Joining the waiting room, feel a bit of a fraud though.

Hi everyone,


I’ve been here before, a few years ago I had a small lump investigated, turned out to be nothing, but I had all the symptoms, a lump, nipple discharge, inverted nipple, I really thought I was going to hear the worst and it turned out to be nothing. So this time, I’m not worried, but I know if I don’t get this checked it will bug me.


About 18 months ago when I was pregnant I noticed that my left breast felt lumpier, there wasn’t a distict lump, but it was different, so I thought I’d wait until my pregnancy hormones calmed down and see what happened. Now I’ve still got what feels like a very lumpy duct with a couple of lumpy areas around it. I can’t say it feels definitely wrong, it just feels different from how it used to and different from the other breast.


I feel a bit silly really and like I’m wasting time because I don’t have any concrete symptoms. I saw my GP yesterday who felt the breast and could feel the area I was talking about so has referred me to be on the safe side. I know the chances of them finding anything are tiny so I’m not worried but I feel so silly about it all that I haven’t been able to tell my husband or anyone I know, which is why I’m here.


So now I’m in the waiting room too, hopefully it wont be a long wait!





You’re not being silly Cat - you’re being very wise. If it’s nothing to worry about that will be good to know; if there is something of concern then you’ve gone to the right place to have it sorted.


I had a false alarm about 20 years ago and then a routine mammogram spotted a lump 12 months ago. I’ve had that sorted and am back to being as ‘normal’ as I ever was.


You are obviously much younger than me so it’s likely to be another false alarm but how would you feel if you’d ignored your fears and then a few years on you were confronted with a major situation. Good for you for finding out and good for your doctor for taking you seriously.


Do keep us informed - and as everyone says - the waiting is the worse part.

Thanks Hannah,


I did tell my husband in the end, I had to really as I needed him to look after our youngest while I’m there. As I suspected he was concerned for all of 5 minutes then dismissed it! I’m still convinced I’ll be treated like a timewaster, it’s how I was treated last time I visited the breast clinic (because of my age). But this is a different clinic, so hopefully they wont be so close minded. I am 99% sure there is nothing wrong with me, but I’m trying to do the sensible thing by getting checked so I don’t want to be given any grief for it.


Whatever happens, this time tomorrow the appointment will be over and I can stop worrying about it!

