July 2016 starters

Hi Hazel, I haven’t slept properly since I had my chemo on Tuesday. Today is my first day without steroids so I wait and see if tonight is any better. Having said that, I would have slept fairly well the last couple of nights if it weren’t for one or other of my children waking during the night. Very unfortunate as they are normally good sleepers but seem to have had bad nights at just the time I needed good ones!! Typical I think. I am hoping for more success tonight!!!xx

Thanks to you all for your advice and support. Today has been the best day yet, virtually no nausea today! And my anti sickness meds are getting less! Couldn’t stop thinking about a homemade cottage pie in the freezer, so we had it for tea, oh my it’s was sheer heaven, couldn’t get enough of it! ? Wouldn’t have stopped but my stomach was too stretched and was hurting. How strange these cravings are? Sadly chocolate is a definite a no go, just the thought of it makes me feel yuk! Red flushing of face is due to steroids so not looking so much like an Angry Bird today!


Belle, thanks for your thread I have noted the revised anti sickness meds and will certainly take the list with to oncologist, 3 are different to what I am having. 


Taran, sorry to hear you’ve not been sleeping well at night, hopefully this one will be better now you are off the steroids. Also hope your tongue calms down, just when you feel able to eat after the nausea, the sore mouth rears its ugly head. Have you tried iced lollies? Or frozen chunks of mango?


Sue, thanks for the ‘ginger’ list will certainly browse the shops. I’m glad you have settled back down after your wobbly, totally understandable and really pleased SEs are behaving themselves.  It’s so lovely to have a pet isn’t it, they really understand and want to make you better by their devotion be it grooming you or snuggling up next to you. And it’s great having friends over, they give you a fresh outlook and put you back in touch with the outside world!


Emma111, thank you for that advice. For My 2nd chemo I will try the breathing, the waves of nausea got stronger and stronger until I was retching and I may well have been panicking with it.


Bella boo, glad you are doing ok and eating well. I get dizzy watching the tennis anyway lol! Well done you doing your injections, think I will pass on that at the moment, maybe in a later cycle. 


Bookworm48, so sorry to hear how upset you are feeling, but these emotions do need to come out and it does help. Do get your port checked out it surely shouldn’t be that painful.  Sorry to hear about your Dad my heart goes out to you, just when you need and want to grieve for him you are thrust into ‘cancer world’  it sounds like your Mum and Dad were strong fighters and so you will have that in you. Once you start at least you know what to expect, I think it’s the waiting and not knowing what effects it has on you is the worst. Yes my nausea and sickness was horrendous and such a shock to me, I felt so much better by day 3 and they will tweak my meds for next time, so reassurance there as well… All the best.


Haz25a, what an awful experience with your wig and shaved head, you took such a brave decision to shave your head beforehand.  Hopefully your hairdresser will sort you out. Well done at Tescos, brave girl. I don’t think people really notice it is us who feel different 


AJ, welcome to this thread. I’m only on day 4 of my first cycle so I’m getting all the tips off the others, they are a great help and give such support.  You are right the waiting is the worst! 






Hi everyone. Hope you’re all doing ok and SEs aren’t too grim for you all today. Have been reassured by hospital that my symptoms sometimes happen as the port settles down. It’s not the wounds - which are fine , it’s the device itself moving around and I bruise easily. My neck is the worst and reading other threads this is quite a common issue in the early days. I guess i was naive in thinking it would be straightforward. I’m black and blue and have to sleep on my back which I hate but painkillers really help. Typical me, but if it helps my veins, long term it will be worth it. Just don’t fancy them sticking the needle into in Tuesday while it’s still so sore. They are going to take a look at it tomorrow anyway. Managed a little outing to see the new Ab Fab film. A bit of light relief was in order!! AngeNut, sounds like you’ve had a tough few days but you’ve dealt with it brilliantly. My ECs will be fortnightly so thinking I won’t have much respite from SEs between treatments but i guess it’s a case of see how it goes. Take care girls xxx

Nellie, glad you had a better day and thank you for your lovely words and Taran, hope you had a better night xxx

Morning all, I hope everyone managed to get a reasonable sleep including Taran’s babies :). Nellie I’m glad to hear your feeling better and managing to eat. Don’t worry about the chocolate I’m eating it for you and I’m not a chocolate eater!! Bookworm how was Ab Fab I’m hoping to go and see it soon. I’m feeling ok and had a good day yesterday I went to watch my horse do some dressage. It was lovely to see her but she wasn’t happy that I wouldn’t give her lots of scratches and hugs but 6 days post first fec I’m a bit paranoid on the infection front. My son has gone off on his holiday so it’s just me and the cat for a week so I’m going to catch up on some cleaning today. This rock and roll lifestyle never ends :slight_smile: hope you all have a good Sunday xx


Lovely that you got to see your horse Bella. I hope she forgives you for lack of hugs :wink: An ex chemo lady mentioned to me that cinemas and theatres and other busy places needed to be treated with care once chemo starts due to heightened risk of infection. Thing is with 4 kids I’m probably more likely to pick something up from them than anyone but I take her point. Hence a trip to the cinema yesterday before it all kicks off sounded a good move! Not exactly Oscar worthy material but good silly fun and Jo Lumley still pulls a blinder as Patsy. Jennifer Saunders kicked BCs butt with chemo didn’t she so it seemed a good movie to go see for a bit of 'if she can do it do can I ’ mantra!! X

Hazel, just wanted to wish you all the very best for tomorrow. Hope you are able to get a good night’s sleep to prepare yourself for your first session. Remember the deep breathing to relax you. I’ll have to remember that one myself. Lol.
I was reading you post about your wig, eyebrows etc. Hopefully your hairdresser will be able to sort it for you, or maybe after your trip to Tesco, you are feeling ok about it. With regards to the semi-permanent brows, are you not able to get your top op during chemo, say perhaps in week 3 when you are on the up? Sending you virtual hugs for tomorrow xx

Haz25a Cycle 1 Day 1 TCH


Hi Alex2016,


Thank you so much for your kind words and support. Yesterday was pretty bad for me, anxiety was through the roof and only got aroun 3 hours sleep due to steriods despite lorazepam and sleeping tablet.


My first chemo treatment was uneventuful. Had Herceptin injjection into thigh first, thankfully no reaction. Then the Cychophosimide (spelling), saline flush, then Piriton and something else (sorry, so tired, can hearly see straight) before Taxotere (Dox), very observant nurse noticed rash on my chest and immediately stopped infusion, but it was a false alarm, I tend to get a patchy rash on my chest and as it didn’t spread, the iv was started again at the normal rate, although she did have the piriton and steriod(?) all drawn up ready to administer if need be so she was on the ball.


I had a single room with an en suite and a bed to lie on. The nurses are all so lovely. One of the nurses arranged this for me due to my anxiety disorder, she also downloaded some sleep meditation apps onto my phone for me. Oh, and I got four soft towelling turbans sleepcaps too.


I’ve got Ondanstreton, metacloprimade and Lorazepam for anti sickness and my Dexemethasone is being tapered off, so instead of taking it for only 3 days, (day before, day of and day after chemo), I will continue to take a gradually reducing dose for the following 3 days. 


Got a vein no problem with the cannula, they got me to place my arm in warm bowl of water beforehand. Hopefully my left arm will hold out over the next three treatment. Can’t use right as surgery side and 3 lymph nodes removed.


Arrived t 10.00m and left just before 5.00pm but it went in really quick. Were provided with refreshments, tea, coffee, soup, sandwiches etc.


I’ve had a sausage and some mashed potato for dinner. I’m staying at my Parents tonight. Just trying to stay awake until 8.30pm for second lot of meds then bed for me, struggling to keep my eyes open.


Hope everyone is doing well, for those waiting to start treatment, it really is true that the treatment itself is not nearly as bad as you imagine it will be.


So far I have not had any SE’s to speak of, slight nausea during T cocktail but to be honest that was probably my acid reflux which I suffer from anyway. I know it’s early days but I’m hoping to get a good sleep tonight and just take each day as it comes.


Hope everyone is doing well, sorry, too tired to read all the posts.


Best Wishes






Alex and Bookworm, you both having your first chemo tomorrow? Is that correct? If so, the very best of luck to both of you. I think it was Bella Boo who told me the antcipation of the unknown is worse than the actual treatment itself, it certainly was for me.


Very best wishes and let us know you get on when you feel up to it.



Hazel, I’m glad it all went well for you and that so far side effects aren’t causing any problems. Fingers crossed for a good sleep tonight and a decent day tomorrow.

How is everyone else doing? I had a really grotty day yesterday and felt very sorry for myself. Ended up keeping my eldest home from a party because the birthday girl’s brother had been sick overnight and I didn’t want to risk it. Felt really guilty he was missing out because of me, but now today she has been off school with a stomach bug so I’m really glad we didn’t go!! Anyway, after a horrible day yesterday I have felt much better today. Feel a lot more normal so not sure if I’m over the worst of round 1 now, or if there are more aide effects waiting to hit me tomorrow. But for now I am just grateful for a good day. Still really tired though so will be another early night for me!

Good luck to tomorrow’s starters. It really will be fine, and you’ll soon be coming out the other side so keep thinking that xx

Hazel, you’ve been an absolute star today. Really hope you get some sleep tonight. Thank you for all the useful info, especially as you’re so tired. Thank you too for your kind wishes for tomorrow. Taran too - glad you’re feeling a wee bit better Taran. My worst day was yesterday. Anxiety through the roof and still really agitated with the pain of the port. Lots of tears yesterday but the Nurse at the hospital was so caring and by last night I was a lot calmer. Today the port line is still pulling but pain much reduced and I even managed my daughter’s sports day which made her day. They are going to look at the port again tomorrow to check it’s ok to put the chemo through. hoping to get some sleep tonight. Good luck alex for tomorrow xxxx

PS any good tips on a sensible breakfast before first chemo tomorrow or is it better just to drink? What do people tend to eat the night before? I know some recent press has advocated fasting before and after treatments but my BC nurse said no way and even got the oncologist to impress on me that this was not a good idea at all, in fact down right stupid given my Taxol will be given weekly once the EC is finished and I would end up barely eating at all. I’ve only got 2 week gaps between my ECs.

Hi all, Hazel I’m glad it went ok! I’m hoping your in bed now and your not being kept awake with the se’s. Bookworm good luck tomorrow I know your port is being a nuisance but it makes the infusion so much easier. I just had my normal weetabix for breakfast and had a cup of coffee and some custard creams during treatment. Alex good luck as well.  Taran good call re the sickly child nows not the time to take risks. I finish my last gscf injection tomorrow but haven’t had any se’s from them. I felt really well yesterday and did a huge house clean which I have continued today. Nellie I agree with the feeling poisoned bit but it has gone now. The only issues I have is that I can’t stop eating and my head is really itchy. But I have been out for my tea with friends and even had a small glass of wine (don’t tell the doctors ?). I have a check up with the oncologist tomorrow but all in all I feel pretty good and hope it lasts. The only downside is that having gone through the surgery and then the chemo this is the first time i have felt ok in 2 months and really don’t want to feel ill again. I know I have to but not looking forward to it. Never mind I’ll make the most of the next 2 weeks including the Ab Fab movie. Xx

Bella Boo, what a lovely upbeat post. I’m going to bed trying to think positive thoughts too. Xx

Thanks to everyone for their best wishes. Not even sure if I’m getting chemo tomorrow! Won’t know until I go up to Unit in morning. Have been having trouble due to my ANC and am still on antibiotics for infection under my arm. Nurse was out twice today to dress it. Part of me wants chemo to crack on and the other part wishes I had another few days to recover from ANC and get more mobility in my arm. I’m only 16 days post op. I’ll obviously go with whatever they say. I sort of took myself away from the threads the past few days, as wasn’t in a great place to be honest, but this is me back on track.
Bookworm, all the best for tomorrow too and I don’t normally do breakfast, but will definitely have toast or something, as hard to know what exactly happens once you go to the Unit. We don’t want to be fainting on them lol
Hazel, hope when you read this it is after you have had a good nights sleep. Glad you went to your parents house to be looked after and have some company and TLC.
And to Taran, Bella Boo and Nellie, thanks for all your recent updates. Hope you all are side effect free soon! Take care everyone. X

Taran, Nellie, Bookworm, Bella and Alex. Thanks so much for your good wishes.


I had a great night’s sleep last night thanks, really needed it although I am struggling to keep my eyes open again right now. Might have a short nap. Had some nausea and stomach cramps later last night and this morning but feel a bit better after a bowel movement (sorry, tmi).


Taran, Nellie and Bella, hope you’re having a good day with minimal SE’s.


Bookworm and Alex, hope you first chemo goes as smoothly as mine did and wishing you a good night with minimal Se’s


This forum really is a godsend. So helpful to be able to share experiences and have support from others.


Thanks to all.


Hazel. xx

Hello Everyone,
Can I join your July starters group? I had my first meeting with the oncologist yesterday and she has given me a start date of July 20th. I’m a bit behind most of you, but have been reading your experiences so far and I’m glad for so many of you that it has been bearable. It also makes me feel a “bit” less apprehensive!

Sue, your info posts have been so helpful, thank you…I’m off shopping tomorrow to get a few essentials.

A little bit about how I got here…I found a lump in April and was diagnosed, after several biopsies and reassurances that it was nothing, in May. I had a right mastectomy and sentinel node thingy about three weeks ago and have been told I have triple negative invasive ductal but no sign of anything in the three sentinel nodes they removed. I’m 41 and have two children, 9 and 7. 

I hope to be able to get to know you all over the course of this unusual and challenging summer!

P x

Bookworm and Alex, how has it gone today? Hope you’ve been reassured that chemo day itself is not bad. Did try go ahead with yiur chemo Alex or was the wound a problem?

Welcome to the thread Pookie, although sorry you have to be here with us. Better to have company for this though I think!! I was also diagnosed with triple negative IDC in may, but had 4 positive nodes on clearance. How are you recovering from surgery so far? Hope it’s been problem free for you.

I’m feeling ok today. Quite well actually. But bored now of the way nothing tastes good with this horrible mouth!! xx

I did it! This comment may sound stupid but for those who know me it was looking pretty unlikely that Ian would get me across the threshold of the hospital this morning and that was even after the extra lorazepam!! Everyone was super lovely and the day passed in a bit of a haze really. Just got home so a long day. Did cold cap. It was fine. If it doesn’t work also fine as prepared with wig and scarves. Just feel incredibly tired, woozy and spaced out so nothing new there then!! To all peeps about to start…honestly honestly, it’s ok. A totally weird surreal day but ok xxxxx

Well done Bookworm48, you should be so proud of yourself for actually getting to hospital for first treatment. Glad you aren’t feeling too bad. Keep sipping those fluids tonight and wishing you a comfortable night. … You are one more session down than you were yesterday :relaxed: … tick it off the list, it’s behind you now and doesn’t need to be worried about xx