January 2025 chemo starters

This topic is for anyone starting chemo in January 2025 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.

You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now


Hi there January starters. The December group have kindly let me join too but keen to meet others starting soon in January.
Katie :smiling_face::sunflower:


Hi ya, thought I would just say hello. I have have breast cancer (ER+, Grade 2) and extensive disease in my lymph nodes going up to my collar bone. The original plan was to have an op followed by radiotherapy then hormone treatment. Unfortunately they have found the cancer has wrapped round blood vessels which has made it inoperable at the moment. New plan is to have chemo first and then hopefully they will be able to operate :crossed_fingers:

Oncology has requested a PET scan and then I have an appointment on 23 December to meet my oncologist who will hopefully have regime/chemo plan for January. BCN said chemo is likely to be between six months to a year :flushed:

Anyway I wanted to say hello and looking forward to getting to know others in the same situation. I am absolutely terrified - I have good days where I am all smiley and cheery and then suddenly the tears come and I sob!

So I have two sons 29 and 26 who have left home. I also have a pug, a frenchie and a super supportive partner :grinning:

New year, new journey by the looks of it :muscle:


So sorry to hear you have had such a complex diagnosis. It all feels so scary and out of control doesnā€™t it, then thereā€™s the waiting.

I feel a bit better with some sort of plan but Iā€™m terrified too. I think we all are!

The chemo sounds awful when itā€™s given in months, but there are gaps and oral so letā€™s hope they mean that :crossed_fingers:t3:
My chemo is for 4 months.

Do you feel well (apart from the mental torture!) Are you doing something nice to keep busy?


Hi indigo2, yep it is the waiting that is unbearable. Trying to pick up tips for the chemo journey while I wait. I have a little basket on Amazon that I am slowly filling up with essentials :grinning:

Luckily I donā€™t have any symptoms - mine was caught on the routine mammogram! Although I can feel them now since all the biopsies.

I am trying to get my head into Christmas mood which I am finding hard :slightly_frowning_face:

My two sons are coming home for Christmas and they are devastated by my diagnosis :cry:

When does your treatment start? I think I will find it easier once I know by regime and the drugs they will be using :crossed_fingers:


Itā€™s also so hard for family. Everyone feels so helpless and in disbelief. No one really knows what to say when they meet you and in conversation I feel worse for them!

Iā€™m sure Amazon could build another warehouse with the orders I put in! The local businesses here donā€™t stock what we need and of course itā€™s so quick and convenient.

I have my unit visit and bloods on the 3rd Jan then start the next week.
Absolutely dreading it and like everyone, scared of reactions and side effects. All the unknown but as you say this is a wonderful place to get tips and likeminded company. Scary but reassuring.

Iā€™m having a last blast party at the house tomorrow night so Iā€™m surrounded in fizz and food bits for canapĆ©s. Last chance to have some good food with taste!

Have you any nice plans to take your mind off things?


Going to let my hair down next week. I love food and wine so going to be hard with everything tasting weird!!

I have reduced my working hours because I was feeling quite stressed so Iā€™m getting out and about getting pressies. Going to do a big Christmas food and booze shop on Monday morning at the crack of dawn before meeting with the oncologist. Such a weird state to be in - one minute forgetting the situation and feeling normal to overwhelming anxiety.

Hopefully your visit to the unit will give some reassurance. I am guessing friendships are made as well by patients receiving treatment. It would be nice to think that conversations spark up :grinning:

From the comments I have read itā€™s the waiting for everything to start thatā€™s the worse part.

Going to try and make this a good Christmas



Seems like weā€™re on the same wavelength although I think thereā€™s a huge chunk of denial and avoidance in there with me!

Thinking of those reading this post that have started and are soldiering on, taking on the family upheaval and unpredictable side effects. Keep going everyone!

Hope you will get a bit more clarity with your oncologist and then go and enjoy Christmas as best you can.

Keep in touch :sunflower:


I will definitely keep in touch.

Hopefully we will have a few other newbies joining us :grinning:

Take care xx


Hello ladies.
My experience is that I found a lump and following a biopsy was diagnosed with grade 3 triple negative beast cancer. 1 node taken and 2mm cells found in the node. Had lumpectomy 13th November and waiting for a start date for 6 rounds of chemo followed by 3 weeks of radiotherapy.
Been a bit of a whirlwind so far but now feel like I am in limbo waiting for a start date.
The waiting is the hardest. All the time I was having tests and surgery I felt like I was doing something to fight it, so very keen to start Chemo and do something positive to fight this.
I am determined to be positive and am very lucky to have fab friends and supportive family. My son has come home from Australia for a month so am focusing on having a wonderful Christmas with family.
Going to the gym, drinks with friends and trying to keep life as ā€˜normalā€™ as possible.
It is reassuring that we can share our experiences, tips and be a shoulder for each other during our journeys.


Hi @jacsm,

Welcome aboard the January intake :grinning: Iā€™m sure there are better groups you wish you were joining!

Yep the waiting is awful - seems never ending.

How lovely your son is visiting, really hope that takes your mine off the situation a little.

Having had a little dip into other chemo threads it will be great to have a supportive forum where we are all in the same boat.

I can imagine you are relieved to have the lumpectomy behind you. Did it all go smoothly? Iā€™ve got that to come at some stage.

Anyway greetings and we are going to smash this :muscle:



Hi @puglover56
The lumpectomy went so much easier than expected.
A little uncomfortable for the first couple of weeks but I was pleasantly surprised how quickly I bounced back.
Let yourself rest and donā€™t overdue do it.
Let people help you. I am terrible at that.
Happy to answer any queries you have. X


Hi Indigo2

How did your ā€œblast partyā€ go? :smiley:

Hope you had a fab time and took your mind off everything for a while.


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Welcome @jacsm. Lovely to have another addition to the January team.:blush:

4am finish with a royal hangover to prove it! :wine_glass: Lots of laughs and got my hug quota topped up before quarantine! Now on best behaviour until Christmas Day. :innocent::christmas_tree:

Thinking of everyone cracking on as I get things out of my system.
Hope things are going the best they can folks.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello all, I found out today Iā€™ll be having chemo in January. I hoped and prayed I wouldnā€™t need it but after waiting and finding out it hadnā€™t spread and there is a cure it doesnā€™t seem so bad. Iā€™m worried about losing my hair although my partner has made light of it and is looking forward to going wig shopping. Iā€™m going to cold cap though, worth a try. Anyone else considering it? Also is it true you put weight on, Iā€™ve only just managed to get to my ideal weight :sweat_smile:

I also heard if you fast for a day either side the nausea isnā€™t so badā€¦

Would love to hear what everyone is buying to prep? Sending luv xx


@indigo2 Have to admire your stamina :rofl:. Hope the hangover was worth it.

@jnra I am going to give the cold cap a go. Losing my hair is a scary thing for me too, so want to give it a try as I think I would regret not trying.

I put my big girls pants on and went for a wig fitting appointment this week. Want to put a plan B in place in case it doesnā€™t work.

I was surprised how good the wigs were. My husband and son came with me for support and the consultants were really helpful.

I feel a little better about it, although it is still hard to get my head around the idea.


Yay! Thatā€™s the way to do it :joy: Sounds excellent and just what you needed :+1:

Out of interest do we have to quarantine before chemo?


Hi ya @jnra, welcome to the club. :grinning:

I have given cold capping a bit of thought and decided against it. I have decided to concentrate on keeping my hands and feet cold instead - god you couldnā€™t make this up!! Who would have thought a few months ago we would be having this conversation!

Anyway, I have read about neuropathy in the hands and feet and if you keep them cold it lessens the symptoms so going to look into the gloves and socks you can buy.

With regards to the weight gain - I was really hoping to loose a few pounds. Jeez if I put weight on I will be bleeding fuming - that would be just mean :grimacing:

On a more pleasant note, I requested a care box from Little Lifts which should arrive in the New Year :blush:

And I have finished work for Christmas. Cleaning and list making commencing :santa:t3::christmas_tree:

Karen xx

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@indigo2 I know what you meam. I too was expecting to shed my Christmas weight so was shocked to hear of ā€˜chemo bellyā€™ and weight gain. They really do like to rub salt into the wound :rofl:
:crossed_fingers:t3:we will get away without those side effects. Will have to control myself if there are any left over Xmas chocs around when I am on steriods. You may find me tucked up in a corner feeling sorry for myself, with a whole tin of quality street :rofl:


Thatā€™s good to hear. I think the scariest bit is it falling out but once itā€™s done, itā€™s done.

Iā€™ve already started collecting hats :smiley: did you purchase your wig, was it expensive? I donā€™t mind paying a few hundred but I heard really good ones can cost thousands. Luckily I have a fringe so might be easier for me to replicate :sweat_smile: