January 2025 chemo starters

You will be fine… and one step closer to the end :slightly_smiling_face:


All the very best for today. x

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How are you doing? Sending best wishes

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Thanks for your support everyone.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The sense of relief is huge. Positive day. Unit small, friendly and incredibly efficient. Never felt nerves like it before hand (all sounding familiar I’m sure!:scream:)
I had EC through syringe pumps into a cannula in my hand, went in no bother (this time!)
Arrived with small warm wheat bags on my inner elbows to help but they provided them so felt like a right plonker walking in like popeye with a massive bag that had my blanket in it, which they also provided if required, heated! …and I wore my tshirt all the time as the room was so cosy anyway! :laughing:. For interest I brought a blanket, snacks, a small packed lunch, which my wife ate when we got home! Tissues, mini wipes, cosy socks. Comfy joggers and a baggy zipped top so could have one arm in, one arm out. My iPad for films, my Kindle and my phone with a power bank. Oh and lipsalve, a standing joke in our house " how many lipsalves do you fecking need?!" :rofl: Didn’t use it, or anything in my bag except my water bottle and I drank about a litre of water whilst I was there and 2 ltrs before hand. Aiming for 2 after. My pee was bright red in the hospital and now it’s pale orange (tmi?) so let’s hope that’s working and I’m not sick with all the fluid! :nauseated_face:

I’m genuinely not kidding, I arrived at 1pm and was home at 3.30pm! (I live 15 minutes from the unit). Everything was set up all ready to attach, home meds ready and even a mini dvd to watch on how to do home injections. Totally dazed.
Steroids are kicking in (hence chatter box mode) but I do feel a bit queasy. Plan to eat very small amounts every couple of hours. Half a cup of soup and bread and a couple of those Quezy Sweets has helped a lot.
I appreciate this is the calm before the storm but just hope my chattering on has helped a little, it’s helped me cos sometimes you don’t want to worry your family, so thank you.
@jnra I’m aware you have exactly the same plan as me and start tomorrow
Good luck!
For chemo buddies who are a little further on, hope you’re coping. :sunflower:


Haha brilliant! I have a huge bag too, slightly embarrassing but what the hell. Glad it went well today. Keep us updated and hope you manage to get some sleep :heart:

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Im doing ok thanks, had another good day. Been very fortunate that ive not had any nausea after first chemo. Im sure it wont last.

Im on my 2nd day of injection, to boost white blood cells, this has made me really achy on my back.

Im off wig shopping tomorrow with a friend. Bloods sunday and second chemo Monday…

Have you started treatment yet?


4.40am. Slept well so far. Sitting having a laxido and prune cocktail to prevent the expected 'bowel freeze! (no gin I promise)
Best of luck today jnra. Finding it hard to keep up with who’s doing what on what day but rest assured I’m thinking of everyone, big hugs. :hugs:


Hi Indigo

Good to hear first session went ok, it sounds like you have a nice unit.

Wondering what Quezy Sweets are as I cant find them online? I have had one episode of vomiting on day 7. I have been given buccastem in addition to all the other anti emetics. This works well but I wonder if there are any sweets that will help me.

I think the vomiting was due to the filgrastim injections. They give me bone pain and intense head pain, this then leads to a migraine and vomiting…happy days…




Glad it went well indigo2, usually 2-3l of water enough just check with your team on that :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hi Pickle.
Sorry to hear that sickness is a problem for you. Daily nausea just wears you down doesn’t it. :confused:
The drops are from the US but available from Amazon. They don’t seem to contain any wonderful antisickness miracle ingredient but they do work.
I suppose you’ve gone through all the ginger stuff, peppermint oil, sea bands etc.
I start filg on Saturday, trying the take it on the chin thing just now but that’s day one! :roll_eyes:
Hope your discomfort eases soon. :sunflower:



Feeling lost today! Day 5 and brain fog has definitely set in as has the fact that i cant get my trousers done up due to the steriods. I had a slight reaction to the first of my jabs on day 3 red face mask, hot ears, coughing, nausea and diarrhoea- all normal apparently. I was advised to take an antisickness tablet one hour before and that worked yesterday.

The children are great but still need their mum to be as nomal as possible which i am finding hard today.

Ho hum off to my jab and hopefully get to bed and some sleep.


Hi @letsdothis, my back, and back of legs ached too, for three or 4 days. I can’t take ibuprofen and paracetamol didn’t work at its worst, so used cocodamol. Hope yours doesn’t get too bad!

Evening all, I’m now day 10 post 1st treatment. Spoke to nurses today as mouth is now starting to get sore, so have been given some corsodyl mouthwash. On a plus the other effects are pretty much worn off today.

Got a call today, my appointment for further results (?bilateral and more queried on original side) has been brought forward to Monday from Wednesday… is it because it’s bad news or purely because my results are back and somebody else’s aren’t?! Argh your brain can drive you crazy can’t it!

Anyway, hoping you all have nice symptom free weekends… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Morning all

Thank you @indigo2 for thinking of me and hope no one is suffering too much.

I had a bit of a rough day yesterday. Hospital and all was lovely. The cold cap was tough for first 15 minutes and then just felt a lot of pressure. Nurse said it’s best to be tight so I dealt with it :raised_hands:t4:

I had EC through pic line, nurse pushed it so only took 20 min. She gave me steroids and anti sickness before.

I was fine until an hour after I got home and had some toast about 4. I took the anti sickness they gave me but feel asleep for an hour and woke up with awful nausea. So bad that I called the helpline and my GP and managed to get somen cyclizine alongside the domperidone they had given me. Took one, had a few salt and vinegar crisp, took some cbd and went to bed.

Woke up at 4am, felt queezy so took both anti sickness tablets. Had a little sleep and don’t feel as bad when lying down.

Jheez Louise hope that’s the end of my nausea for this round :pray:t4:


It really can @leelee1 in my experience it’s all to do with admin so hopefully all is fine :heart:


Hope the nausea eased for you x

How are you feeling @jnra ? Hope the nausea has settled?

Hey, thanks for checking in. It’s lurking but much better. I ended up eating four slices of cheese on toast and two kitkats…and I’ve been plant based for months! Will have to keep an eye on it :sweat_smile: hoping tmw is a better day. How are are you getting on @leelee1

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Hey ladies.
How’s everyone fairing?
Day 4 post EC and I’ve seemed to have slept and slept, total loss of time and place.
Does anyone have no nausea at all? I have background nausea and on the additional tablets now. Managing to eat small regular amounts but not wonderful, but wondering if my expectations are too high given what we’ve just had poured in to us!
How are the filigrastim injections going?