June 2015

Tiredness biggy for me. Weekend in bed also! Just frustrating as this time on FEC I was starting to pick up. Think am turning into sofa bed, just low energy. Oh fairly horrific constipation ?. Sorted by laxido, but you know your dignity is gone when you get a phone call to check on your bum!!! On upside got to see my sister very cute labradoodle puppy today. Slept all afternoon but I got out!!

I had chemo 4 last Friday.     Do you think. There is a build up of tiredness or am I just imagining it and looking forward to the end at end of September ??  It does get gruelling.    Be interested to hear as I’m due reconstruction after which also worries me.     Anyone else similar ? X

Had my 2nd T yesterday and amzingly I had 7hrs sleep!  All good so far although I’m not expecting the side effects not to kick in until late tomorrow.  My oncologist suggeted starting my painkillers in the morning before it kicks in.  I forgot to say another side effect I am getting is occasional double vision, I felt better when another person also posted this. x

Yeah on the 7 hours!! Deb, with that being your 2nd t does that mean you only have one more to go? And double vision!??

Yes, just 1 to go before radiotherapy starts which will be a 45 miles round trip each day for 20 sessions.  I have had double vision a couple of times for a short period during the T treatment.  One of the best thing is that I have re-discovered Tesco home shopping - it’s just been and I will definantly be using it long after this treatment is finished. x

You at cov too for rads? I’ve been told to expect 20 also. Easier for me as work in cov, so going to try and combine the two. Gulp on double vision.

Not had any double vision-where does that leave you with driving? Yeah one more to go, looking forward to saying that as well! Anybody else struggling with painful finger tips?

NMT no…sounds painful…hope get sorted soon. Am back to work tomorrow after first T dose. Nerdily looking forward to it! After a week of being wiped out a few hours at work sound happily normal! Hope everyone is doing ok.

Def doing the countdown…oh sar as birthdays go…that isn’t fun!! Hope you get spoiled later ? Also, anyone else looking forward to rads?? I know its full on for a few weeks, but it has to be easier than this. Just think…no needles, steroids, booster jabs etc etc

Happy birthday Sar! Once we get this dreaded treatment and it’s side effects out of the way every day will feel like a birthday! Vic I think anything must be easier than the treatment we are going through just now. Spoke to breast nurse yesterday and mentioned the peripheral neuropathy. She said it will get worse as the treatment goes on as that is the main side effect of the taxotere and it takes as few months to get better - not what I was hoping to hear but I suppose a small price to pay to get rid of the cancer! Anyone found anything that helps it? I’m finding it worse at night - feel like hands and feet on fire! Barbara x

Ive not had Chemo but can tell you rads is a doddle! A few minutes each day and its over, yoy dont feel a thing, only SE was a pink boob! I worked every day and 2 months on am feeling great! You will be fine ladies after dealing with Chemo Xx jo

5 down 1 to go, was wiped out with it today and now can’t sleep, my doctor reduce the dose meaning I don’t have to have the booster injections. I was worried about this affecting the effectiveness but he was very supportive and explained that we need to find the correct dose for me. Apparantly in all his many years of working he has never seen anyone as bad as I was, having to crawl/drag myself to the bathroom apparently isn’t normal! I’m so glad I spoke to him, I know I won’t be pain and weakness free-it’s starting already-but it should be more manageable…I hope! Good luck to everyone hope we can all share the phrase " only one more to go very soon!" X

Had my 4th round of chemo yesterday moved on to docetaxel dreading this next week, with bone pain etc starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hoping I’m not gonna be to bad. FEC floored me for around a week every round. Anyone recommend any food or drink that worked for them while receiving docetaxel ? X

Hey Lisa, tax did tire me out, so I ended up just having little bits. Longer bounce back then FEC but doable. Drinking wise I had to have a variety, hated just water after a day or so, so tried squash, lemonade to vary it. Next one on wed, I cant wait for this to be done!

Yes on the lollies!!! Hubby made me Ribena ones at home. Amazing. Also, small Qs, I know people try to be positive, but getting fed up of people saying only 2 more to go. Firstly, I can count! Secondly that’s still 6 long weeks of being bald, knackered and not me. I know they try to be positive but finding it hard to bite my tongue. Rant done.

Day 3 having had taxol, my legs and arms are like lead, I’m completely wiped out and need to get this over and done with, no idea how I will cope with childcare after surgery this is almost impossible ?

NMT I had my surgery first, a total mastectomy and SNB, in for one night and home with a drain in and it was a piece of cake compared to chemo. Came home Thursday and made it out for breakfast on the Saturday. Only took painkillers for 48 hours and could even change nappies, just couldn’t lift toddlers thrashing around mid tantrum. Just concentrate on getting through this bit, honestly the surgery and recovery was the easy bit x

Hi NMT, I had a mastectomy and full axillary lymph node clearance before chemo so found things a bit harder, couldn’t drive for about 3 weeks as it was on my left and had to be careful with lifting. My boys are 8 & 10 so they can do a lot for themselves and helped with lifting. But mentally, surgery is so much easier than chemo - yes, you’re a bit tired but within a few days, you’re back to yourself and finding ways round the problems. 

Iknow it feels impossible, but try not to worry ahead and just take each day as it comes - incredibly hard as a mum. I found if I put contingency plans in place, I could then relax and make the most of the better bits - coffee out with friends once I was up to it, we had a few days away at a Wigwam week 4 after surgery.

take care and be good to yourself on this nightmare of a journey we find ourselves on. Xxxx

Quick question, apparently my blood sample didn’t make it from one hospital to the genetic testing hospital. This has now left me 2 weeks behind schedule possibly affecting my surgery. Am I wrong to be upset/stressed?

Thank you Jodie this is really helpful xxx