July 2024 chemo starters

This topic is for anyone starting chemo in July 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.

You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now


Starting chemo 02/07 in Milton Keynes 6 cycles 3 of ec and then 3 t 3 weeks apart I have aleady shaved my head as could not stand the thought of it falling out and I didn’t want the additional worry of cold capping I have started to get bits ready including an emergency overnight bag just in case. Thanks for all the input on the other threads. Good luck and best wishes to yo7on on this wild journey xx take care xxx


Hi ladies. Im starting chemo on the 5th EC-T 6 sessions 3 wks apart. I had a lumpectomy 1st May. Results were good they had removed it and lymph nodes clear. But it was triple negative and that did through me a bit. BUT it is out, and now im focusing on this next stage. Good look on the 2nd @lilo1973 x


Hi all,

I’m 49, mom to 3 teens and was diagnosed back in late Feb (after my mil suddenly passed away, can’t make this crap up!)

Had a lumpectomy in April and re-excision May & today I found out my Prosigna results put me at intermediate level of risk of reoccurrence so will have x 4 cycles of TC.

I start 11 July and just digesting this all.

Any tips you already know about would be fab!


All the best @debi1
@idcand49 I have picked up bits from other threads SLS free stuff toothpaste, deodorant, body wash Bongela gaviscon soft toothbrush snacks box sets will find out more tomorrow and post


Well today has been a whirlwind and brain overload. When for the nurse appointment before my 1st chemo next week she took my weight, height, blood pressure and bloods this I am told is the baseline (normal) everything will be assessed against this for all other bloods. Then we talked about what will happen on the day anti sickness before I come in then once there bloods taken again then more anti sickness, antihistamines and steroids then the chemo I must say if I feel any different than normal. Then once finished see doc and I get a injection to take away that will help raise white blood cells I have to inject it myself (not a problem I’m diabetic) I mist do this for 5 or 7 days after doc will tell me and also anti sickness med day 2 and day 3. I get a booklet with like a traffic light symptoms on it and a card to show if I have to go to a&e. Advised to call if you don’t feel like your normal self however trivia. Oh forgot I will pee pink urine after for a day or so but drink lots and lots of fluids. Use moisturiser liberally and use factor 50 sun cream. Then I can me home with a chemo pack to read I did whist on my extended lunch break from work (at home as company only offers SSP) and I felt like crying it’s very depressing ready the possible side effects and knowing that this is now real and I have got to do this. Sorry if this is a long post but I hope it helps some of you I am now feeling a bit better. I am sure I will have more lows to come but it wont beat me I just need to get it started. Take care everyone we are all on the same journey but we are each on a different pathway xxx


Hi guys,
I’m 40 and a mother of two children. Starting EC on 10th of July. I was diagnosed with HER2 grade 3 invasive tumour June 4th. This waiting period for treatment has been the toughest period of my life. I just want to start treatment! Literally like every day is a week and even 10th of July feels ages away. I am doing 8 cycles in total with three different chemos so will be ongoing for like 20-24 weeks.
Am I the only one worrying about it getting worse in this waiting period? My thoughts are getting to me for sure!:slight_smile: but am positive and ready for fight. Not doing cold capping. Good luck to everyone xx


I’m glad you’ve posted this, I was beginning to think I’d over-egged my description of my intensive meeting to my partner! You’ve actually filled in a couple of things I wasn’t sure I’d heard right, so thank you :smiling_face:
I don’t have a start date yet, I was told about 3 weeks time or so, but I’ve got all this whizzing round my head too. I’m a ‘be prepared’ kinda person and I partly feel stupid for prepping stuff now, when I don’t have an exact date, and partly wondering if I’ll be slightly mad by the time it actually starts.
Coupled with starting to cut my very long hair shorter by degrees , which is harder than I expected (I’ll probably get to a point where I hate it so much I’ll get the clippers out!), I really feel everyone who says they just want to get on with it, because this shit is getting real now. The run up to the mastectomy feels like a walk in the park by comparison.
Good luck sweetie x

Edit: Just had 19th confirmed for first session.


:heart:do think about donating your hair to little princes trust that makes wigs for children :heart:lots of us have over the years :heart: felt like taking bit of control back, chemo was going to take hair but we chose when and to make something good come of it :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

I haven’t had my pre chemo appt yet (will be 2 days before the big day) but will make sure to bring a notebook!

Is anyone in the July group going to try and keep working?

I need to in some capacity. SSP is not enough.

I work 4 days p/w so hope to do 2, 2.5, 3
Treatment depending of course 🫨

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Hi ladies. I agree waiting for this next stage seems to be the hardest. Ill also be taking a note book on Tuesday and my husband for support i think. Just been for a hair cut, i couldn’t make my mind up whether to have it cut quite short. But ended up just a trim. May be irrelevant in a few weeks if the cold cap doesn’t work but thats out of my hands. Had phone appointment with oncologists this morning just to confirm I’m going ahead with chemo and reminded me to stay positive. @lilo1973 stay strong hun. @imogen good luck on the 10th. @pipspops we are all here to support each other. @idcand49 i stopped working in April even though my job was part time it was a physical one. Not sure if ill be going back. Take care ladies. Xxx


Hi I will be trying to work not sure after reading other threads but I must try as I too can’t afford to be on SSP and we know we won’t get any support as hubby earns too much. All the best with your journey xx take care xx


Can I ask what thermometers ppl havev

Ours is broken & need to sort asap amongst a thousand other things

Non contact digital looks like a scan gun Amazon


Picc line fitted this morning I was very apprehensive I took paracetamol about an hour before the X-ray team that fit them were very kind and saw my concerns and explained it really well and put me at ease can’t say it hurts at the time and yes now I can feel it but I am sure paracetamol will ease it over time. Not told really how to care for it as chemo appointment is Tuesday and he said that it will be ok till then and afte4 tha5 will get my appointment for Picc care. Hope everyone is having a chilled weekend well as best they can. Take care xxx

Hi all
I’m starting treatment 17th July , 3 EC + 3 docetaxel. Had lumpectomy & start of May , clear margins & lymph nodes small tumour but triple negative grade 3.
Very best of wishes @lilo1973 & @debi1 as you start treatment next week and thanks @lilo1973 for the low-down on what time expect at the pre-assesment. Did they give you a choice on the picc line, did you have to ask for it?
I’m gathering bits and pieces together, I got an in ear digital thermometer of Amazon. Hoping to cold cap but got a voucher for a wig so got appointment for that next week.
My dad (93!) sent me a leaflet for Little Lifts and I applied & received a lovely package from them last week full of lots of lovely items to help out during chemo.
Sending lots of love & strength to everyone, so nice to be able to connect at this scary time

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Wow. It never entered my head they would put a picc line in on my pre assessment appointment. ( Tue ) Tbh i suppose i thought they would do it at each session :thinking:. Im a bit more nervous now but glad to know what to expect. Take care. X

@debi1 they were due to do it in a couple of weeks after my 1st chemo but got a call on Friday and asked if I could attend today. Scared was an understatement but it’s much better than a cannula and just another thing that needed doing. Roll on my next worry Tuesday lol. I hate roller coasters. Take care you all xx

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Good luck to all starting this week, be thinking of you xx

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Hello all,
I have my first Oncology appointment on Saturday and I am dreading it as I know I will be starting chemo soon after. I had a lumpectomy with clear margins but affected lymph nodes. The breast team have told me I will have chemo, radiotherapy and then hormone treatment.
Coming on here for some virtual hand holding as my positive pants seem to have gone on holiday :confused:
Good luck to all x