I was diagnosed last week with Grade 2 cancer after a mammogram. I am lucky as I guess as I wasn’t due one for another 18months but have moved from Scotland to Somerset so they called me in!!! I couldn’t feel anything and it is only 7mm on the ultra sound so small.
I am book in for the op on Monday 13th June so nice and quick really.
I am to have a wire inserted into my breast and into the lump using ultra sound before I have surgery. Has anyone had this done???
I hated the Core Biopsie and am dreading this as I will be conscious!!!
To make things worse for me, My sister died 18months ago from Breast Cancer and I can’t get her out of my head!!! I supported her through everything and so have some first hand knowledge of what she went through. My husband and family are great but I still feel scared and wish she was here with me to help me
Sorry to carry on.
Sorry you’re joining us but you’re in the right place and you’ll find plenty of support from us all. You’ll find the waiting for diagnosis, test results is the pits and it gets easier once you know what is is you’re dealing with. It must be extra hard for you because of your sister but your BC is not necessarily the same as hers and you’ve been caught really early.
I didn’t have the wire but had biopsies of the lump and of my nodes. The nodes were the worst but nothing I couldn’t cope with. Not painful as the local anaesthitic is fantastic, just uncomfortable and they had to do it twice. I use focusing on my breat to help me through procedures. I always ask when they’re going to stick the needle in as I find breathing out when it goes in makes it much more bearable. I’ve practiced this for years but you could try this. PM me if you want to know more.
Hiya map3uk, sooooo sorry you’ve found yourself ‘joining’ us, but im sure you’ll get lots n lots of support.
I was dx in Sept (grade 2 , 12mm bc ) had WLE in Oct, didn’t need chemo ‘just’ rads which finished in Dec.
I had the wire guided WLE. And was sooooo scared! It wasn’t too bad, given local injection first same as for biopsy, then wire inserted with an injection type thing during an US, or I think that’s what happened as didn’t look - think I had my eyes shut. They then tape the wire in place so it doesn’t get caught on anything, although didn’t have time to look after as I was called for op straight after my wire was inserted.
Good luck with your op - not too long to wait, keep yourself busy, and don’t Google, as it makes you feel baaaaaad x
Me too had the wire for WLE on March 4th, apart from being cold coz it took a while because they had to put two wires in! I always have to go the extra(unwanted) mile!! It Wasn’t so bad, and if it is caught early that can only be good eh??? Sorry for the loss of your sister, I hope it goes well for you love JXXXX
Thanks girls. ONWARDS and UPWARDS as they say
Hello To You
Like you I’m new to all this stuff. I was dx on 17th May with a grade 2 also, had a lumpectomy and anc on 25th May day before I was supposed to fly to Florida…
Went back to the docs Friday just gone and thankfully they have removed all the stuff 27mm in total and 3/14 nodes were positive (really still can’t say the word) and have to have chemo, rads and hormone therapy as it was hormone receptive and like you I was terrified.I have however found this site very helpful.
I know/knew nothing of breast cancer as it does not run in my family nor have I known anyone who has had it and even when I go to appointments now I don’t think I take it all in which is why I bother the wonderful people on here with random stuff. I second what hipchick has said as I dreaded the waiting but now I know where I am going and that everything that is going to be done is for my good and to make me better.I know how it feels to lose a sister (altho not bc related so must be harder for you) Keep smiling your beautiful smile and try not to dwell too much we cannot change this just accept it (as hard as that may seem) look it in the eye and kick it’s ass.
I’ve gone on too much now good luck with the op all will be fine I’m sure
Take Care and keep us posted
Hi im in Devon but thought i would let you know there is a very good Somerset group and they meet up regularly. Ill see if i can find the info for you.
hello ladies … i was in the same situation as yourselves this time last year , i also hated the core biopsys and dreaded the wire fitting . i had grade 2 invasive and had to have the wire guided surgery and boy was i scared , but to be honest it was not as bad as i imagined, the area was frozen with a local and the wire fitted during mammogram guidance, bit of pushing and pulling but not painfull ,
Hello Map,
firstly big hugs I know exactly how you feel.
I had a vacuum biopsy, which was ok if a bit uncomfortable. It made me feel a bit wobbly, but I got over it after a cuppa! I was dreading the wire insertion, but it was ok. Again I didn’t feel it, it’s more the thought of it that gets you. My surgery was late then, and I was hanging around for ages with the wire, but it was fine. I was pretty swollen afterwards and there was bruising where the wire had been, but that was ok with just paracetamol and being a bit careful.
Lots of luck with the op, sure you’ll be fine. It’s the waiting that gets to everyone I think. The reality is usually far less bad than you’re imagining. You’re getting the problem sorted and it looks as though you’ve got it early which is a real advantage. Lots of luck and let us know how you get on!
Hi there
Welcome, and good luck.
I had the wire put in under a local via an ultrasound, and I have to say I was petrafied thinking it would be painful, but quite honestly it was fine, dont remember any pain at all if I am honest, maybe a tiny bit of discomfort.
Good luck. xx
Hi map3uk,
I had the wire in when unusual cells were found in my left breast in 1997. They were found on mammogram but were really small. The wire was inserted at one hospital and then I was taken by ambulance to another hospital for the operation. Everything was really quick and painless and the cells were biopsied and found to be hyperplasia. That was the end of that episode but, unfortunately I found a lump in my right breast at the beginning of this year and have had a mastectomy and am undergoing chemo at the moment. Don’t worry about the wire, it is not a painful procedure.
Sue xx.
Hi Map3uk,
I also had guide wire from mammogram in 97, just before lumpectomy and it was, honestly, doable. lots of wise counsel from the others on this thread, which is the priceless thing about this forum.
I’m sorry that this is complicated by the loss of your sister - that must be very hard. I hope things go smoothly, in terms of treatment, from now on.