July RADS anyone???

Hi ladies, I start Rads on June 29th for 3 weeks. Finish on July 19th. Had lumpectomy on May 20th, clear margins and nodes. Was stage 1. Feel extremely lucky! Having it at Royal Free, London.

Anyone else due to turn into a glow worm in July? 

Wishing all well. Together we are stronger. 

Pat xx 


Hi. I am starting mid July. Will be having 20 sessions.  Just finished chemo so I am on the break between chemo and rads.  I’ve been reading about how others are getting on and I am hoping it’s going to be a breeze.   Sounds as though you have been lucky (if you can call any BC diagnosis lucky) with your lumpectomy.

elizabeth ?

Hiya :slight_smile:

I thought id be a June girl but delays mean im going to be a July girl as im not seeing the oncologist till Friday this week then by the time I have planning etc

Im Jen I was diagnosed last October with a 7.5-8cm lump with lymph node involvement im also her2+

I started neoadjuvant chemo on Nov 9th had 7 cycles of EC and Paclitaxel finished on March 29th then had a full MX and ANC mid May and now waiting for rads with a seroma that wont stop. Have had it drained 4 or 5 times now and added up yesterday have had 2ltrs drained from it in the 6 weeks from my op.
Been told it wont delays rads now so I expect to start soon :slight_smile: I am under Christie in Manchester

Jen x

Hi all,
I just got my dates today. I have planning on 29th June and start rads on 9th- 28th July.
I was diagnosed Dec 2015 with approx 7cm lump, her2+, I started chemo in January had fec-t then mastectomy 19th May. I just want to get started with rads now! Having it at Freeman Hospital, Newcastle.
JenJen sounds like you’ve had a tough time with your seroma, I bet you are looking forward to getting treatment over with.
Looking forward to helping each other through our next stage of treatment.
Debbie x

Hi Debbie, Jen and Elizabeth, you all sound like you’ve had a rough time. I hope that Rads will take you closer to the day when you can celebrate end of treatment and cancer free!


We will all be glow worms together & can share the good and the not-so-good and the plain-old-bloody-awful on here. 


Stay strong (and if you can’t stay strong come on here and tell us…I have MS & believe me I’ve learnt that a simple post about your fears or sadness can make the world of difference).


Pat xx

I didnt get a start date or even a planning date today but I did find out im having 15 and meet the oncologist :slight_smile: and despite originally being told by someone I would have to go to Christie due to lymph node involvement I was told I can have my treatment at my local hospital which is one of the 2 outreach radiotherapy centres they opened so I am very happy as its reduced 4hrs on public transport a day to 1.5hrs and increased the chances of getting lifts to or from the hospital :slight_smile:

Hope everyone is OK

Pat calling us glow worms made me think of this poem I read somewhere

Oh I wish I was a glow worm,
for a glow worm’s never glum,
'cause how can you be grumpy,
when the sun shines out your bum!

Jen x

Just had my planning appointment through, I become a tattooed lady on 1st July.  Don’t have an actual start date yet but I’m sure it won’t be long after.

Good luck everyone, getting closer to the end now :slight_smile:


Sarah x

Welcome to the gang Sarah! Rather a shame they don’t tattoo little butterflies or something!


I start mine tomorrow at 3.30 pm. Hoping I get an earlier appointment for the rest of them (15 sessions) so I don’t sit around all day waiting to go! Unfortunately mine entails a wheelchair, taxi and carer so it’s going to be a bit of an epic 3 weeks…but if it stops the cancer coming back it’s worth it!


Hoping to save on my electric bill by becoming my own reading lamp…lol…


Pat xx 

Hi, new to the forum but have dipped in with interest since my WLE on May 9th. I’m apparently one of the lucky ones: picked up at routine screening, 8mm grade 1 tubular, removed with clear margins and no lymph node involvement on SNB. I had my planning CT this afternoon and successfully argued for a slightly off midline freckle to be used rather than a tattoo so got away with just two, one on each side of my chest. It’s a small success but meaningful to me. I start rads 13/7 for 3 weeks with a further 5 booster doses over a week. I was given Cavilon spray to use (University Hospital, Birmingham) and I’m hoping it will stop my skin reacting too badly. I’ve been incredibly lucky and truly appreciate that the NHS is doing everything it can for me. I’m sending very warm wishes to everyone else starting their radiotherapy in July - let’s hope we ALL have a very uneventful treatment with nothing much to report:) 

First rads yesterday went well. Everyone was extremely nice. Can’t quite believe I have to do it all again today…and tomorrow…and Monday…and…

Hope all are doing ok,

Pat xx

Hello ladies. Just found this thread. So thought I’d jump in too. I start my rads tomorrow. Had my planning and tattoos last week. I’ve got 20 sessions of rads finished chemo three weeks ago had my wle in Feb. After rads I have herceptin injections and tamoxifen tablets!
I’m 33 and found a lump just before Xmas by accident fast forward 6 months and here I am.
Em x

Hi Sarah:) I’m in room 1 at 4.30pm from July 14th. My first has to be earlier because of my insistence on using my existing freckle! I work in Cambridge a couple of days a week so wanted as late an appt as possible to allow me to continue working and feeling normal - as normal as I can anyway! Glad the first day went well for you Pat - long may it continue:) Welcome Em and all good wishes for you going forward. X

Thanks for the welcome ladies xx

Hi sarah. Apart from the hour and half delay all went well. First one over and done with and 4th injection ticked off not sure when I start tamoxifen though!
Em x

Hi fellow glow worms, 3rd one over with yesterday. So glad I can rest for the weekend. I’m so tired but I think that’s more my MS playing up than the rads. My breast is starting to feel a bit sore. I noticed after only first treatment that my breast was pink and mentioned it at rads, and they said that it was too early for that…but I know my breast and believe me it is pink!

Very nice yesterday in waiting room was a woman I was in hospital with after surgery. Felt like bumping into an old friend although we’d only known each other for a couple of day!

Hope you are all doing ok. 

Have a good weekend, 

Pat xx 

Hello Glow worms :slight_smile: I hope everyone is having a sunshiney bum day :wink:

Pat sorry to hear the MS is being a b*gger rest up and make sure you chill as much as possible. I can believe about skin I think mine will go pink v quickly im sort of casper the friendly ghost colour so I expect to burn :frowning: I have litres and litres of aloe vera gel and aveeno on standby

I have planning date through yay!! Its on Friday, seroma appears to have chilled out so hopefully itll go ahead :slight_smile: had my 9th herceptin on Monday last week still snotty from it :frowning: usually its gone away by now but 9th means half way through yay!


Hiya, can I join in plesse? I’m due to start my rads next Monday. Finished 6 rounds of TCH in June. Herceptin number 7 on Weds.
Hope everyone doing well.
Love the glow worm poem xx

Hi Elizabeth. I’m using my normal deodorant a nivea roll on but they will advise you on what to use and not to use.

Welcome new glow worms xx
Em xx

Hi Elizabeth and LollyDolly and welcome to July glow worms! :smileyhappy:

I was told not to use deodorant…luckily I’m not a sweaty person…:smileysurprised:…but each hospital seem to have their own rules.

I’m on Day 5 today so will be a third way through. 

My advice so far is don’t stint on the cream…really slather it on. Also I was told to either not wear a bra or wear a very soft bra. I found a breastfeeding / sleeping bra on Amazon. Pull-on like a sports bra. Very soft. 95% cotton and 5% elastin. Let me know if you want the link (am I allowed to put links on here?).

All the best to you all. 

Pat xx 

Don’t mind you jumping in at all Anita. It’s nice to have someone who’s been at it a bit longer. 

How pink and sore is your breast? Mine already looks a bit sunburnt after only 4 sessions! Bit worrying but the nurse said it’s normal. 

Glad you’ll be finished soon. Wish I could just close my eyes and sleep until it’s all over! 

Pat xx