
why are there no jokes on this forum these days? laughter is the best medicine isnt it? looking forward to laughing !!! please cheer us up if you do have any. lynn x

not a joke … a true story …

my friend gave her nearly 2-year old some barbie fairy wings for Chirstmas … she put them on and wriggled her shoulders and said “Mummy Mummy … not working!” … aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

While I was at home waiting for my latest op I asked my colleagues to send me any jokes to keep me cheerful. This was my favourite:

I’ve just been to the gym to try out a new machine they have installed. I could only use it for half an hour and then I had to stop cos I felt sick. Its good though, its got kit kats, crisps, mars bars, absolutely everything!

oh goody keep them coming!!! we NEED a laugh now and then! lynn x

My 12 year old has just come home from school and told me this jopke which she says she made up herself

'There was a boy who went to an inflatable school with inflatable paper and inflatable stools.

He stuck a pin in the door and the headmaster said…

You’ve let the whole school down!’

Milli and daughter, Sarah