Job interview update..........

It seemed to go quite well this morning, they were interviewing for I permanent person and 3 temps, but the temps go perm after March when they get more funding. I waas totally honest with them and told them about me needing time off for Herceptin and clinic appointments regularly until next May. They said they appreciated my honesty and if I was lucky enough to be appointed it would not be an issue as they would use their flexible working terms to cover it. I will hear next Weds, so fingers crossed as it seemed a good prospect. I think it helped that the panel was 3 very nice ladies of differing ages and I fel very confident amongst women.

I was very glad to have the experience of getting an interview out of the way, at least it proves if one person is willing to interview me there will probably be others in the future if I don’t get one of these jobs.


I wish you very good luck for Wed - hope you get it


Good Luck

Let us know wont you


Fingers and toes crossed

Marilyn x

Good luck Cherub. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
Anthi x