January chemo starters ?

Hello everyone.


I’m starting chemo on the 10th January and my chemo discussion is on Friday. I’m having T and Carboplatin as I have Muscular Dystrophy and I hope to meet others on the same or similar combination.


I was diagnosed 8 September and have had 2 WLE, one infection and SND. I have been offered chemo, (1.5% benefit) then full clearance (which I don’t think I will have at this point) RADS and Tamoxifen for 10 years. 


In preparation I am having my long dreadlocks cut off on Saturday and collect a short wig the day before. I’m telling everyone I’ve just had my hair cut off as I’m keeping things low key and private.

It will be interesting to see how I get on… I had terrible morning sickness and usually have side effects from all medicines.


Good Luck to all and I’m hoping I can pair up with someone to compare side effects on a daily basis X



Is that one day chemo , one day herceptin Kirsty ? I actually can’t wait till next Monday now to get on with it x absolutely scared stiff but wanting to kick it’s butt x

I got my 1st chemo in December
So my hair started falling out big time this weekend so I braved the shave when getting wig fitted I took my friend with me we laughed and cried but overall wasn’t to bad then went and had a nice lunch.
Chemo no2 next Tuesday ? but it shouldonly take 30mins at most with the picc line line

I got my 1st chemo in December
So my hair started falling out big time this weekend so I braved the shave when getting wig fitted I took my friend with me we laughed and cried but overall wasn’t to bad then went and had a nice lunch.
Chemo no2 next Tuesday ? but it shouldonly take 30mins at most with the picc line line

That is quick ! So it comes out on first cycle ? Does it carry on coming out with T or does it start to grow back ? , I watched a YouTube video yesterday about how to put a scarf on and I did it ! I surprised myself , I’m. Not sure if I’m going to go down the wig route yet , first appt on Monday so will see xx I had my eyebrows microbladed so I should at least have a bit of definition on face xxx

Hi January 2018 chemo starters. I just wanted to wish you all well as you start this part of your bc treatment. Two years ago I joined the jan 2016 chemo starters thread after having two mx and lymph node cleArance. The support I got from the other ladies on the thread going through it was invaluable and we all supported each other through the ups and downs.
It was not easy but we all got there and came out the other side. Some of us cold capped (I did and I kept a reasonable amount of hair) others braved the shave and were bald and proud. Some of us went down the wig route. We shared our fears and were able to say and share things we might have kept hidden from our families.
Two years later it seems like a disrant bad dream. I’m fit and well. I’ve had a double Diep reconstruction and I feel good! I just wanted to say you will get there.
Lots of love to all of you
Claire xxxxx

Hi ladies. My hair started to fall out just before 2nd FEC cycle. Almost completely went in the space of about 3 days. I’m on 3xFEC and 3xT and I am 1 week after 2nd T. My hair has started to grow back my head feels like velvet with all the little short hairs. So your hair can definately grow back whilst on T if that’s your course.
Best wishes x

RosieH, just to say, I had neoadjuvant chemo starting 9th January 2017, so almost one year ago, and i too had my T before my EC! It doesn’t seem to be the usual way but it does happen!

Hi Ladies


Attended pre-chemo assessment today and due to have portacath inserted next Monday and then first chemo the following Friday.  Having six cycles of fecT together with Zometa (bone strengthening stuff),  I’m not really quite sure how to start to prepare for this.  

Hi shocked , my boob went off for the Oncotype test just before Christmas, the oncologist said that as the test had not come back yet and due to my age (47) she thought I should go ahead and start. So I have. As far as I am aware the results are still not back yet but I am seeing her on the 22nd jan so maybe we will discuss it then. Bit late now as I’ve started it.
Dealdoh , I started Fect yesterday and before I started I went to see my GP and asked for bits and bobs. I got gaviscon , a limbo for my arm when showering to protect my picc line. Some movicol and a mouthwash ( cant remember what it’s called but will check in a bit)
I also took with me yesterday my iPad and headphones and some boiled sweets. It wasn’t as bad a I thought it was going to be. It was nice and calm in there and everyone was friendly .
I got given a bag of goodies ( my meds to take home ) and I’ve been drinking plenty of water. If you are on fect like me your wee wee may be pink afterwards. That was a source of amusement to me yesterday afternoon !
Good luck

Jamesy46 yes it is they said they’re done seperate the first times to make sure I don’t react ,
Jay68 that’s good to know thanks for that il make sure I’m prepared for a long old day and take stuff to read etc
… and that amazing news to hear I’m so pleased for u!!

I feel exhausted already so dreading Monday , I was called in last minute yesterday for a heart scan (apparently one of the drugs can affect ur heart so bad to just make sure mine was all ok) today I have a meeting at 1.30 with the chemo team and other people starting chemo will also be there and we’l be shown round etc .

It’s mad how fast ur hair loss can be isn’t it , I have a wig ready for if I want to wear one (I’m 31 and my children are all very young too young to understand so don’t want to shock them more than anything ) but I’m going to look about getting scarves too , just so much to take in cxx

Let us know how it goes shocked. Am in Wiltshire and they have been brilliant apart from the wrong lump being sent off to be tested hence I’ve had to wait for quite a while. Never mind. The man next to me had a canular fitted and it looked quite a faf and I hate them with a passion so was happy to have the picc line fitted.

Had my bone scan today ready for hormone therapy , so that’s another thing out of the way , I was told I need a heart scan too Kirsty so I’m guessing that will be next week after Monday’s meeting , well done on first round mrsmg think of it as one down 5 to go , hope side effects aren’t too bad , I will be putting mine on here and checking everybody elses to see if I’m. Normal !! Xx

That is such a positive note Kirsty H , I’m a very positive thinking person so hoping I can come through this virtually unscathed , I think it’s the not knowing that’s the scary part xxx thank you

Yeah the not knowing is the worst! Once you actually get going with it and find out how you are feeling it is so much better than the waiting and wondering. I am also a postive person so finding it helps to get thru by trying to remain positive and focused, although its hard all the time and allow myself the wee upset then try to get back on track. Take care and good luck xx

Thank you so much to mrsMG and to KirstyH for the advice and lovely positive posts.  The nurse at my pre chemo assessment was very reassuring also and said while it might be a rocky road, they would be there to support us every step of the way.  She also said it was a very lively and friendly unit with lots of interaction between the patients as well as the staff.  


The pink wee sounds interesting and what with my hubby’s super orange wee (also due to medication) our loo is going to look like a tequila ? 

Rosie did they give you an exercise sheet , when I had my snb I looked at the sheet and laughed thinking easy peasy , then OUCH when I did them the first time !! Couple of days though felt loads better , my scar is just under arm bra height so kept rubbing once dressing was off , I kept a dry pad there for a while after till jf fully healed just to stop the rubbing x

Glad to have given you some hope Rosie :slight_smile: I loved hearing good things before I started chemo as well. Did a 6 mile run last night with my running buddies and felt great!
I havent had any surgery at all yet though, only my diagnosis biopsy then an extra biopsy for a reserach study which both left me quite badly bruised and sore so ill need to prepare for the rest and recovery and the exercises they give when I get to that part of the journey after chemo is finished. We will all get there step by step xx

Hello everyone, I am from the November starters thread and on cycle 4 now of a planned 8 cycle accelerated EC-T treatment schedule. I wanted to wish you all the very best and share my experience too in the hope it may be helpful for some of you.


I should start by saying I am a complete wuss and worrier too, so the apprehension some of you are feeling is familiar and, I think, probably normal too. I felt so much better once treatment had started. I hope it will be the same for you. I was dreading it and had visions of being completely incapacitated, but like KirstyH, I have managed. I exercise most days, even though I am far from an athlete and sometimes it is tougher than others, but then that was true before chemo! I work through the cycle too for the most part, although I know I am incredibly lucky to have a job that allows me to work at home when I need to do so. 


I had a portacath fitted after discovering that my veins are a bit rubbish, although it has yet to be used. I am not great with needles either, but I have managed for the most part to survive cannulation and the assorted needle contact until this point. I always tell whichever poor person has to come at me with a needle that I am anxious and have been met with nothing but kindness and understanding. Don’t be afraid to share your fears, whatever they may be. It is okay not to be okay. 


In terms of side effects, some cycles have been tougher than others, but I have learned two things along the way. The first is that everyone is so different and there is always someone who can help (on here and in the clinical team) with whatever happens. I had trouble with nausea early on and a combination of top tips from wise women here and some tweaking of medication by the oncologists made all the difference. It recurred on my third cycle, so when I go back next week before cycle 4, I will be sure to mention it. Don’t be alone with anything. The second is that these threads are wonderful. I can’t tell you how much the community of people going through this pesky process and walking alongside me has helped - I’ve laughed, nodded in recognition, got great advice and felt such warmth every time I log on. I can see the sense of camaraderie is already building here - enjoy it and draw strength from it.


Finally, the all important hair question! I didn’t cold cap (I am a wuss remember) and my hair was cut short after cycle 1. By cycle 2, it was pretty much gone, so I went for the buzz (not shaved as my hairdresser said it would be kinder on the scalp). She said it would all vanish soon. It never did! I have a covering of velvet hair that seems to be growing not disappearing. I have a wig (Petunia the Pretend Hair) and some great hats. It was immensely and unexpectedly emotional when it went, but I did adapt quickly and now I barely notice when I look in the mirror. So far, eyelashes and eyebrows are hanging on, but when I move to Paclitaxel, that may change apparently. I am about to do a Look Good, Feel Better course in a few weeks, so I hope they will teach me how to hide the ‘no brows-no lashes’ look if need be. 


If you have any questions, do ask but in the meantime, I wish you all the very best for the coming weeks. You can do this, I promise. xx

Thankyou annakarena I’m picking up such a lot of tips on here , I’ve already started on the Manuka honey as I have a bit of a cold so thought every little helps , when you say buzz do you mean like a grade one , off but not all off so really really short , I’ve had my brows microbladed so hopefully I will have some definition left. The strength I am gathering from these forums is immense xxxx