July 2024 chemo starters

No was only sent home with 7 days of filgrastim and steroids for next chemo was surprised as when I had EC was sent home with bags. Forgot to say my taste buds and mouth were dry straight away amazing how quick it worked. Every time I think I feel better I really don’t I sorry yo7 too are in bed lots say it’s better than EC but I am certainly finding it harder. All the best with you next one.

Sorry I’ve not messaged for a long time on here, I keep forgetting who’s who! So sorry the lady who keeps getting admitted, I really hope you are doing better now. Sorry to hear that some of you are struggling much worse with docetaxel too. And the lady who’s anxious about PAC, I so identify with that. I’ve just finished 3 rounds of EC and found it much more of a struggle than I expected TBH and now getting super anxious about docetaxel coming next what if it’s worse??!! Not to mention the fear of allergic reaction although all the lovely nurses in onco unit assure me they can deal with it. I seem to get a bad reaction to the steroids mind-wise so dreading the massively increased doses we have to take with the docetaxel :scream:.


@lilo1973 oh my god ! What an awful experience. I never knew bloods could go the other way. Did the injections cause it ?
My jabs are 5 days not 7

So they just packed you with more but with antibiotics too?

I feel like it’s drugs and more drugs to stop side effects

Hope you’re feeling better

@olli3 i had a reaction (not as bad as Claire here) but enough that it had to be stopped and restarted

I now have the infusion over 2 hrs and more pre meds

Oh and they told me no cold drinks or chewing ice as that can exacerbate the symptoms in my throat

The nurses do know what to do but not going to lie, I feel anxious every time since it happened cycle 2

The good news is that loose stool meds have worked a treat (Knock on wood !) :wink:

Good luck

@debi1 you have done so well re hair! mine is still coming out - defo need a pixie post final chemo & headbands are my friends

Night all

I’m prepping for tomorrow


Well well well… ive now been admitted to hospital overnight. Turns out the aches and pains i was having was an infection somewhere. Ive been in a&e since 10.50am and now have to stay overnight on an antibiotic drip. Had a slight spike in temperature for like 20mins and then went back to normal. However had bloods etc done and it turns out it was an infection. Im currently sat in an a&e waiting room and have no bed available but have to stay. So looks like a night in a chair for me :sob::sob: im exhausted!!


Oh that’s awful!

Please tell me you’re in a bed

I assumed chemo patients were “fast tracked” but from what I hear from this thread & others not always the way

Let us know how you’re getting on


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I know ppl saying you look great, don’t look like you’re having chemo is their way of “complimenting” but personally it bothers me sometimes
The struggle internally & physically to appear like that is no joke , for me anyways

You’ve been through the ringer & hope the meds they have given helps

Rant away as you are so allowed ! :heartbeat:

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Sorry you are in hospital @zaran but good that they have realised its an infection. Hope the antibiotics are kicking quickly and you are home soon. Good you were taking your temperature and spotted the spike…

Hope you didn’t have to wait long for a bed xx :heart:


Finally got a bed at 2am. Got a couple of hours sleep. Im exhausted but im just hoping that they send me home soon!! Ive had enough lol


Hi all
Ive been reading through your posts. Oh dear. Its been a tough Sept so far! @zaran - i hope you get a quiet ward!
I’m finally home. I had to wait 24 hours after antibiotics finished, had to wait 12 hours after cathether taken out, had to wait for a specialist nurse to remove the replacement line they put in my neck. I looked and felt a mess. Plus my eyesight is blurry due to inflammation from stupid chemo.
Temporary, thank goodness. I got fast tracked to the eye clinic and was given drops to take for 6 weeks. Everyone at the clinic was very kind to me probably because i could hardly walk and i still had my neck tubes in!!
Hospital was a fairly sad place to be once i started getting better. I was in a ward with terminal women who were all suffering. I was very glad to get home and have some freshly cooked food and sleep uninterrupted.
Next challenge is EC whenever they decide to restart chemo. Im wondering about asking for a lower dose from the beginning. Didn’t someone mention earlier in our July starters that they tend to give 100% but that could be moderated?
Hoping for calmer days ahead.
Clare xx


Ah @cf640 I really hope home gives you the rest you need.

I’ve not heard of EC being a lowered dose but I always say if you don’t ask you will always be wondering. :thinking:

I’ve been sat here worrying about the nurse not wetting my head enough today for the cold cap and here’s you going through the mill in the hospital! Xxxx

Has your eyesight got a bit better? I’m convinced chemo is messing with my eyesight too so will ask the oncologist at next appointment

Rest well and hope everyone else is ok xx

Ah get well soon xxx @zaran

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Just read on the BCnow website that EC can be delayed or reduced if you’re not feeling well so I’d ask away! Xx

Thank you @kerrylou1 . I didnt think of looking on the bc website. Ok. I will say that’s what i want. In fact, given what’s happened to me, i will be requesting forst and then demanding!!
I cold capped for my pac/carb 8 sessions. I’m not going to for EC. I’ve had my hair for an extra 2 months which has been brilliant.
Clare xx

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So much going on this last week - hope everyone gets through the next few weeks with fewer problems.
@cf640 Clare you are certainly going through it - hope you get sorted and get started on EC soon.
@zaran hope you are home soon too
I have blurry and sticky eyes at times - talked to onc about it he advised using some drops but not seeing optician till after treatment as it will probably settle down after that .
Docetaxol seems to be a challenge for people - I’ve just had my 4th dose and am currently having a quiet day on sofa as it makes me feel v tired - thankfully no muscle ache or pain from it though as others seem to have .
Have a good weekend all x


Im home!! Thank goodness!!
@cf640 that sounds horrendous!! Im so sorry you went through this!!
Makes it feel like mine was easy! Although a quiet ward… it certainly was not :rofl::rofl::rofl: but its fine. I only did one night. So glad to see my son and my bed lol

Thanks for everyones kind words xxxx


I’ve not worked out how to do the individual replies :roll_eyes:
You ladies that have been hospitalised are having a tough time… sending virtual hugs :hugs:
For info… I had my third EC last Friday but when I spoke with my Oncologist on the Wednesday before I was suffering sore throat, fatigue etc so she reduced my dose rather than delay a week so it must be possible.
Keep going ladies xx


@cf640 and @zaran great news you are both home now x hope you can catch up on some :sleeping:

:blossom: :cherry_blossom:


@zaran @cf640
Welcome back to your respective homes!

You must be glad to be in your own beds.

I still find it bonkers we are blasted with something to kill cancer but it also make healthy bit of us to falter.

Pushing through has never been so poignant.

Here’s to a restful Friday


Hi ladies. @cf640 and @zaran so glad you are both home. @lilo1973 how are you doing now. Today woke up feeling the best ive felt all week. First time i haven’t had to reach for the painkillers. Apart from my body still feeling a bit tender and horrible mouth feeling I’m ok. As far as i know all my EC have been reduced decided by my oncologists because of low neutrophils in the past and no-one has said anything different. Take care of yourselves ladies xxx


Hi @debi1
What a lovely way to wake up! Good for you!! Do you know how much your EC was reduced by? Ive got a meeting next week with oncologist and i want to discuss reducing feom the beginning of EC rather than wait for awfulness to happen!!
I hope you have a peaceful weekend.
Clare xx