
Hi Jo, I just wondered how you were at the moment? It’s been one hell of a week!!

We were all set and prepared for Mum having chemo on Tuesday and for the first time she wasn’t going to stay in hospital, I was going to bring her home etc. Well we had the nice lunch on the Sunday, and then I was ill all of Sunday night with a stomach bug!! Caught it off my boyfriends brother and his wife after they came to stay last weekend! So then a cold came out too and I only just was well enough on the Wednesday. So sadly Mum had to stay in hospital again and I got her Wednesday and have been staying with her.

Mum’s doing really well though. She has felt awful again but is being really strong. How is your Mum doing?

Thank god it’s the weekend is all I can say!! :slight_smile:


hi Michelle

sorry that i haven’t been in touch recently, i have been kind of busy, doing nothing, yo know how it is…
How are you and your mum??
my mum alright, in fact she has been doing really well, considering. the last lot of chemo didn’t really agree with her, she wasn’t great at all, but that’s her had her last epi, so just 4 cycles of CMF then rads. i have read on these forums that this half of the treatment might no be as bad. to be honest i have been trying to stay off the website as although it has offered me more support that i can ever imagine, it also fills my head with more things to worry about. i am trying so hard to put the whole breast cancer thing to the back of my mind and think positive, i still get very upset when i think how her poor life has changed drastically all in a few months and keep thinking why here. i have also read a thread on triple neg BC and it has given me more hope, that i shouldn’t be living in the fear that it will return. i am going go arrange a lovely holiday for us both after the treatment is finished, and a spa day (coping your idea). me and the boyfriend are doing a little better, no fighting as much as we were, but i still feeling a little bit of a hopeless friend as i am still acting strange around my friends, and i really don’t know why!!
anyway i could ramble all night, and again sorry i took so long replying, you and your mum were in my thoughts though.
take care

Hi Jo, that’s OK! Now I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply! I was arranging that quiz and then I was away with work so it’s all been quite hectic! The quiz was brilliant though. This time last week I was thinking why did I do this?! But it was so good and it was brilliant that we got £607!

Mum is doing well thank you. She has her fourth chemo tomorrow. I’m well (touch wood) so she doesn’t have to stay in hospital. Her friends are taking and picking her up and then I’ll go straight from work and will have Wednesday off with her. I’m hoping that everything will be OK, as in nothing worse than the normal side effects. I feel more confident with dealing with it each time but I hate seeing Mum so upset. I can’t remember if I told you but they think Mum’s tumour has shrunk a little already which is brilliant. I’m going to an appointment with her tonight to get the results of her scan, very nervous but thinking positive.

My boyfriend and I have been getting on better too. That’s great you are planning something nice. Once we know when Mum should be OK we’ll get onto planning a holiday. It’s so cold it’s nice to think of being in the warm! We have also planned Xmas now. Her sixth chemo was due on Xmas Day! Thankfully they agreed it wouldn’t be done then so will be the week after so she will be in her good week and be able to enjoy Xmas and New Year. I’m having Xmas Day just with Mum and we’re going to my boyfriend’s family on the Boxing Day. I’m looking forward to taking the time off work and relaxing to be honest!

I hope you and your Mum are both OK. When is your Mum’s next chemo?

Take care xx