July RADS anyone???

Just completed session 7 and the fatigue has really kicked in now (but remember I have MS so might not be this bad for others). All I can do is come home and get into bed. 

On the positive side my breast, although pink, is not peeling or anything and only very slightly sore. My appointment tomorrow is for 7.30 pm! Not looking forward to that but halfway through tomorrow’s session will be my halfway mark of 15 sessions. Yay! :smileyhappy:

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Pat xx  

Pat are you drinking plenty of water?I hit a major slump after 7 sessions and the radiographer told me to increase my fluid intake it made a major difference to energy levels .Each day is one less!!!

Worth a try .

Hi all, I’m started, I had my first session yesterday. I didn’t feel a thing!!! Good tip on drinking lots of water, I will try and do that!!
Debbie xx

Hi everyone


Today is my first Rads session out of 15. I’ve had my CT and planning session so I’m looking forward to getting started as the sooner I start the sooner I finish! I’m at Gartnavel for mine which is an hour’s drive each way so I’m hoping not to feel too tired. I already use Aveeno moisturiser on my new boob each day but maybe I should switch to E45 after reading the tips here? I must ask today about deodorant too. It’s great picking up on other ideas - so thank you all so much! I finished my chemo at the end of March and am now 9 weeks post surgery (mastectomy and DIEP rummy flap reconstruction). I have been on Letrozole for around a month. My lymph nodes and a mammary node wasn’t clear so I’ve to have Rads in 5 areas, so I’m thinking I should buy a lot of E45! Will be back on to share my stories as I think it helps others in the same boat.


Meg xx

Hi Meg

I have been told by my rads doctor that I can 100% use aveeno. In fact he would prefer me to use aveeno over E45 as he wants me lashing gallons on everyday and because I already use it in large quantities on my arm and MX scar we know I wont have a reaction to it.
Doctor did ask me to start lashing myself in moisturiser at my appointment last week so 11 days before I start rads as he said that would make a big difference as I already am post surgery anyway wasnt a problem to do this.

Remember you can get aveeno, E45, diprobase etc on prescription given the cost of a big bottle of aveeno I would get it from the drs as using it 3 times a day will use it up quickly and the cost will add up

Also been told lots of water/fluids (decaf tea in my case)will help ensure we stay hydrated and less sleepy.

I start on the 19th July though have had planning etc and have my 2 little dots

Hugs all

Jen x

Hi all


Yes, the first session went well yesterday and it’s nice to know that I’m on my way! Didn’t realise I could get Aveeno on prescription so must call my doctor’s surgery right now. Good tip - thank you. I usually drink lots of water anyway, but I’ll try to up that dose too.


Good luck to everyone else having Rads today - for me it’s 2/15!


Meg x

So… first session done and it was underwhelming. I think I’d just worked myself into a huge frenzied state of fear and was almost rigid when I got into the room. One of the younger staff kept asking me if I was ‘happy’ with what she was explaining and I blurted out that ‘happy’ was too wrong a word in the circumstances! I apologised for my outburst but the older female radiographer just patted my arm in a very non patronising way and smiled at me. All’s well that starts well or something like that! I’m back at 10 tomorrow morning and the same on Friday and then my weekend break. I’m really thirsty but think that’s because it’s hot and muggy rather than my body reacting to being subjected to radiation. Hope everyone is ok and getting some ‘me’ time which is well deserved:) x

Just got back from my Friday rads. Thank God it’s the weekend!!! And I only have 2 more sessions to go. 

Really exhausted. I think it’s a mix of rads fatigue and MS fatigue…but can rest and recover now. 

Hoping all glow worms are doing ok? Lots of TLC this weekend ladies. We all deserve it. 

Love to all, 

Pat xx 

Hi all. 11 down 9 to go with touch wood no side effects apart from a slightly pink boob! Still having side effects from my chemo though which finish 5 weeks ago!!
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend
X em x

Well Em you are past the halfway mark!!!

I have one more treatment tomorrow and that’s it!!! Nurse told me today that the rads continues to work for about 6 weeks, so expect more ‘pinking’ and also skin breaks. Keep using the cream!

I have the next appointments…a week today I see the consultant & will probably get the prescription for Anastrozole (because I have ms they didn’t want me doing rads and medication together). Then a week on Friday I have follow-up in rads to check the skin. 

OH I am glad it’s nearly over!!!

Hope all of you are doing ok? You are a quiet group! Let us know how it’s going. 

All the best, Pat xx 

Evening:) Rad number 4 done. 11 to go including the 5 boosters. I embarrassed the radiology staff this afternoon - when I walked into the room there were 3 folk instead of the usual 2. Declan introduced himself by name but didn’t explain who he was. During the ‘lying dead’ positioning malarky, I asked Katie who he was and she explained he was a student and did I mind… As it happens no I didn’t but it’s nice to know who folk are…! Good job he didn’t try and touch me tho - I might have been a touch narky about it without knowing who he was. I work in the NHS although I’m not patient facing - this whole experience has reminded me not only how fantastic the NHS really is but how at the end of the day, patients are real people with real lives that are completely independent of their treatment. I learnt more about my booster treatments today and how I’ll be marked with a pen so that the tumour bed can be effectively targeted. It seems I have no clips marking the area left after surgery but the planning CT Scan measured everything using wire placed over my incision site as well as internal images - that’s good news - I don’t need anymore planning and just move from one treatment type to another in the same room with folk I’m beginning to get to know and trust. The area will be covered with yet more Cavilon spray so fingers crossed I don’t get skin problems. Chris the radiologist was really nice to me this afternoon, patiently explaining the different types of radiation and ensuring I understood what would happen and why - he even gave me the references to look up (I work in the research arena within the NHS). Seriously hope everyone is well and coping:)

I’ve finished!!! 15 sessions done and over with. Was a bit underwhelming, no bells or anything…so carer and I went to posh pub and had gourmet burger and chips!

Hope all doing well, 

Pat xx 

Well done Pat!!!Its a strange feeling isn’t it .I drank a whole bottle of bubbly to myself when I finished whilst torching my bra in the bbq(I had to wear customised one during rads to keep floppy boobs in right place!!!).

I too work for the NHS JayG and I think im baffling everyone because I always start the hello my name is before they do but its habit.
so today was my first one was in and out as quick as they could be, they were running behind but its a busy dept and they did apologise.
Well done on finishing Pat :slight_smile: Posh burger in the pub is a perfect way to celebrate :slight_smile:

Hugs to all

Jen x

Hi everyone! 

I start radiotherapy on Monday eek! Ill be having 19 sessions in all having had bilateral breast cancer at age 38. Any hints and tips? Xxx


Hi Sandy,welcome to the forum .My tip would be to drink plenty of water it really helped me with fatigue .Also if anyone offers to drive you / keep you company, say yes ,it’s gets very boring and company helps.

Yes,it really cheered me up having some company and maybe going for lunch/drink or shopping or something afterwards ,made the day feel a bit less “lost” to cancer treatment .

Hi Sandy and welcome!!! Yes agree it helps to have company and do something afterwards as reward, even if it’s only a coffee (which of course is SO much nicer if it includes a slice of cake!).

Cream your breast at least 3 times a day. My hospital said to use E45 but different hospital advise different creams. 

Get yourself a really soft bra that won’t rub your skin. I got a couple of breastfeeding sleeping bras on Amazon for £7 and they’re so nice and comfy I will continue to wear them. 

That’s about it. You won’t feel a thing. It’s just a case of lying very still for about 10 minutes. 

All the best, 

Pat xx :smileyhappy:

Hi im Kris and I’m starting rads tomorrow ! 15 sessions very worried about the side effects , new to this so any help will be really good .Hope everyone else is getting on ok.