June 2024 chemo starters

Hey team June! It was nice to read all the lovely and not so lovely updates from everyone!

I just finished my third EC woohooo time flies honestly. One more to go and then its paclitaxel time. @alig1961 sorry to hear about your nausea. I suffered terribly with it as well. My wonderful team managed to crack the code for it. I need 80mg of omeprazole daily ( 40mg in morning and night), anti-nausea tablets 3 times a day and I get anti-nausea meds as a preinfusion in IV form along with a reduction in steroids. I never got given oral steroids for my regime. So many things your team can tweak to get rid of it so definitely speak with them before your third round!

On a cheery note, I went around showing everyone in the hospital the below picture saying that it has an uncanny resemblance to my headā€¦


Hi @jbb

Iā€™m doing weekly placitaxel for 12 weeks before 4 x EC. I also donā€™t see many having the placitaxel first.
Thanks for describing your experience! Xx


Some oncologists like doing paclitaxel first as a ā€œgentleā€ way in. Hmmm. I think as humans we like to get the worst over and done with. If you tell me thereā€™s good news and bad news, I want the bad news first. However everyone is different and I know people whoā€™ve hated paclitaxel and been fine on EC and vice versa.

Paclitaxel is meant to be gentler on the hair too and as mentioned I didnā€™t seem to lose any but it did dry out. Iā€™d also miss giving a proper wash so it looks lank and drab most of the time. It continued to grow during the treatment and I had to cut it back to the short bob Iā€™d started with. However everyone has different reactions and I just got lucky. I completely get the hair fixation we all go through and wish Iā€™d spent less time worrying about it. I did a paxman online class and learnt how to ensure it was tight. I cut up sanitary towels for my forehead to protect it. I also take in my own conditioner. The hardest part for me was coming home after chemo exhausted and having to wash it. Next week will be the 14th time of wearing it. At the beginning I was obsessed with it not being tight enough or having a bump. Now itā€™s like woteva just put it on and leave me be.

Iā€™ve been pondering giving some little tips because again we are all different and need to go through it our own way. At first I tried to carry on as normal as the human brain is designed to resist change not embrace it despite what they may say in the workplace. A cancer specialist told me stop worrying about how it will change my life in the future because the change had already happened so basically start adjusting now.

I spent a lot of money online initially preparing for this process (I donā€™t use the word journey) - hats, wigs, stuff I thought I would need. It was about being in control. A lot of it went back. I have one wig ready for when the time comes.

Now for stuff I did find useful in case it helps you. On a trip to Future Dreams in London I discovered Moogoo. You can buy it direct or on Amazon. I was told by my cancer nurse to avoid perfumes and moisturise morning and night. I was already buying clean cruelty free products as I have sensitive skin so a no brainer. I have five go to products from their range: body moisturiser for sensitive skin, shampoo, conditioner, body wash and fake tan. They last forever and Iā€™m still on the first bottles of the shampoo/conditioner. They do a cancer pack which I bought but didnā€™t like and was a waste of money. I use their fake tan on my face for when Iā€™m just too peaky. Itā€™s well priced too.

I also use ultra sun - have done for years - but now donā€™t really like applying too many chemicals to my body. The solutionā€¦ I found Uniqlo do a range of UV protection clothing which you can get online. Iā€™ve bought a couple of lightweight hoodies for Ā£25 each, which are great to throw on for walks and have inside pockets for keys and phone. I can put up the hood to protect my head and hair if Iā€™ve gone out without a cap. Good investment. And if I canā€™t face them post treatment will go to charity.

My eyebrows and lashes have now completely gone. I use fab brows and wunderbrow - both cruelty free and from Amazon. I never bothered about eyebrows so this has come as a surprise. I use a BB cream from bare minerals that has spf over a plain moisturiser again with spf. My eyelids are always swollen from losing my eyelashes so I rarely put anything on them in case of infection. If I donā€™t want to scare people a black eyeliner and cream shadow almost looks as good as eyelashes. Otherwise I say just take me as I am. Iā€™ve learnt that people really do not notice or care - most of it is in our heads.

Exercise - so much online about how exercise can reduce chance of recurrence. However when youā€™re going through this - getting out of bed can be the most you can do. During paclitaxel I built up my daily walking to about 7k steps a day minimum. I follow aadamricharson on Instagram and his advice was just try walking every day. Iā€™m not managing the same number of steps now but every little helps. I did start yoga at the end of paclitaxel and loved it but that ended when between phases I came down with a non cancer related infection. I follow happyyoganewcastle on Instagram and she does online courses. So does future dreams, but I think more expensive.

Also useful to follow online is Dr Liz Oā€™Riordan who co authored the Breast Cancer Bible. She puts out updates on latest research.

I try not to be as hard on myself as I used to. I keep in my head the Bear Hunt words that I read to my kids when they were little: you canā€™t go over it, you canā€™t go under it, you just have to go through it.

We just have to go through it x

PS sorry for long message, but hope of use


Thanks all this is so useful re nausea. Iā€™m seeing my oncologist this week and will ask them to tweak my meds. I lost count of what I was taking to counteract the side effects of each drug. It felt like to take B to manage the effects of A and C to manage the side effect of B and then D to manage C and so on to the extent my brain ached.
The biggest things for me were nausea and constipation. And because of the nausea finding it hard to drink. The thought of water makes my stomach churn. Sleep was an issue for paclitaxel but not so much AC - presumably because my steroids have been reduced. Really worried a hit mouth ulcers arriving

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Iā€™m lucky as I have work health insurance, which included acupuncture and counselling. It involved and continues to involve lots of filling in forms and phone calls, I think they make it difficult so you donā€™t claim, which made me more determined :blush:

I think the acupuncture has really helped although at times I didnā€™t want any more needles in me. Counselling has been useful too. I think Future Dreams has online counselling options too but again you have to pay (but itā€™s according to personal circumstances). Also try Maggieā€™s and Macmillan. Cancer does have a financial impact and itā€™s trying to minimise that. My friend got her counselling through the NHS but again had to fight for it.

Thanks @jbb ā€¦ lots of info. I will look at some of those products when I get a chance/can be bothered to invest in my wellbeing ā€¦ harder than it should be really, ughhhā€¦

@akioqey ā€¦ that picture is a scream! Iā€™ve been trying to work out what my head looks like and having almost decided on ā€˜Phantom of the Opera when the mask is pulled offā€™ , Iā€™m going for a Possomā€™s arse!!! Hee heeā€¦ thanks for making me laugh when laughter doesnā€™t come so easily most days xx

Happy week to everyone elseā€¦ Olympics start on Friday, whoooo am looking forward to becoming an armchair expert in every event I watch!


Olympics excited like never before. BTW Iā€™ve watched so much news on TV this week that Iā€™m an expert on US presidential elections so please feel free to ask me anything. Whereā€™s a pub quiz when you need one


This is amazing thanks so much. We are all different but describing a good experience goes a long way.

Thanks for all the tips xxx hope you continue to do well in the coming weeks!

Feeling well today and itā€™s sunny so onwards and upwards! Xxx

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@jbb My BCN recommended ginger products so ginger beer, ginger sweets etc. I bought some ginger and lemongrass cordial from the supermarket and so far despite nausea I feel like I can slowly sip it to stay hydrated. I hate hate hate nausea as it causes a battle inside of me. I feel hungry but the nausea stops me from eating so I get hangry. Sucks doesnā€™t it!

@donna_51 That picture has not failed to make anyone laugh so far! It is way too good not to share :rofl:


I think I must have read your mind. Iā€™ve been drinking Cawston Press ginger beer all day and ordered some more. Amazon gets more or my Ā£


Make the most of the counselling. Itā€™s an opportunity to say all the stuff youā€™ve been bottling up and canā€™t tell your friends and family x


Hi all, anyone experiencing hot flushes as part of treatment only started this week. Iā€™m 38, I have done 3 cycles of EC and starting Docetaxel next week? Is treatment sending me Into menopause or side effects of meds?

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Hi, Iā€™m in the April group but seen this and thought Iā€™d reply to you as Iā€™m 36 and on EC-T too. Iā€™ve been experiencing hot flushes on and off but they increased the more I got into EC and since Docetaxel theyā€™ve been more frequent. Iā€™ve not had a period since starting chemo either. I was forewarned that this treatment could cause the menopause and feel like I am experiencing a few menopausal symptoms but I already think I might have been peri menopausal before chemo, My team had said I might come back out of it afterwards and it might just temporarily affect ovaries but it might last due to my age (if youā€™re close to/above 40). There are booklets on this website about it if you want to read up on it too. I also think the steroids make me have extra hot flushes on those days that I take themšŸ™ˆ

@jbb ā€¦ the presidential stuff goes on til November, so you have months of swotting up - then you can go to a lovely pub quiz in December and wow everyone with your USA knowledge !!!

I think we should have an Olympic challengeā€¦ we clearly canā€™t do anything physical but we can become experts in meaningless facts about events instead!!!

@bridget1 ā€¦ I was told this will permanently put me into the menopause as at 51 I was in the midst of it. My friend who had BC at 36 (11 years ago, going strong!) went into a temporary menopause which was horrible at the time - but when she finished chemo she said she didnā€™t care if she stayed post menopausal as she liked not having periods. But she did get back to her normal after a while. Chat to your team about itā€¦ they will be able to guide you through this part of it all.

Happy Wednesday all xxx

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@bridget1 me too! Iā€™ve got my third EC in a couple of weeks then also move to 3 Docetaxel. Iā€™ve been getting major hot flushes at night. Whilst Iā€™m loving the return of the warm weather Iā€™m not loving it at night :hot_face: I had a little Google about it the other night after a particularly bad night and read it was normal. My periods have also stopped. However, Iā€™m 51 and suspect I was perimenopausal before. Going to ask them about it when they call me before my next session.

@belle1 thank you for the helpful info.

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I took advantage of 4 free counselling sessions through MacMillian and had 2 so far and finding beneficial
Iā€™ve just had round 5 of 12 weekly Paclitaxel and been cold capping also
So far minimal shedding but the oncologist told me yesterday that I should expect increased shedding as rounds progress - not what I wanted to hear tbh :cry:
Also told will need 15 sessions radiotherapy to breast at end chemotherapy ( every day Mon-Friday for 3 weeks) and thatā€™s knocked me a little also
Have 3 weekly Herceptin for year and the Zolendronic Acid infusions as well. Just find my life been taken over by this awful disease and in suspended animation most of time
Know lots worse off than me and my heart goes out to you all as you navigate life through these challenging times :heart:

Sorry am in the midst of post-Neulasta injection so am feeling bleargh and canā€™t remember who said what.

Iā€™ve been having weekly counselling sessions and I find it super helpful. Cancer is a hard world to navigate along with feeling like you are suspended in time while everyone seems to be moving ahead of you, especially when I was at the peak of my career prior to my diagnosis.

Re hot flushes, Iā€™m on the zoladex so got put into medical menopause so Iā€™m experiencing hot flushes since the start of chemo. I do feel it is a lot worse this week after my third EC but could also be coincidental with the hot weather!

@docb it can be hard when we hear more and more bad news, even if itā€™s ā€˜justā€™ more treatment or medication. My onc told me last night that Pax x 4 HAS TO have steroids with them - I hated them on round one and reacted to them. So I was a down about that. Itā€™s bloody crapā€¦ and you definitely feel that your life has been taken over. I had an end date in mind for all ā€˜this crap to be overā€™ and it seems to get moved all the time. I am clinging on to our lapland holiday on Boxing Day and pretty much have written off the rest of the time. I know itā€™s not good to wish my time away but honestly, if I could just wake up on December the 1st and all my treatment to be done, Iā€™d be happy !!! Think the counselling is a must for me!!! xx


Also interested in any hot flush tips. Iā€™m 29 and have never experienced them before so theyā€™re quite a sweaty shock to the system!!

I called the chemo nurses the other evening and they said the hot flushes are down to the steroids Iā€™m taking (dexamethasone) whilst on Paclitaxel. Theyā€™re not fun @donna_51 - hopefully you react better this time round.

And Lapland!! How fun to have that to look forward to! :heart:

@donna_51 I met the partner of someone in the chemo clinic, who had just started 12 x pacli and 4 AC. He said they had written off summer and just focusing on getting to Christmas.

Iā€™ve tried to bear that in mind. My oncologist said my hair would have grown back a bit by then.

Re menopause I am post menopausal but was on HRT for 9 years. I had to come straight off and had menopause all over again to cope with as well as chemo.

BC the gift that keeps on giving