June 2020 chemo starters



This thread is for anyone due to start chemotherapy in June 2020.  I’m sure others will be here soon but please introduce yourself and you can all help one another through this phase of your treatment.  If you have any questions please post away on here and others in the community will watch over you whilst you are getting started.  Once you are into it you’ll be pretty good at helping each other.  You can also ask the nurses on this forum if you have any concerns.  In the meantime, the top tip is always to stay well hydrated throughout chemo, aiming for 2 litres of water per day.

Here is the BCN guide on chemo:


Here’s an excellent article for anyone concerned about hairloss. That’s pretty much everyone starting chemo: pinklotus.com/powerup/breastcancer101/chemo-hair-loss-and-menopause-hair-too/

I finished my chemo over a year ago and doing very well again now.  Here is my story which has some chemo tips on how I coped which were collectively shared from others who had gone through the same from this forum:


If you decide to set up a private group its good to stay on here also during treatment as I know from experience there are some people who watch but don’t immediately pluck up the courage to join in.  Your conversations can be a real comfort to others.

Best wishes xx

Hello everyone

I’m 37, triple positive, had a mastectomy in mid-April and start chemo on 28 May. Three rounds of FEC, followed by three of docetaxel, with dual anti-HER2 targeted biological therapies starting with the docetaxel. I’m also going to be giving Zoladex a go. I know May isn’t actually June but is *almost* it so hopefully it’s OK if I pre-sneak into this thread…

While my recovery from surgery has been pretty smooth, I am a little nervous about chemo. I’m lucky in that I’ve had the time to do a fair bit of research about what to expect. Which has sometimes been super helpful and sometimes has completely freaked me out! I thought I’d share two of the things I found helpful here in case others do too: 

* I cannot emphasise enough how fantastic Breast Cancer Now’s Someone Like Me service has been. I’ve spoken to two wonderful volunteers (initially about Zoladex and about reconstruction, but also about so many other things including chemo) so I would really recommend it, particularly at the moment when it can feel quite isolated. breastcancernow.org/information-support/support-you/someone-me-telephone-support

cancerhaircare.co.uk/hair-loss-help-at-home-coronavirus-support/ I’m giving the cold cap a go and had loads of questions. I emailed Cancer Hair Care and a lovely lady rang me up and did some super-helpful myth-busting which I found incredibly reassuring. They’re also sending me a tailored goody bag :slightly_smiling_face:

Good luck to everyone who has a date and everyone waiting for a date to start chemo. Looking forward to meeting you on here!

Hi all 

I’m due to start chemo 2nd of June any practical advice will be highly appreciated 

stay safe 

Hello everyone, I don’t know if I’m doing this correctly but giving it a try, I’m not normally one for forums but thought I’d give it a go and reading through your posts you all sound so lovely.

Im due to start chemo in June I’m just waiting for my start date now.  Like all of you I’ve got the same worries, what’s going to happen, how will it affect me and the big one for me will I lose my hair?  On the phone the consultant said having FEC almost guarantees that you will lose your hair . I’ve saw that some of you mentioned a pic line does everyone have this? And also injections at home? You’ve all given so much advice already but anything you can give would be amazing.  
We will all get through this (somehow) 

love to you all xx 

Hi everyone,

I’m new here, just wanting to let you know that I’m so pleased to see so much positivity in this forum.

I’m starting chemo tomorrow morning. FECx3; Tx3. Feeling a bit nervous but I know I’m in good hands. 

To all of you, the June Starters, I wish you all the best!

Hi all,

I’m Anna, and this is my first post. I started chemo on Tuesday 23rd, (FEC-T) for stage 2 grade 3 IDC with micromets in one lymph node. 

In general things have been manageable since diagnosis and surgery, but I am a bit of a mess this morning. Guess this is day 3. I have some fatigue, but awful constant nausea. I’ve continued to eat small meals and generally kept them down pretty well, but overnight I’ve been awake since 2am and vomited 4 times but nothing much there to vomit. With no sleep I am mentally losing the plot a bit and that’s what I fear most - dreading that this is my life for the next 6 months. 

I think I’ll call the ward helpline this morning and get some advice. Dread stepping up the anti-nausea meds but don’t want to start down a slippery slope.

Sorry to be a basket case on introduction

Hi everyone .

I’m Claire and I had my first chemo on 26th June so unsure if I should join this thread or the July one ??

I was diagnosed late April with invasive ductal and lymph node spread. I had a single mastectomy in late May and full node clearance. The results came back as 35mm invasive ductal along with 30mm DCIS ( non travelling ) , 18 lymph nodes removed and 2 cancerous , Grade 3 .

I’m having 6 rounds of chemo . 3 Nab-paclitaxel (Abraxane) , 3 EC. Then radio and Tamoxifen . 

I had my first one last Friday and so far feel ok , just quite a bit of tenderness/pain in my legs which my nurse told me to manage with paracetamol/ibuprofen . I’m not getting too confident as I’m expecting it to hit me anytime. Any advice greatly received . 



Hi ladies, I’ve jumped over from the October monthly chemo board and thought I would pick your brains.

I’ve just finished my last of 3  EC and am due to start 9 weekly cycles of paclitaxel next (with Herceptin every third week). I found the EC hard, but easier than I thought - if that makes sense. EC I’ve just suffered with fatigue, nausea, one bout of vomiting, heartburn and a sore throat. all pretty well managed with meds. Weeks 2 & 3 after treatment I was pretty much back to normal.

Im just wondering what to expect side effect wise with the Paclitaxel. I’ve heard it’s slightly more bearable but does come with its own side effects. 

Any words of wisdom please. Thank you

Lou x