January 2024 radiotherapy starters

Hi there. I start 31st too. I am having the 5 day protocol though but hope others can answer on 15 day. I share your concerns about pain. My shoulder is moving fine but is still v stiff and tender. I am doing my exercises but it feels a bit ‘clicky’. I might try and speak to the physio. The other question I had was whether anyone can recommend any clothing/vests. I have had a look on line and most seems to have elastane or lycra in. I would prefer pure cotton or silk…anyone got any suggestions? I do have sensitive skin so I know I will react! Also, what have people taken antihistamine wise? I normally take fexofenadine in the spring/summer for hayfever but wondering if other types better as sure I heard fexofenadine not specifically for skin irritation. Xxx

@Camy_Radika is due to finish her 15 sessions today, so maybe she can help.

I’m only having 5 starting today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi @blue80 i have Fexofenadine and it’s a really good all rounder for allergies and can even help asthma. I used to take antihistamines (loratadine) mainly March to September (tree early and grass pollen later). If I have any allergic reaction it’s good to take. Doctor advised taking Fexofenadine year round due to asthma. During chemotherapy I stopped Fexofenadine as they gave me Cetirizine. I’m sure the Fexofenadine will help with any reaction. But as always check with the radiotherapy or oncology team :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m starting my 5 days today and will let you know if I have any reaction.


Good luck. Really hope any side effects are minimal. Xxx

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Good luck @naughty_boob ! Hope all goes smoothly xx

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Hi dear,
Today I had the 15th session, but I have to do another 5 session more, the radiotherapy decided that on the last moment, probably because chemotherapy I had 5/8 session, I had to stop when chemo damage my lungs.
I would said to not think to much how will be, you will see how time is flying and you will done quicker.
The hospital where I am going is 80 km far from my town, I said that the only thing I dislike on this treatment.
I am feeling soo well, and got more energy since I finished chemotherapy, I am tired but not as I was wichemo, is more like you want to sleep all day, but the radiotherapy team recommend to rest as long as you need.
Skin looks normal, sometimes is a bit red as sunburn, but after a day looks fine.
As the team recommend, I use E45 moisturiser cream but only 2 hours after the radiotherapy session, because they said radiotherapy is working on this time too.

@naughty_boob thank you for tagging me I don’t know why I don’t receive notifications on this post. I thought I am finished today but this week they decided to extend my treatment with another 5 session of radiotherapy, so I will done on 17 January.
Hopefully all are feeling better, big hug :hugs:

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@Camy_Radika I suppose the fact your chemo finished early they want to cover you with that extra radiation. Like you the travel is exhausting I am 30 miles (48km) not as far as you but the time to get there and the traffic issues on the motorway can add from 30 minutes to an hour extra time.

I seem to be getting a bit of tingling in my boobs, assume it’s the radiotherapy.

I hope the rest of your treatment goes smoothly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I agree with you, could be radiotherapy, I feel some too but I didn’t give to much attention, as I have mastectomy with lymph nodes removed.
The way to hospital is a nightmare, now I hate to travel.
My hair start to grow up :grin: but is grey colour :pensive:, but I expect to look different, my eyelashes are growing too.

I forgot to say, on my 4 session of radiotherapy, because of lymph nodes removed, I am doing radiotherapy there too, and my throat was a bit sore, with a productive cough, I told them and gave me a prescription for a mixed mouthwash, pink magic potion, and I drunk cold water too, that helped me to get healing my throat. @daffodil1 , sorry I forgot to mention :grimacing: the sore throat and productive cough after the 4 th session.
I am fine now, after 2 days throat feels better. I forgot already, but I wrote about this in our post for September chemotherapy.

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Thank you romabee, will contact Maggie’s I think, good idea. Hope you std finding the counselling helpfulxx

Someone Like Me is also a really good idea.

Thanks for the info on gaps before RT starting. Mine now starts on 31 January for 15 days.

Follow up - interesting - I think it varies between hospitals. I’ve been told I will get a mammogram once every two years as I had mastectomy on right breast. But I was mammo occult on right breast. I’d rather have MRI each year…


Hi naughtyboob, well done on starting the RT, hope it’s going OK. Is taking the antihistamine to do with RT then?
Hopefully you can relax this weekend now.

I had last chemo and first bisphosphonates yesterday so everything feels very strange…

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I hope everyone is as well as can be. I finished my 5 sessions on Tuesday and was thinking about return to work. That’s been put off as yesterday I felt very weird and spacey, and pretty nauseous. My boob is a bit sore but not too bad,
I am finding it very hard to stop, relax, I’d rather do stuff, exercise, work.


Hi @daffodil1

3 radiotherapy’s done today. Have an itchy tingly boob and a bit of a sore throat, all common side effects. Advised to take antihistamines for itchy skin but I’m already on it. Sore throat was paracetamol if required.

I have the antihistamines as I have a lot of allergies and asthma. The Fexofenadine was recommended by the GP to take all year as it helps with my asthma aswell. Although I did have quite an allergic reaction around my eyes due to dry eye problems from chemotherapy. They were dry, itchy at the tear duct but also watery. Had artificial tears from GP which has helped but the surrounding skin became very irritated ( probably more from me dabbing the eyes and rubbing too much. Anyone with eczema or allergies will understand the itch scratch cycle, when you need to break it to get your skin to heal.

So pleased you chemo has finished. :kissing_heart:How was the bisphosphinates? Was it just added at the end of your chemo? I haven’t had mine yet as I was due root canal this week, luckily the tooth is not decayed so just a new crown. I will call the team to advise and they may arrange earlier than April that was planned.

So pleased your radiotherapy has completed. Don’t rush back to work unless you are able to work flexibly. I was informed that 2 weeks afterwards the fatigue can kick in and last a few more weeks. Depending on your job and their flexibility if you go in and then are off again. I work in a school and you’re either in or not. There is no flexibility.

Take time to heal, radiotherapy works inside your body and it’s hard to see. Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Can’t remember where I saw or heard this. But the radiotherapy rooms are really cold. With your whole top half exposed it ca be really chilly. I cur the feet off an old pair of long socks and wear them on my arms. They really keep my arms warm and my body was not so cold. The staff said it was a good idea. You can also use leg warmers or cut off the arms of old long sleeved tshirt.

Hope it helps someone else🥰


Hey all,

I’m 3 days into 15 days of radio, it’s hitting me harder than I expected for only 3 sessions… I’m pretty fatigued already and my breast is achey with a few shooting pains sometimes. It’s slightly worrying me that this has happened so early on in treatment, hoping it doesn’t get too much worse. No skin changes yet, but have been told they may happen as treatment progresses. Hope you are all well and sending positive vibes XX


Great idea to keep your arms warm! At my initial CT scan they advised wearing a vest or cami top and they can roll it down so keeps the tummy warm!

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Had an information meeting today, included chance to ask questions and a tour of radiotherapy area and ‘demo’ of how equipment worked. They suggested taking own dressing gown to lay over tummy and legs as can be cold. First session due to start next Wednesday- just be glad to finally get there as it will have been 4 weeks since planning session and 12 weeks since surgery. Waiting is the worst!!!
Good luck to all X


Hi naughtyboob, love the long socks idea!!! Thank you for that.
Really good advice about antihistamines too as I tend to get prickly heat rash, have had bad reactions to all the dressings for PICC line, skin doesn’t like metals, plasters, latex etc, burn in the sun, and skin generally likes being left alone. So 15 days of RT does sound a lot. I’m moisturising twice a day now with Moogoo. Will ask team which ones I’m allowed to take. Might help.
Yes, bisphosphonates were added at end of chemo on Thursday. My temp has been slightly raised and been sneezing but that could just be coincidental? Good idea to chase up yours too

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Hi Cami
I’m so pleased to hear you’re doing so well on radiotherapy, especially since your really difficult experience on chemo Ruth you’d cough and lungs.
You must be about 18 days in now? Are you still going OK? Are they zapping chest wall and underarm?
That’s a long trip to send from hospital, must be exhausting every day. Good luck with remaining treatments