Joint pain last 2 months

I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had lumpectomy and bracytherapy last Nov to December and started taking cancer prevention RX anastrozole . All was fine for the first 3 months. Then almost immediately after my 3 month followup I started having pain in my wrists and finger joints, then to finger tips, to ankles and toes, with swelling in feet, horrible pain in thumbs next, now the  last 2 days in my shoulders.


Not sure if this is from the RX, or I’m getting something new…ideas, anyone?

Hello Fearless, 

It is very common to have joint pain when taking the hormone therapy drug Anastrozole as many ladies on the Forum will confirm from their individual experiences.

Anastrozole significantly reduces the amount of oestrogen in your body by over 95% and therefore your body is going to react to this dramatic change with consequent joint aches and pain.

Here is a link to an existing thread about joint pain and Anastrozole which may be of interest to you.

M x



I hope your feeling better, have you told your breast care nurse or your doctor? 


I also have really bad pain in my joints; I can’t open my hands when I wake up in the morning. My oncologist has recommended that I stop the Anatrazole for six weeks before changing to new meds. Even though my breast care nurse has assured me this is fine I am so scared that not taking anything for six will allow the cancer to come back. 



Hi Lissy,welcome to the forum .The medics seem quite relaxed about people taking a break from the meds for 6 weeks ,I have spoken to a lot of people who have been advised to do so to get to the bottom of side-effects.Im presuming therefore that they do not think it is posing any great risk in doing so .Im guessing they are putting you on Tamoxifen which seems generally a lot kinder on your joints ,hope it works out better for you ,try not to worry about the gap ,I’ve spoken to lots of people who have had a medically advised break.Jill.

get some sort of reassurance or further help rather than thinking you just have to struggle through or to avoid being a nuisance because I am. sute that wont be the case. Good luck to you all