Jenni Murray

Jenni Murray

Jenni Murray Jenni Murray, the presenter of Woman’s Hour has recently announced she has breast cancer.

Jenni has presented many topics on breast cancer on her programmes and has written articles about the subject in the papers.

Unlike many of us, she comes with a vast wealth of knowledge on the subject and she has been able to state that she has an excellent prognosis before any surgery or other treatment has taken place.

It took me a while to get over the shock of being told I had cancer, before I could even see everything in a more realistic perspective.

She has helped so many listeners through her programme and many readers through her articles.

I wish her all the best and I am sure she will continue to be a great inspiration to many of us.


Jenni Murray Yes, I too was sorry to hear that Jenni Murray has been diagnosed with breast cancer. However, I have to wonder if you become extra sensitive when you read about other women who develop breast cancer.

I found some of her comments in the Daily Telepgraph upsetting. She said let’s hear no more blame, battles, guilt, positive attitudes, good nutrition or any of the other nonsense that’s bandied about. I very much wish I could be in that position. Perhaps those who are confident about their excellent prognosis (as she puts it) can feel that way but what about those that don’t have an excellent prognosis and have reason to blame, battle, etc.

My journey has been tough and I have much admiration for women with a positive attitudes. I hope to get myself there some day. I do everything I can on the nutrition front . It helps my head to think I may stay clear of this disease in future and that I do not solely rely on the medics to put things right.

Wishing you all a good Christmas.


Hi The Sunday Times atributed the comments above to Kylie Monogue rather than Jenni Murray - I didn’t hear Woman’s Hour so I don’t know which is right.

Whilst I am sorry for Ms Murray, I’m sure that like most celebrity victims of breast cancer, she won’t have to join an NHS queue for treatment…

Best wishes to Jenni Murray I’m a fan of Radio 4, Womans Hour and Jenni Murray. I’m really sorry that she has joined the 42,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer this year.

I didn’t hear Womans Hour on Thursday but I’m glad she told listeners herself what is happening. She said: “I shan’t be around for a while in the new year because I’ve just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I’ll be having treatment in the coming weeks-the prognosis by the way is excellent…and I plan to be back as soon as I feel up to it.”

Jenni Murray was writing about Kylie Minogue when she said: “Hundreds and thousands of women make a full recovery after they’ve had the right treatment for their cnacer delivered early enough. The ones who die…and I count good freinds among them…didn’t deserve it, had not been cavalier with their health and fought tooth and nail for survival…so let’s hear no more of blame, battles, guilt, positive attitudues, good nutrition or any of the other nonsense that’s bandied about. It’s just life and sometimes life’s a bitch.”

Good on you Jenni Murray…I think we need more ‘celebrities’ to talk in this realistic and forthright way about breast. cancer. It makes a change from the ‘shedloads of rubbish’ (Kate Carr) we often hear.

At the same stage of diagnosis (after biospy) as Jenni Murray I was given a ‘poor’ prognosis…I had also been badly let down by a misdiagnosis too but these facts have never stopped me trying to stick to the realistic approach which she obviously has.

I also admire Murray because she has spoken openly of a pact she has with two friends to help each other die if at any time they are facing a debilitating illness.

Look forward to hearing Murray again on Radio 4 sometime next year.


PS My information is from the report in the Independent.

Jenni Murray I heard Jenni make her announcement on Womans Hour. I have nothing but respect for her and consider her corageous to have spoken out nationally in the way that she did. I think she will be a wonderful spokesperson for breast cancer although I trust she will be allowed privacy to get through the coming months. Best wishes Jenni, for speedy and effective treatment. I will miss you in the mornings.


I’ve actually found Jenni’s attitude to her situation and the other things she has written about it very helpful. I was diagnosed in October after surgery to remove a benign fibroid; the area of tissue around the fibroid was found to be a stage 3 cancer. I had my lymph nodes cleared in early November. One was found to be cancerous and after chemo and rads I will have to go on Herceptin for a year as I found out recently the cancer was HER2 positive.

I am lucky in that I am a very pragmatic person, whatever comes along in life I am able to get on with it and deal with it. I have not been negative throughout this, so for me it is important to read things by people like Jenni who are like minded. Whilst I respect Kylie because ot this disease, I am afraid I have not found anything she has said in interviews helpful, in particular the comment about chemo being like going through a nuclear blast. Well I’m sorry, but I think the only people who can comment on that experience were at Hiroshima and I found that comment very insulting to the survivors of that tragedy.

Jenni Murry I believe Jenni Murray will be treated by the NHS.

Jenni Murray Bringing this thread back up following another posting on this subject.

Kind regards
BCC Host

I too wonder if Jenny Murray will receive the same treatment as Jane Bogs on the NHS. When I was told I had Grade cancer after being told it was benign the Breast Care nurses couldn’t be found… after waiting an hour I gave up and went home and had a stiff drink. When I had my lymph nodes removed again they couldn’t be found and eventually after waiting 2 hours one turned up to lecture me on wine consumption adn to tell me it “wasn’t the end of the world”. Since then I haven’t seen sign or sight of them - if I phone I get an answer machine and have never seen them on the Day Case Chemo unit. Makes me rather angry.

Support after diagnosis I was very glad not to see the pitying looks of my breast cancer nurse and in fact banned her from being at my consultations after she gave me a very out of date booklet on tamoxifen (which said it was used for post menopausal women only).

She also said at my diagnosis that I knew I had cancer didn’t I. As I had been misdiagnosed for six months and told I definitely didn’t have cancer this was not the case.

I don’t know why they waste money on these people instead of getting consultants to turn up on time, run efficient appointment systems and offer choices and options to patients based on what is already agreed best practice.

Can’t see it happening in my lifetime though


bc nurses Guess I got really lucky as the bc nurse assigned to me, when I was having the three step procedure, was absolutely brilliant. She was at my initial tests, diagnosis and every consultation with the surgeon, explained the WLE and sample lymph node removal (even gave us tea in bone china cups - that is when we knew the news would be bad) , came to see me on the bc ward every morning when I had the WLE (6 nights) and then total axillary removal, another 5 nights. She even got in touch my gastro to sort out some special nutrient fruit juice as I couldn’t eat solid food and arranged for it to be delivered from the hospital to my GP’s surgery. I could not have gone through the whole caboodle of treatment without her.

I have had a number of problems since dx but one call to her voice mail and she rings me back either that day or the next and always gets me an urgent appt with the surgeon. The Onc discharged me after chemo and rads, so haven’t seen him in 3 yrs, except for a private consultation at the Nuffield for an HER2 test. She has been my absolute lifeline and has become a good friend. I guess in all walks of life, there are efficient and compassionate people, and I was incredibly fortunate in getting the bc nurse I did. She is of the old school of nurses, with a true vocation, always helpful yet never patronising. Never afraid to say “I don’t know Liz, but I’ll get back to you” and she did. Some 4 yrs later, I recently went for a consult, mammo, u/s and biopsy and she made a point of being there when I saw the surgeon for the results. Unfortunately she is retiring this year, so I can only pray I get someone as good as Jacky. I am really sorry for those of you that didn’t get the incredible help I did. We all need, and deserve it.

Come to Cornwall/Devon Mole Hi Mole,
so sorry to hear of your dreadful experience with a bc nurse. I attend Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, where they have a centre of breast care excellence - only one of 6 in the country, where I have had exemplary treatment for bc, and also the intractable Crohn’s. I was worried when we came to live here after having attended the Hammersmith in London for some 11 years - had two ignorant and patronising gastros here at first, but finally got a young gastro consultant on his first post, who had been at St. George’s in London, St. Mary’s and the West Middlesex where I was originally dx with Crohn’s some 35 years ago. He moved here for the quality of life for his family and the opportunities this big teaching hospital gave him to pursue his career outside of academia., which he said was boring, and he loves the interraction with patients. I have told him, if you move, get your wife to find me an apt when she is looking for a house!

When I got bc my immediate reaction was to up sticks and move to London, but my husband, who is 78 yrs old and disabled, wouldn’t agree. Perhaps he had the insight I didn’t, and I don’t think I would have had better treatment if I had access to a London hospital - barring the Royal Marsden. So, when you retire, come to beautiful Cornwall and live the good life!
Lovely to see your so erudite postings.

For Mole Sorry to hear that your BC nurse has been less than helpful.The one I have has been invaluable. I don’t see that much of her or speak to her very often but she is very good when I have needed her - she has made things more bearable - she explains things in a balanced and user friendly way - she interprets what the consultant says as he speaks like a medical text book. My nurse also has an answer phone when I ring her as she is either on home visits or with patients but she usually calls me back and is helpful. So I think that there is a real need for BC nurses - but like in any role or job the effectiveness of the person in post may vary? Hope your experience improves, best of luck, Chloe.