January 2025 chemo starters


I thought they would definitely want to avoid my right arm as I also have a SMX on that side but they were actually completely nonchalant about it as I had only had 2 lymph nodes out. I was less keen though and said I would prefer the left. To be fair the nurse was happy to put it on the other side. It is less sore tonight and becoming a bit more “normal”

I hope it goes well on Monday.


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Just popping in to say best wishes for 2025 everyone. :smiling_face:
I’m so thankful that we have each other to face this together.
Im sure there will be plenty fear and frustrations but I hope some fun along the way too. Big hugs girls!
Katie :sunflower:


Hi all, HNY to you all.
After waiting for dates it is now full steam ahead.
New patient talk today, PICC line and bloods tomorrow than cold cap fitting Saturday. Chemo starting on Tuesday.
Thinking of you all ladies x


I was disgnosed Her2+ early December after my 1st mammogram. Treatment plan is 6x chemo+ antibody injections, surgery then radiotherapy and the injections to continue for around a year. Prognosis good, one lump and not spread to lymph nodes or armpit thankfully. Was due to start chemo today but they couldn’t find a vein to get the canula in despite lots of effort. Postponed until next week and having Picc line inserted the day before. Just feeling a bit crap as was all prepared for today, now its not happened and the endless waiting goes on! Been awful waiting over Christmas and New Year but the staff at my hospital have all been brilliant, cant fault them at all


Evening all, I got my picc line fitted today. Took three goes but finally got there. I start chemo on 10 January, nervous about side effects and cold capping but ‘this too shall pass’ :pray:t5: anyone started yet? Xx


Good evening fellow 2025 starters,

Usually when January arrives I’ll be promising that I’ll be taking better care of myself by exercising, eating healthily, reading more books, taking up a new hobby, seeing my friends more regularly. This year I’m joining a new group, the January chemotherapy starters.

I’m in the triple positive group - HER2, oestrogen and progesterone long haulers as my treatment is going to continue into 2026. My strategy will be one day time a time otherwise it will seem insurmountable.

My cancer is in my left breast however on New Year’s Eve, after my initial appointment with the oncologist I underwent MRI guided biopsies of the right one as there were a couple of ‘indeterminate’ areas on the MRI scan. If it’s there too, so be it, it can go in the summer with the left one along with a good riddance!

Currently waiting for an appointment for the PICC line insertion and dates to meet the nurse and to get started.

@overwhelmednewbie there is a thread for us HER2 ladies. I have found it a really helpful and positive read particularly as our treatment goes on for more than a year. Great to hear about people getting through the other side



Just jumping on to say hello to the newbies :grinning:

Good luck to everyone having procedures - thinking of you all.

Take care



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@welsh-warrior how are you feeling after your first chemo?

Hi @dragonfly2 - thanks for asking.

I feel better than I thought I would but definitely worse than I would like!
Mainly I’m tired and really not up to doing much but I can get out of bed, shower, get myself some food, do the odd useful job before collapsing under blankets on the sofa.

Day one after chemotherapy I felt mildly nauseous all day and that has continued (I’m now day 3 post chemotherapy). But it is not terrible, just background. I’m on less anti sickness medicines now and it is no worse so I assume it is starting to ease.

I felt better on day 2 than today and managed a 4km dog walk but I haven’t gone out the house today and hardly want to move much. However, I think my guts have gone on strike so I have started to take some fybregel to see if that helps. I’m not sure what are just side effects from medication I’m taking to avoid side effects from chemo.

Steroids were probably the cause of me waking every hour and a half through the night on day two. I took an antihistamine sleeping tablet that my GP prescribed last night and I slept until 6.30am so that was much better. Steroids also made me really thirsty but I saw that as a good thing.

I’m trying to drink more than I usually would but have been less good today.

I expect to be in bed by 8.30pm tonight. I think all the cell damage is probably now starting to kick on and I feel tired and a bit down too. It’s the first time that I have thought can I really do this. I know I will though and better days are ahead. It’s tough but doable.


Evening everyone!
Such wonderful messages in this challenging month for us all x
Starting chemo on 14th Jan, 6 rounds / 3 weeks post a successful lumpectomy and extraction from first lymph node and some vascular spread - so here we go, was a shock as imagined the next step would be 5 days of radiotherapy. Virtually got bingo with pst surgery issues so hoping chemo may be more straight froward! Also going to get the chilled mittens / slippers as slightly concerned with Neuropathy as already get bad pins and needles and mainly concerned with the fatigue.

Randomly a new wig shop is just opening at the end of my road so going for a fitting next week, but more excitingly managed to fast track our wedding from July to next weekend (eek!) so some good things to distract from constant chemo scrolling! I’m in Cheltenham and have signed up to some of the courses at Maggies this month.

Wishing you all the best and so grateful for all the support and references here.
Happy New Year xcx


@welsh-warrior you can do this. Be kind to yourself and just set small goals for each day.

I’ve decided to move myself and my two children to my parents house for the first few days of treatment. It will help knowing i have someone on hand. My mum found out on Friday that she starts treatment for a different cancer the week after me, so we are tag teaming xx


Hi Everyone

I started chemo on the third of January ECT 3/3 six weeks apart.

Diagnosis of ER8/8 HER2 low one lymph node involved from biopsy with macromets.

Two failed lumpectomies. Will be having mastectomy after chemo as widespread DCIS in breast.

Still processing everything badly and thinking it is not real,

First chemo was OK but long as I am trying cold capping. Main side effects from chemo so far seem to be tiredness, constipation and a very red and puffy face and itchy scalp. Also feel like my teeth want to fall out. I’m hoping these are the side effects of the meds not the infusions. Managed a 1 hour walk yesterday.

Just trying to keep it all together.

Best wishes to you all x


Hi all,

I have had my pre-assessment and am scheduled to start my first of 4 cycles of EC on a 3 week schedule followed by 4 cycles of docetaxel.
I know that this group is for January starters, but wondered if anyone else here is doing their treatment at ARI in Aberdeen too?


Hi everyone, dare I say happy new year to everyone as we all head into the unwelcome, unknown challenge of 2025.
Welcome to the newbies, the more buddies the better! :blush:

After having a little BCN break, I’m trying very hard to change my mindset and strangely feel much less anxious following bloods and unit tour on Friday. Still have a knot in my stomach though which I suspect might live there! I’m sure we all feel the same.
4 x EC fortnightly and 4 x Pac fortnightly for me starting on Thursday.
Best wishes to everyone waiting and thank you to recent starters for the feedback.

I’m starting in the Spey unit in Elgin, but my mum had leukaemia fairly recently and the unit in Aberdeen is fabulous. Very friendly, spacious and organised.
Best of luck with your treatment :sunflower:


Hello. Im starting chemo in under 2 weeks.
Had mastectomy & rebuild in October. All scans were clear but nodes & tumour larger than expected. So they want to blast me with chemo, so it doesnt return.
Ive already visited a fabulous wig salon, managed to find a couple which the salon is keeping for me when or if I need them.
Also bought some soft beanie hats. Im preparing for the hair loss, but giving the cold cap a go. It’s going to be tough, I know theyve taken it out, & I dont want it back.
I’m nervous, but am keeping strong. My daughter has just started Uni, so I have to keep working, gotta pay for her accommodation! Lots of pressure. Love to hear from similar ladies!


@indigo2 happy new year, I start on Friday on the same regime. I’m dreading it but trying to get as prepared as possible. I’ve had some pretty bad hangovers in the past so I’m hoping it’s something I can just about deal with😆

I’m having my treatment at Chase Farm in north London, luckily it’s only a 10 min drive. You have to grateful for the small wins.

@redsez hello, I’m in a similar situation. Had double mastectomy and implants late Oct as I have the palb2 gene. Good job I did as they found so much more in my boob than initially thought. Also in one lymph node so they want to take them all out on right side but having chemo first.

I too have a daughter in uni but she’s living at home. I’ve protected her from this as much as I can but I’m slightly worried how she’ll react as I go through chemo. It’s her last year and I just want her to live her life with no stress.

I’m also working, I’m thinking one week on one week off from home. Work has been an amazing distraction and they have been wonderful and allowed me all the time I need but it’s a critical time in my career and I need to stay in the loop… so yes, be good to share experiences.

I’ve also just turned 47 so be good to hear from anyone who is a similar age…and how people are managing with their partners!!!


Oh for anyone interested, I was sent a great podcast with lots of great advice https://open.spotify.com/show/4pXPnBxEhIDjfMNCgnBTDI?si=dOEMKmCoTtmwt7SDXuvafw

And for those who want to exercise I’m following this page and thinking of signing up https://www.instagram.com/getmebackuk?igsh=MWh5djVpZmh1djF3Mw== I really really don’t want to out weight on. That’ll be the final straw!!! :laughing:


Hi @indigo2 - its been a weird journey so far.
I initially had no lumps but my nipple lay flat & I knew. You do don’t you. It was incredibly surreal listening to the doc telling me I had breast cancer.
They took 27 nodes out. Yep that shocked me. Im worried incase it returns to my other boob im going to discuss the possibility of removing that, but I don’t think its up for discussion yet.
Im also worried about losing part of my salary, I work on commission which pays towards my daughter’s uni bills, but I will get docked pay
Makes me sad, maybe after this, I will contemplate my future, we are going to have lots to think about.
I took my daughter to tge wig salon, including her was an important step. Maybe you could suggest that too, include her & make her realise her contributions & comments matter. I am so close to her, she is scared but she is with me on my journey. My husband, well before this happened, I wasn’t very happy & now, its all up in the air. Who knows?
Whenever you want to chat, I’m here. :blush:

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Hi @jnra
I’m lucky that my centre is very close by too, takes the worry out of bad weather on the roads. It’s minus 5 up here and have realised that my buffs for my baldy head are just not going to cut it, so having some retail therapy for a bigger choice of cosy ones! Any excuse to spend, have spent quite a lot on this cancer lark up til now :roll_eyes: needs must I suppose.
I have a daughter who has just finished uni and started her first job as a nurse, I’m getting heartfelt rookie advice on video chat daily.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m not a stranger to the odd hangover either but I suspect this one might be on another level and sadly not be cured by a rescue glass of orange Berocca… if only!
However, on the positive side we are all in this together and it’s so lovely to have support on here.
Best wishes for Friday and to everyone ploughing through. :sunflower:


Hello everyone,

I’m starting chemotherapy tomorrow. I’m due to have 16 over 5 months. I’m definitely finding the lack of certainty super challenging. I’m wondering if anyone opted not to have a picc line?

Thank you,