Hi Ladies - Anyone else got really wobbly weak legs? I’m not meaning aches or nerve stuff just a consistent tired wobbly feeling. i guess i’m wondering if its another known chemo side effect or d’you think its something different? Don’t think it was there before chemo started, it seems pretty consistent throughout the cycle, getting neither better nor worse. My white count has been low recently but the haemoglobin, platelets and liver function stuff is fine - any ideas? Much appreciated.
Sorry to hear about your jelly legs. Sounds very debilitating!
Does it lead to a lack of confidence as you need to stand? Makes you feel as if they’re going to collapse and not hold you up?
If it is another side effect, I do hope someone here can give you some support and advice or your nurse team.
You really do sound as if you’re going through the mill at the moment. Thinking of you.
Sent a PM recently, hope it got to you!
Welsh girl x
Lynn, are you eating regular enough? I sometimes got like that when I missed meals when I felt sick the first week after chemo and it’s a low blood sugar combined with the chemo drugs?
There are some explanation on this website chemocare.com/MANAGING/weakness.asp
My friend who’s just finished E-CMF said at one point she felt her legs didn’t belong to her, if that’s any help.
I sympathise, I had chemo 2 years ago and found walking more than a few steps was virtually impossible. When I went shopping (I couldn’t do this unaided) I needed to sit down and couldn’t never find a seat! I even asked my Onc if I was allowed a blue badge so I could park close by to things. Of course he said no.
I do remember this wobbly feeling well, when you think about what the chemo is doing to your body, good cells and bad its not surprising is it.
take care