January 2024 radiotherapy starters

You allergies sound exactly like mine. I’m also allergic to animals, pollen, feathers etc, but we have a dog and eventually i get used to them and don’t react. I’m terribly allergic to cats, I just have to enter a room where a cat has been and my eyes get itchy and swell.

I react to cheap jewellery which is mainly made by nickel which is what the securacath hooks were made from. I told them on fitting but they said it will settle down. I had irritation for the whole 15 weeks, around week 6/7 I had a blockage in the PICC and they wobbled it a lot and the hooks and that irritated it even more. I also reacted to the dressings.

I can’t remember how many times I’ve had to tell people I have a latex allergy and they reach for latex gloves. My son is type 1 airborne latex so our house has been latex free for over 13 years. The district nurses were the worst!

I hope it all settles down for you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Jess_1 I’m having 5 days of chemotherapy and was told I have a higher dose as it’s over a shorter time. I was very fatigued and achy after day 2, my shoulders, back and chest wall all ache. I have a sore throat and the skin tingles. As I started in a Wednesday I have a two day break before continuing on Monday. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Naughtyboob, I hope you feel better very soon from radiotherapy effects. Good you have a weekend in there to give you a break.
Interesting about our allergy similarities too. I remember once going on a donkey in Egypt and having a rash all the way up.my legs too. Mine seem to always be skin allergies. The PICC line was horrible. So glad, like you, to have that out.


Your donkey story reminds me of stroking a Shire Horse on a farm near Newquay when my son was little to find within minutes that I had a rash on my hands, face and neck. Being a city girl I’d never been near a horse before.

I’ve slept for 10 hours last night, with a few hot flushes. Voice is a bit croaky from the sore throat.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@elsie1 with my radiotherapy I only take the top half of clothing off, so my legs and tummy are still covered by my jeans/trousers.

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Hello all,
Hope you’re all ok and keeping warm. I wondered if anyone is also feeling cold a lot and nauseous, post radiotherapy?
Aside from this, I have signed up for a 3 month fitness programme, called Get Me Back, fitness after cancer. It’s online/app and the trainer has also had cancer. It’s £30 for the programme which I thought was ok, and may save me from going to a ‘germy’ gym.
Happy Sunday all x


@romabe99 I can’t comment about cold and nausea as start day Wednesday.
Keep us posted how the fitness program goes.

Hi dear,
My self I found very cold after 15 session of radiotherapy, I had hot flushes very often before, I never felt so cold. But I thought is because of chemotherapy and my hormones blocked.
Hopefully you all going well with your treatment and I wish to you all a good health and best of luck. I will keep reading and sending hugs.
In a few days I will start the hormones blocked therapy and injection, Tamoxifen and Zoladex.
Today was my last day of radiotherapy :blush:
I rang the bell today :partying_face::confetti_ball::pray:
Lots of appointments are coming in the next weeks, I will keep you updated with all
Big hug :gift_heart:


Had my planning session yesterday and got my tattoos and flamigel all sorted :grin: Nurses recommended starting using it now (2 weeks ahead). Pea sized amount. How has anyone else got on with this so far? Hope all feeling as well as possible. I was shattered last night and no radiotherapy yet! Xx


Hi blue80, just wondering, what is flamigel? I’ve not heard of that, just been told to moisturise between now and RT starting…and to drink lots of water…

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Its a special cream specifically for radiotherapy. I have heard of it before as others mentioned on here. Not sure if it is prescription?

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Congratulations @Camy_Radika on ringing that :bell:! Wishing you well with the hormone treatment going forward :hugs:

@blue80 ive not heard of this gel either . I’ve just been told to moisturise regularly. I have Radiaderm which I was lucky enough to win a free box of. Nurse suggested trying it out in advance of radio to ensure no reactions to it. It has a tube of gel and also a lotion .

Very anxious about starting on Monday. I’m sure I’ll be fine once I get started :sweat_smile:


@copperycat I had first session yesterday and it was fine, lots of being positioned correctly then lots of moving machines and noises then done. To be honest, it was great to finally be getting on with it. I had light pink blush on breast last night but gone this morning- using lots of Aveeno as recommended by several friends. Today a bone density scan because of the Anastrozole and then 18 miles to another hospital for session 2. What fun we have!!!
Good luck with your treatment- it will be fine .


Congratulations on ringing the bell :bell::grinning::grinning:



So pleased that you have completed your radiotherapy and were able to ring the bell. :bell::bell::bell:

I finished on Tuesday, it was very emotional and I also rang the bell :bell::bell::bell:(albeit very quietly). My chest is very sore, I feel like I’ve pulled a muscle and also done tons of sit ups! I was told that I’d had double radio action as they treated both breasts and to take it easy as some side effects come in late around 2 weeks. I had to take regular paracetamol for the last session too relax and be able to do the breath hold as my chest was so sore. I feel very tired. I go out for two short walks of about 15/20 minutes daily. I started Letrozole on Wednesday, hoping the side effects are minimal as I already have achy joints and hot flushes/surges.

Wishing you all well on your treatment. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @copperycat

I used the Radioderm R1&2 for my 5 days. Cooling gel R1 for a 20 minute mask a couple of hours after radiotherapy (my husband thought it fun that I would sit with my boobs exposed for 20 minutes while the gel absorbed). The used the R2 lotion 3 times a day. I did open them a few weeks ago to ensure I didn’t have an allergic reaction.

As I had 5 sessions on both boobs, I haven’t used that much gel (designed to be used the day of your treatment), so I apply each day for 10 minutes and the lotion 3 times daily.

My skin doesn’t look too bad, a little pink and blotchy.

Hope all goes well with your treatment :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is great to know @naughty_boob! I was wondering if the gel needed to go on several times or just once , and I am balking at sitting with my boob out waiting 20 mins for the gel to work brrr :joy:.

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Sorry your chest has been sore. That’s not good , I hope it settles soon. And wishing you well with Letrosole, hope the SE’s are minimal xx

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The instructions were overly clear to I asked them on Instagram to confirm how it is used. Yes you need the room to be quite warm to strip off. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello all, hope you are all doing ok.
I’m ok and went back to work today (I’m a headteacher). Since the end of radiotherapy on the 9th, I had a bit of soreness, a couple of days of feeling spacey, a lot of nausea but this has all passed. I’m doing mornings only till next week and it’s only 2 weeks till half term. I’ve had a conversation with the BC nurse about this and although she wasn’t keen, the work is piling up and I’m getting twitchy. I know we’re all different with different recoveries but I think this is the right time for me. I need some normal back.
Have a good weekend.


@romabe99 Great to hear the SE haven’t been too bad and that you feel up to going back to work. I really understand the feeling of pressure with stuff piling up, just listen to your body and be kind to yourself if and when needed. Good luck