July 2016 starters

Hi Taran and Nellie how are you both doing? Have you managed to get some sleep. Nellie did you contact the unit? If your not well enough to reply just want you to know I’m thinking of you. Taran I hope you managing ok. I’ve been very tired today and still a bit dizzy!!  I started my gscf injections yesterday but haven’t noticed any effects as yet. Sue how did it go for you? Xx

Hi Bella boo, thank you for asking, I am doing ok. Managed a little half hour nap this morning while baby slept. Didn’t feel massively better for it initially but have improved as the day has gone on. Hoping to stay awake later this evening to then hopefully not wake in the middle of the night! But we’ll see if the plan works!! My biggest problem today has been that I’ve struggled to find a drink I find palatable despite being thirsty. But otherwise it’s another pretty good day for me.

Sue, that sounds like a nightmare for you!! And sadly highlights the impact of the referendum on people’s feelings. I’m glad you recovered from your wobbly though. Not a good time to be made to feel so vulnerable on top of already being anxious about your veins etc. And really quite rude for someone to judge a person on their accent/appearance. But hopefully it won’t happen again. And at least that is another one down with a successful cannulation!


Sue I don’t know how you kept your calm. Your the patient here and yes the nurse may be feeling a little uncertain of her future and being a little more hypersensitive but for heavens sake does she not realise how you might be feeling and your current sensitivities… Well done for resolving the matter in an amicable way. Still got it girl. Taran I have had a strange taste but am still ok with water. Have you tried pineapple juice that seems to be a tried and tested one for the metallic taste?? Good luck on the sleep front am heading off soon having done absolutely nothing today!!! And just been told off by son for not doing any excercise!! For some reason my reconstruction seems to be really uncomfortable today and I’m not too sure whether the lack of white blood cells etc affect the healing process. It’s not an infection just tight and cold. Ahh well these things are sent to try us and tomorrow’s another day. Night night all sleep tight xx

Hi everyone, thank you for your kind words and support. I had an absolutely grot day yesterday, hence no posts. Spoke to unit they said first 48 hrs worst but cos I’m on so much anti sickness meds there wasn’t much more I could have, the injection I came home with wouldn’t really do much, as I hadn’t been vomitting and unable to take any fluids. They are ringing today to see how I am. Well I have had small light meals and drinking 4 pints of water yesterday so just got to bear with it. Picked up  bit later, felt tired and shivery although temp was 35.2, so no infection. Took 2 paracetamol before bed and had a good night, up 3 times for a wee but straight back to sleep. Nausea returned on getting up today, down the meds, my face and neck and chest were bright red!!! Feeling flushed -is this side effect of the red ‘E’ of the FEC I had? Very tearful and feeling really ill today as well as waves of nausea,  hubby being brilliant and Ruby (our 18mth Labrador) trying to understand what’s wrong, keeps sitting beside me, hoping that helps me I think. Anyway enough of ‘me’.


Sue, how awful to have that episode happen to you on your chemo day, which is bad enough. Pleased it was resolved, amazing how this referendum has affected so many people and the ways in which they react. Hopefully the SEs won’t be too bad, thinking of you. ?


Taran, pleased to hear you seem to be managing all this and with those little ones, of course you will have ups and downs, take the naps when you can I found it does help.  I found I can only drink water but even that I’m getting fed up with ! I did try flat 7UP yesterday but threw it away!,Hopefully as the days go on you will be able to get back to drinking your usual.?


Bella boo,good to hear GCSF injection went ok, mine start tomorrow for 7 days, what about you? Are you going to inject or let the nurse do it? Hope you are feeling better.?



Nellie 55 I’m so sorry to hear you are unwell. Wish I could make it better for you. As Sue said, sipping ginger tea … I think also sipping peppermint tea helps calm things down also. I hope it passes for you very soon. I also found; as daft as it sounds, very slow controlled breathing helps. Five seconds breatg through the nose and 5 seconds out through the mouth. It worked for me when i was sick, not saying it’s a miracle cure but helped me feel a bit calmer which in turn stopped it happening.

Sorry to hear you had a rubbish time Sue, keep being you and you will be fine. Sounds positve you may not need to have the last cycle of chemo, everything crossed for you xx

Nellie good to see you back with us I hope your feeling a little better. I’m doing ok today a little tired but nothing too drastic even ventured out to the shop. Still can’t watch the tennis as it makes me dizzy!! But other than that I’m eating well. Have been doing my own injections, it is grit your teeth stuff but the needles are very fine so don’t hurt too much. Like your dog my cat has taken up residence by me and stays there all day and evening till I go to bed and he then goes out to play. Not too sure what to expect next with the se’s but will wait and see. Xx

Oh Nellie, that all sounds so miserable. I hope it improves really quickly for you. And make sure they adjust your meds for next time to hopefully keep on top of it from the start. Bella boo, glad you are doing ok and managing the injections. I just have one neulasta the day after chemo so all done for me this cycle. Wasn’t too bad, just a bit achy after it. Hope it’s done the job!! Today has been another ok day. Bit icky to start but nothing major. Then biggest complaint of the day is a really sore tongue which is making eating unpleasant, but I have forced myself to eat. And hurrah, water is going down well too which is good because I usually drink gallons of the stuff!! Apart from that it’s the tiredness still, but I did sleep a bit better last night so fingers crossed I will again tonight.

Hope you are still doing ok Sue xx

I am keeping a close eye on the tongue Sue in case it develops into oral thrush. I’ve started the difflam today to see if that helps but keep checking for white spots every time I pass a mirror. I must look quite ridiculous!! Will give the pineapple a go though. Could quite fancy some actually. Bit like being pregnant again with all these random cravings!!!xx

Taran, I couldn’t agree more with the cravings thing how bizarre. My trip to the shop was to get myself some Branston pickle and cheese!! Really…didn’t have such strange cravings when I was pregnant. But as they say a little of what you fancy does you good. Cheese and pickle it is for tea mmmmmm ? Xx

Mmmm…now there’s a thought. Sure I have some branston pickle in the cupboard…?

Ooh yes Sue, strawberries. And pears. And porridge. I’m hoping my appetite returns to normal tomorrow now the steroids are finished or I’ll be piling on the pounds!!!

Belle, I’m so glad they got the nausea under control for you. Hope you are still sleeping through most of the grotty today xx

Nellie, Taran, Bella Boo and Sue, really hope you’re all ok after your treatments in spite of all the horrid SEs. Look after yourselves. I’ve got an SE and I haven’t even started treatment yet but it’s one I haven’t had too much of til now. Crying!!! Today I just can’t stop. The floodgates have opened. Seemed to be triggered by my 4 children being nice to me. I think when my daughter referred to this being ‘out last normal weekend’ (chemo starts on Tues) if just finished me off !! Oh dear. Had the port fitted on Weds and have felt ropey ever since. It seems to be taking its time to settle down…think I’m just emotionally drained as you all must be after the surgeries, appointments,scans, waiting for results etc over the past 3 months and not having any time to grieve for my lovely Dad who I lost just before my diagnosis. But life goes on doesn’t it and you ladies are all in the same situation and have the most amazing attitudes to this horrible illness. It’s good to be informed of your SEs. As horrid as they sound at least I will be prepared if any/all happen. Hope you all can enjoy some semblance of a weekend. It’s really good to read your threads. A godsend! To me one of the hardest things about chemo is that we go into it, although battered and bruised from surgery, feeling not too bad, yet knowing it’s going to knock us for 6. The hardest thing is I watched my Mum have various cycles of chemo and although this is a few years ago now, the memory of what it did to her absolutely haunts me. I know this isn’t always the case, especially these days, but seeing her struggle for 5 years and losing her quality of life at a relatively young age, then for it all to end with losing her, is difficult to move on from. I know we are all different and I need to keep positive and to accept the chemo and not fight it but ism struggling with accepting this treatment. Sorry to sound glum even before starting. I’m sure you all felt the same in the lead up? The anticipation is exhausting in itself isn’t it. Anyway, all the best to you all over the coming weekend. Bookworm xxxxxx

Hi Hazel. I’ve been given lorazepam for the night before and the day of chemo too. Hopefully it will help with the anxiety. They could obviously tell I was considering doing a runner at my pre chemo assessment!! So sorry to hear of your awful experience at the wig shop. That’s really not on. Surely a lot more tlc should be forthcoming from those specialising in hair loss. That’s really awful and really brave of you to take the plunge and get your head shaved. Hope your hairdresser can make the wig feel more ‘you’. Hopefully the eyebrows will settle down and you will do a good job on your nails I’m sure. The only thing I really find that helps with the anxiety is total diversion tactics so I might have to hit the shops this weekend!!! Take care Hazel x

Bookworm and Hazel the lead up is far more upsetting and scary and frightening and everything else you can think of. Yes the side effects aren’t pleasant and it sounds like Nellie has had a really horrible time but if you look on the other threads the doctors will do everything they can to make things easier. Look at Belle this time compared to last. Knowing that you can ask for help and you don’t have to suffer unnecessarily should provide you with some reassurance. The next few days will be hard and Hazel it sounds like you’ve had a bad start but it is a path we have to go down to make sure we get rid of this bugger. Try and keep strong ita not pleasant but doable. And Sue I’m going to have to go and get strawberries tomorrow now ? Xx

Hey there lovely ladies,
I’ve just discovered this fab thread and i’m playing catch up. I start my 4 sessions of Chemo up in bonny Gladgow on the 15th July, feeling super nervous but kinda just want to get it started, the waiting is the worst! Any tips for getting throught the 1st few weeks? AJ xx

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Hazel, you don’t sound vain at all. I’ve just woken up in the middle of the night from so much discomfort from this wretched port. Im going to have to get it looked at if it carries on like this. My chest is so bruised yet it’s supposed to be a minor procedure. My body doesn’t like it at all ! I’m no wimp but the pain of it has woken me up. Maybe if we sleep through the chemo sessions Hazel it might be for the best! X

Welcome to the thread AJ. You will get great support and lots of top tips from these girls x

Bookworm, how’s that pain now? Hope it settled for you to get some sleep. If it’s still causing lots of problems today then give the hospital a call and get it checked. Even if it’s just to put your mind at ease and they say it’s fine, better than worrying.

Hazel, you don’t sound at all vain. That sounds like a terrible experience you had. Shame on them. I was so lucky with the ladies fitting my wig, they were lovely. Told me to come back for a free shave when I start losing my hair, and then they will adjust the wig if necessary as fit might be different once there’s no hair under it. I plan to do the big shave at home but it was lovely to have the offer and I’ll definitely feel happy going to have the wig adjusted. I want to get something done with the fringe on it anyway as it’s a lot fuller than I’m used too, especially since having the big chop a few weeks ago!!

Welcome AJ! I’m only 5 days into my first cycle so still learning the tips and things myself. But Sue posted a really good list earlier in the thread if you have a look there’s lots of fab things on there for you to try.

Hope everyone else is doing ok. My first day without steroids so I’m a bit anxious I’m going to feel rotten but we’ll see!!xx

Thanks Taran and Sue.


I wore the wig to Tesco today and nobody seemed to be “Staring” at me. I think you’re right Sue, it’s literally straight out of the box so hopefully I can get my hairdresser to trim it a bit to make it a bit more individual to me.


Taran - Were you able to sleep whilst taking the steriods? I start mine tomorrow before first chemo on Monday and am really anxious that they will exacerbate my existing anxiety symptoms due to long term Anxiety Disorder.


Sue- Thanks for the link, it’s on my list. I’m still reading old threads on here from ladies who received the same chemo regime as me i.e. TC x 4


Hope your side effects are minimal and you have a relaxing weekend everyone.


Hazel. xx