July 2024 chemo starters

@alisona1 hi we all know that feeling when really we know what we are letting our self in for we just don’t want too. I found the oncologist and his team of nurses that have seen me were really nice and understanding and really explained well. My nurse sat with me and my hubby after the appointment ant asked if we understood everything that was said and did we have any other questions. I have since been back for my pre chemo appointment and the nurse I meet then was the same. There will be a lot to take in at the appointments so take someone with you and write it down. You will be fine and we will all be here to answer all the questions you don’t want to ask them or forgot to ask. Take care xxx

My positive pants have gone walkies too

My friend called me today to basically say she heard how cold capping “is horrific, just horrific”.

On top of all my other fears about the big day, I just don’t need another one.

Plus we cancelled our summer hols today now I have a treatment start date. We had to cancel our April one due to my surgery, now summer is out the window + my 50th bday Sep trip. Just want to blink and wake up 12 weeks later!

@lilo1973 think you mentioned you’re going to try & work too? My boss told me today she needs to think about my proposed plan. Not sure what that means but I can’t face income worries on top of all this other stuff. Hope your first session goes well. You can give us tips! Xx


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@idcand49 Tips to follow this evening I wear a lovely mask its call I got this behind it is totally chaos on my mind I am petrified of what tomorrow brings but I got to do it so it will be what it will be step by step brings the end closer I am booked in holiday next week off work I am thinking of a new staycation at home lol. Nite all we got this we will be there for each other xx take care xx


:heart: we found your positive pants in lost property and have chucked them back to you along with a little book of how to block well meaning negative ninnies out too, you just do it your way, what’s right for you in your own time :two_women_holding_hands: you’ll all help each other navigate through :heart: for any ‘helpful’ horror stories from probably well meaning friends just say thanks for that insight :+1: and then see how you get on yourself :heart:everyone’s different :heart: so just carry on being fabulous you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Starting chemo tomorrow (02/07)
So so nervous but doing ok… watch this space!!
4 rounds of EC 2 weeks apart, then 4 rounds of paclitaxel 2 weeks apart also.

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Welcome @alisona1 sorry you have had to join this club. It does help having people to talk to who know exactly how you feel. Good luck with everything. @idcand49 some people find cold caps aren’t too bad. But you will never know until you try. Ill be trying it out on Friday been looking at some lovely scarfs just in case. Stay strong hun. Hi @zaran good luck tomorrow love and @lilo1973 Thinking of you all xx


Thank you for your lovely replies and support, it’s very daunting but hopefully I will feel better once I have more of a plan/timescale :crossed_fingers:
Good luck to everyone on this rubbish journey xx


Hello everyone, jumping on board as I’ve just had my fisrt onc appointment, so starting chemo in the next two weeks.
4 x EC 3 weeks appart, then paclitaxal x4, 2 weeks apart.
Have had mastectomy with Diep and ax node clearance.
I have found these threads so so useful since being diagnosed in November. Everyone is so supportive and fantastic.
Keen to hear peoples experiences of picc lines?! And echocardiagrams?! x


Hi @wrenny. Im starting chemo on fri i had my first appointment today on chemo ward. Nurses were lovely. Just had bloods taken and talked through the procedure. Said they would insert a cannula each time but would use picc if there was a problem. Just to make things easier. I am going to try cold cap but booked in to see wig lady on Thursday just in case. Hope you get your start date soon as we all know waiting seems to be the hardest part. Sending love :heart:

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@lilo1973 hi lovely. Been thinking about you today hope things went well :crossed_fingers:xxxx

Hi @debi1 are the nurses recommending any pre meds to mitigate the initial pain for cold capping?

I plan to ask for lorazepam & strong pain meds in hope it works.

I’m a wuss with pain even though I did birth 2 of my 3 without pain relief.

Just wondering if there’s more out there to help. 🫨

I’m also hoping for a cannula for my 4 cycles :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Hi everyone!
So I was diagnosed end March, first surgery end April and an additional cavity shave end May.
Had my PICC line fitted today and my first EC will be on Friday morning. I’m dreading it! I was dreading the PICC being fitted too. I’m attempting the cold cap. Anyone got any suggestions? I’ve seen somewhere else that paracetamol beforehand is a good idea. In the big scheme of things, the hair doesn’t seem important but to me, it really is… wish I knew why so much.
Good luck to all starting chemo this month. I’m really looking forward to hearing advice and news from my fellow BC heros. xx


Hi @idcand49 . The only thing they gave me is steroid and anti sickness to take one hour before my appointment. Ive heard some say paracetamol but others say they tolerated the cap well. Hope you go on ok whatever you decide hun. Hi @kms1 looks like were both having our first chemo the same day. Im hoping for the best with the cold cap but ive sent for some hats and scarfs because even if it works it a strong possibility will still loose some so want to be prepared. Lots of luck my love xx


Well here goes update on what today was like for me I was bricking it this morning and my eyes water a extremely small amount once we had checked into to the cancer center but I recovered quickly lol it was strange but I took what was given to me well the nurse talked me through what was going to happen and how and why. She said having a picc would make it easier and faster. It’s she cleaned Picc line and redressed it she explained I would need to go to the centre to have this done every 10 days she then hooked me up to a saline drip she then confirmed who I was my dob with another nurse also and then added another anti sickness followed by the steroids once they were in she flushed the line I had to confirm again to her and another nurse who I was and she then started the chemo E again explain my pee who be red then she ran a flush followed by chemo C then a long flush I then saw the pharmacy team who gave me my home meds and again explained they well and when to take and give me a sheet with the same info out and asked about my normal meds. we were there about 3.5 hours my heart has been racing a little but that’s the steroids mentioned it and she agreed nothing out of the norm I have got my next 3 appointments for Picc clean then bloods and then chemo date as 23/07 all being well. I have spent afternoon in bed and on sofa as I feel drained and unsettled but ok I am glad it’s over my tastebuds have already started to change but we knew that would happen so roll on the next couple of days I have 7 days of injections to increase white blood cells and 2 and 5 days of anti sickness and 5 days of steroids so along with my normal meds. I got another medical card to go with my fast pass to a and e this one is to advise on steroids have to keep that with me for a year and also a pre written prescription for a and e if required for antibiotics.
Sorry for long post I just thought it might help some of you remember everyone experiences are at little different and react differently and I am sharing only mine

Take care out there everyone xxx


Just finished writing todays post took some time as hard on my little brain thanks xx

Thanks for sharing your experience @lilo1973. Hope you get a good night’s rest. Take care x

I had my PICC fitted yesterday. I’ll admit it did feel strange - I felt the tube go across - but other than the usual sting like a blood test, it was very tolerable. My friend who had cannula each time 6 years ago, openly says now that she wished she had the PICC as her veins are not good at all now. I was really scared, but it’s done now and will take some time to get used to it but it’s not painful. I’m just very wary of it at the moment while I get used to it. Hope that helps? xx

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Maybe it also depends on the hospital or area you’re in as to whether its a cannula or picc. But nurse did say my veins looked good (for now anyway) :thinking: good luck again for fri. Try to be positive sweetheart. Speak soon x

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Ahhh well done you. Glad you’ve got it out of the way now, a job boxed off :clap: :heart:
@lilo1973 hope you are doing ok!! Thank you sharing your experience. Hope you got a decent nights sleep.
@debi1 hope you tollerate the canulla well, and you find that the cold cap works well for you. I’m going to try it too, but will remain open minded. So much of this is about riding the wave isnt it :face_with_peeking_eye:

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@lilo1973 hope you’re feeling ok today? My first time is a week today (gulp)

I’m still in denial and had a proper cry yesterday as I cancelled the second hols this year due to breast cancer. First one was cancelled due to lumpectomy and summer is now a write off after my Prosigna score.

I’m a glad I have a group to hold my hand during these uncertain times.