July 2024 chemo starters

@idcand49 . My cap didn’t feel that snug. I could press the top down onto my head so maybe thats huw it works. Try not to worry lovely x


@angieb1 hi. Physio went well. Didn’t feel that brilliant today but ok to drive to hospital. She couldn’t find it at first it wasn’t that obvious and wasn’t restricted with movement. But i showed her exactly where it hurt. After five mins of her stretching and massaging shed got it sorted. It popped and now gone. Definitely soeak to your nurse. Xxxx


@debi1 Oh wow. That sounds brilliant. I’ll definitely get in touch with my breast nurse and see if she can get it organised for me.


Hi @rosa1 i will come to the August meet up.
It’s school holidays for me, so all a bit crazy busy. Which is life on a normal day for me, throw in breast cancer and so many appointments, etc, it’s like I just took a 2nd job,


It’s the same for me. I’m also pregnant and have a 2 year old. Luckily I’ve been signed off sick otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to cope with the appointments and feeling tired constantly.


Hi @imogen

Welcome to the forum.

You are definitely not the only person who thinks the waiting is the worst. I’m 6 months post chemo and radiotherapy, surgery 1 year. I was told that breast cancer generally grows quite slowly so a few weeks or months is not a problem. I found a lump in April but didn’t have surgery until July as they found a second tumour in the other breast when having a MRI to size the original tumour. So that was 3 months from lump to first treatment. It was horrible but was assured they wanted to get it right first time so getting the test and results in place was paramount.

For anyone else that HER2+ there is a group called HER2 buddies you might like to join

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@idcand49 I managed 12 weekly Paclitaxel with cold capping and kept most of my hair. Just two small patches above both ears and some shedding. It was recommended to take paracetamol half an hour before cold cap. I personally found it was still uncomfortable for the first 10/15 minutes. For me the best option was distraction. I would download a film or series on my tablet to watch or read my kindle.

Cold cap works but it’s not easy. Great source of info www.cancerhaircare.co.uk Jasmin does the www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk courses and has Videos with Claire Paxman from www.coldcap.com

Ps don’t forget to wear a headband to protect your forehead nd ears from the cold

Best of luck with your treatment.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi @debs52 That’s good to know. After my node clearance 3 weeks ago I’ve suddenly realised I have what I think is cording under my arm. I’d got the flexibility and movement back but there was sometimes a sharp jabby feeling …. I’ll mention it on Weds when I go to my follow up. :+1:


@naughty_boob thanks for the advice
I took pain meds and made it through the cold cap

I have tons beanies on the ready and just been “paid it forward” a wig

My main gripe is the nausea

The ones they have given me aren’t cutting it tbh

It’s my first cycle so I have noted it but quite annoyed that the one thing I was pretty much promised could be kept at bay hasn’t!

Btw is does anyone know if treatment day is day 1 or does day 1 start the next day (also noting when I start to feel meh) x


@idcand49 Ring your treatment helpline if the nausea drugs are not working. There are many different types they can swap you to. The idea is to take them an and not have nausea.

I started on metochloperamide and then swapped to Cyclizine. I had odanestron by IV on the day and was given a packet to add in if needed.

I’m not really sure how day 1 etc works, I had a booklet to complete with side effects. You marked you chemo day and then side effects. If you are wondering about when side effects will ease it may be helpful,to look at previous months to see what happens to others on similar plan to you.



Thanks for this!


Thrush mouth can usually hit within first week, call your unit and get fluconzole tablets don’t get fobbed off with the drops and then ask for them in your goody bag at each round so you can be prepared to start taking each round :heart:hope that helps :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Just a quick reminder to please keep safe everyone these threads are open to the world so any meet ups please use the pm function on here :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hey everyone. So I had first cycle of EC chemo on Friday. I did use the cold cap and it is tough, but just about bearable. I certainly was ready for it to be removed. Definitely will be taking a neck pillow next time and a weighted eye cushion. I’ve spent all weekend pretty much in bed. Very lethargic and tired and struggling to sleep too. Dry mouth - suggestions anyone? Got a headache which doesn’t want to shift too, mainly behind eyes. Thinking it might by sinus related. I admit having the PICC already to connect up, was better and I am getting used to it but the PICC cover just rolls down my arm? I’m attempting work today, I WFH, but I feel like my brain just isn’t working very well. Chemo fog? Hope everyone else is doing as well as they can be. Any suggestions or advice always welcome!! x


Hi @idcand49 for my second round, the nurse changed my caps to small/small. She thought snug was better. Could you ask to give that a try?


Hi @kms1
Does your PICC cover tube have a few stripes on it? They changed my tube -originally yellow stripes- to blue stripes. It’s tighter and doesn’t move around at all.
It would be worth asking.


Hi @cf640 at my next bloods I will ask for a refit (my hair will have started shedding by then too 🫨6

@kms1 i felt awful on the first day I had no steroids (Sat). My nausea meds were not strong enough (I felt sick even with the steroids) so asking for a review for the next cycle. It’s knocked me back which is annoying esp with this horrible metal taste I can’t get rid of. I’m off to my GP who wants to see my tongue /mouth before prescribing me anything. The one time I would love a tel triage they call me in!

I’ve managed a few hrs of work mainlining kefir which is helping my spaced out feeling.

And tbh my worse symptom is the nausea / taste so if I can figure out a way mitigate it, I can hopefully do more.

Getting headaches but think from the GSF injections.

Hope everyone is having a good start to the week. My teens finish this week so will have more company - hooray xx


I am new to this forum - only just found it!
Diagnosed beginning of June with two tumours in my breast and spead to my lymph glands.
Had PICC line fitted today, start chemo on Wednesday 17th (assuming my bloods are OK - I already got called back in)
Opted for the cold cap
Cant just recall the drugs from the top of my head but got warned my worst day will be day 5.


Good luck with your first session and welcome to the group! Let us know how it goes.


I had my first EC chemo last Thursday. Tired and bit headache but not too bad Friday and felt great on Saturday. Had first of 7 Filgrastrim injections on Saturday night. Woke up Sunday feeling exhausted, headache all day that I couldn’t shift even with paracetamol. Same again today. Got no energy and awful headache. Just wondered if anyone else felt same and if it’s the chemo, the injection or both. Really hoping I wake up tomorrow with some energy and no bad head.

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