

Juicing Im really into my green juices and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good one that will also do wheat grass.


…er a good juicer that is!
fuzzy brain stella

Juicers I used a Champion juicer from UKJuicers.co.uk., but I don’t think it does wheat grass. From one book on juicing, I read that it is important to crush the plant material and not to allow it to heat up. This is to preserve the all-important enzymes in the juice. However, they have several types. The NCCT team like the Champion and the Green Star, Gerson followers can use the Champion or the Norwalk.

Some time ago, I calculated mine had juiced 2 tons of carrots and about half a ton of apples, and it it going as strong as ever. It is easy to use and clean. UKjuicers have a comparison table to show which juicers can do what tasks. ukjuicers.co.uk/comparisonchart

UKJuicers gave me excellent service, the juicer was couriered over and was with me the day after ordering. (I think they know the sort of person who uses them.). And when I needed another screen, the cost was minimal, and service just as quick…

Must admit I felt so well after a few weeks on carrot and apple, and was very very pleased with the results. Hope you get as good results and are just as pleased. Best wishes.

juicing I have a Champion juicer too and I love it, but it doesn’t do wheatgrass

If you go to


the site shop gives details of several juicers and it tells you which ones do wheatgrass; they include a manual wheatgrass juicer for around £30. I bought my Champion from there, it’s a good site.

Didn’t know whether to start a new thread or just post here. Hope you don’t mind me posting here.

I have just started juicing, and while I really love my fruit juices, I heave when I try to drink any of the green vegetable juices. Can any more experienced juicer people give me any tips on how to make them more palatable? I know it’s really good for me, but frankly I think drinking toilet water would be more pleasurable than the stuff I tried to drink earlier on tonight!

Thanks in advance for any advice.


apples and carrots Hi Deidre

Always include carrot or apple juice - preferably both (crapple). Use that as a base and add the green stuff. Most veg are disgusting juiced alone but palatable with apple and/or carrot. I’ve even enjoyed brussel sprout juice that way!

Green juices Hi Deirdre

I love juicing too. The green veg juices are very good for you but a lot of people find them very bitter. As someone else suggested, adding carrot to everything is good as carrots are so sweet, but I also find including loads and loads of tomatoes helps. I have no trouble downing cabbage, broccoli and watercress juice as long as it’s mixed in with plenty of carrot and tomato. I like garlic with mine too, it makes the juice seem more like a cold soup. Stirring in a little something spicy, like cayenne, at the end helps too, if hot stuff you like!


Thanks for the tips. I get an organic box delivery and thought I would try juicing some of the stuff in there - I don’t seem to be able to get around to eating all of the stuff in there.

I’ll try the tips you suggest.


Hi Stella Juicing

I juice every day. I recently purchased a Matstone 6-in-One, Dong-a Oscar Ltd. Unfortunately, I cannot find the booklet I got with it at the moment but I’m sure it said it does wheat grass.

Everyone raves about the Champion but when I looked at it I felt it was way too big (it would take over my kitchen) and I also thought it was pricey. My Matsone is much smaller and has a “retro look”. It works by mincing at low spead (80rpm). I have been told this allows the original nutrients and flavour to be preserved. Actually, it looks more like an mincer than a juicer.

When I first got it I was a little disappointed in the amount of waste. However, I have since been told that they are almost all like this. Sometimes the pulp is quite wet - I had thought it would be very dry.
I would hate to recommend any type of juicer but I do think you might like to consider the Matstone. It is good looking, very sturdy and costs about £145.

Happy juicing.


Really disappointed with my juicer Found it took a lot of fruit and vegetables to get any significant yield from it. As someone else said, I expected much drier pulp. Found clearing up the mess on the worktop (spout overflowed a few times) tiresome. Found cleaning the machine offputting as well. It is now pushed to the back of the cupboard and it doesn’t come out.

Made me feel that cartons juices like Innocent are really good value for money after all.

I admit I didn’t buy a Rolls Royce machine costing over £100, but it was a Magimix (reputable make) and costly enough for me to expect more from it

If I can’t get decent yield, (leading to decent VFM for the price of the ingredients) and mostly dishwasher-safe machine parts (ie everything except the electric motor), I don’t want to know!

The Matstone 6-in-One does juice wheat grass; I didn’t see that one when I was buying mine and it sounds good.

The Champion is big and not very attractive, but one of the reasons I like it is that it leaves very little waste. Having used a number of cheaper juicers, I was very impressed by how much juice it extracts and how dry the pulp is. It’s aso much easier to clean than any other juicer I’ve tried, which is another plus.

I’ve found this informative. In essence,

  1. Don’t buy a juicer at all, unless you go for a expensive one that will do an efficient job. The cheaper ones will just be a waste of money (often quite a lot of money).

  2. Check that it deals with wheatgrass because not all of them do.

  3. Check for dishwasher safe parts.

  4. I also noted on some juicer websites that slow (but powerful) operation speed, generating less heat, was considered best as it preserves more nutrients.

Thanks everyone!

Wheat/Barley Grass Just a thought but if your juicer will not handle wheat grass, it is possible to get wheat or barley grass in powder form, this can than be added to the juice. I personally take barley grass every day mixed with fruit juice (or it can be added to yoghurt), and find this is a very easy way to digest it.

Have you tried free smoothies

I mean green smoothies ?

My favourite juice is Popye juice / pineapple Lemon and spinach looks disgusting but tastes amazing!!

I use wheatgrass powder organic and available from Holland and Barratt. I put it in my green juice along with broccoli cucumber celery apple and pineapple. For a long time I just put it with pineapple which just about made it palatable

It seems like it’s just a perfect recipe for me! Favorite color, favorite ingredients! *(juicer.guru - The Best Live Casino Blog)nvest into a juicer. I can make such amazing thing like this juice!