I’m also still on Herceptin and Letrozole so the fatigue could be them. It’s so hard to know.

@copperycat i hope you got some help from the radiology team.
@Camy_Radika how are you?


@daffodil1 definitely get checked. I itched for 5 weeks ( was taking antihistamine) before contacting review radiologist. Turns out I was reacting to the Aveeno that had been recommended. I had been putting it on both breasts with no reaction on the other side - guess the radiation made it more sensitive. After stopping, no itching after 2 days, redness after 4. It was a real relief and I wished I had said something sooner.
Good luck


I’m doing a lot better thank you @naughty_boob and @daffodil1 thank you for asking. Itching has stopped of its own accord, whne it got bad I put Radioderm gel on and that seemed to help. But mine was on my back - so odd! I have my check up call on Monday so will ask.

@elsie1 so interesting about Aveeno. just shows what unexpected side effects the radiotherapy can cause.

I’m 4 weeks after radio , and have days when I’m tired and days when I’m fine. not sure if its radio, post chemo, or Letrozole. could be any!


Glad the itching has settled. I am 6 weeks post treatment now and still impatient to feel ‘normal’. My poor boob is still very bruised and a bit swollen. My BCN team very supportive and just telling me it will take time but I suppose I just want to get to a point where I know what is normal for me going forward. Partly so I can check myself for any other nastiness, but also so I can buy some new bras!!! I had fatigue around 4 weeks post treatment. It has eased a bit but poorly children not helping with sleep deprivation this week :sleeping: Take car everyone. Onwards and upwards! Xxx


Hello @copperycat , @daffodil1 , @naughty_boob @blue80 @elsie1 and all girls.
Hopefully everyone is doing well.
I am well, I had last week the check up with the oncology team and 3 weeks ago with the Breast team. Only chatting, no tests scans or bloods test, they said is not necessary.
Only checked my brest manually and said I will have mammography in a few weeks, and repeat every year.
I will said I am recovering very well after all
Tamoxifen and Zoladex injection every 28 days, well, here is a lot more painful than all treatment I had. Hips and shoulders, joint all in pain, oncologist said is normal, because of hormones are blocked. A bit rash from Tamoxifen on my arms and chest, I am on antihistamines from years but rash doesn’t disappear, oncology team said is common but not to worry. Is not itchy.
Skin is very dry and I am using E45 from the beginning of the treatment, I am still in medical leave till May, and probably then I will return at work.
Five weeks after radiotherapy I had sore throat and sinus infections, got antibiotics for a week, three weeks later throat still sore on one side, I ask for ultrasound, they checked me manually but said is nothing to worry, but I am so I insist on ultrasound so I am waiting appointment.
I had read your messages and I am happy to hear that everyone is doing pretty well.
My life routine is back to normal, I hope from next week I will start water aerobics to stretch my bones :grin::smiling_face:
My hair is growing, in a few weeks I will dye my her, oncologist said is ok, my last chemo was in November. So I hope my hair will be growth enough :joy:.
I am still using the wig, now more often than before, as the weather is nice and we go out. My children are well.
Hopefully you all have a better days and got your energy back.
Big hug :hugs:
All my best wishes.
Happy Easter :rabbit::hatching_chick::rabbit:


Great to hear from you @Camy_Radika . Sorry you are having to push for an ultrasound but good for you advocating for yourself. Hope you get your appointment soon.

Water aerobics sounds great fun! Have you heard of knitted knockers? They knit and crochet prosthetics and they do one for swimming! Done by volunteers and they are free. I’ve ordered an aqua one for swimming - brilliant reviews of them!

I’m just a bit behind you with the hair growth. Can’t wait for it to be a little longer - it’s barely a buzz cut.

Wishing you a happy Easter with your family. :hugs:


Hi dear, thank you for your message.
I never heard about them, probably here in Ireland are not available.
My hair is not big but start growing, hopefully I will have some before I will return to work.
All my best wishes, take care :kissing_heart:


So lovely to hear you are doing well.

I don’t blame you pushing for an ultrasound and hope it isn’t too long a wait.

Water aerobics sounds great, it will be good to have the water supporting your body.

You look so beautiful in your photo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi dear, thank you for your message.
How’re you doing, you done your radiation weeks ago, are you recovering well?
Are you on hormones block therapy?
I am so with less power and the hormones therapy gave me bones joint pain, I feel so weak.
Hopefully you are feeling well.
Big hug :hugs:

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Hi @Camy_Radika

Yes radiotherapy finished 9 weeks ago, my ribs are still very tender, still taking paracetamol . I’m now on Letrozole with lots of achy joints, hot flushes/sweats and really poor sleep. I have been referred to a menopause clinic but I think the wait is quite long. Hoping the side effects will settle, I started the Letrozole the day after last radiotherapy, told it can take 3-6 months to settle :unamused:

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What a beautiful photo, you look great :blush:

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Hello everyone

Cami that is a lovely photo, you look great. Hope the ultrasound is sorted out very soon for you. Well done for sorting that out.

Sounds like everyone is doing OKish compared to when we were on chemo but we all still have various ongoing symptoms. Not easy is it?

I have been discharged all too readily by radiotherapy but I’m still itchy and rashy with even a little bit of a rash on the opposite side to where radiotherapy was. Still no symptoms in axilla. I find it all very strange. I have my medical oncology appointment tomorrow so think I will raise it there and ask him to arrange a further appt with clinical radiology to go through the scans with me. I’m spending a lot of time worrying if the right area was zapped.

You are all a wonderful bunch of ladies


Hi naughtyboob, really hope the menopause clinic can help, I know Maggie’s has a specialist menopause course, might be worth a look too xx


Coppery, hope your follow up call went well too xx

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Thanks @daffodil1 i will look into that🥰

Hi yes it went ok thanks. I actually felt very fatigued over the weekend and lightheaded and just generally out of sorts . The nurse who I spoke with ( who was from the BC team not radiology for some reason) said it’s not unusual to feel like this sometimes going forward. It’s not unusual but good to keep an eye on everything in case things develop. I kind of know this but it’s hard to know what’s ok and what’s not!

Anyway I told her about the seroma I have had since before chemo and how it has now become rock hard following radio. So I have to go in to see them at the BC clinic tomorrow to see if they can drain it( unlikely as it’s so hard) or see what else they might be able to do, if anything. It feels tender and annoying so hope they can do something :crossed_fingers:t2:


quick update - went today for check up on the seroma. The nurse said because I have sensation where it is above the scar it would be painful for her to drain without anaesthetic. She said she wasn’t qualified enough to do anything so I am being referred to the breast clinic in a few weeks time to see if they can do anything. If they can’t drain it they might use ultrasound to break it up.

But it looks like radio has made it worse. I have to keep massaging it 3-4 times a day and also keep doing my arm exercises :smiling_face_with_tear: