June 2024 chemo starters

Hi @donna_51
I’ve lost my best friend over this. She works as an OT in the nhs and so knows quite a bit about a lot of medical things. Anyway, trying to cut a long story short she questioned me hard about my biopsy results and determined that I was triple negative before my consultant did. It was as if she was showing off. I’d never heard the term. When I asked what that meant, she said don’t Google it. I went quiet and then at the end of the call, I did Google it and didn’t sleep for a week. In that week my friend had a knee replacement. I messaged her everyday via text to see how she was but I couldn’t face speaking with her as I didn’t want further questions. It was a bit of self preservation. After about 5 days she text me to say that if I was a real friend then I’d have called her. Friendship terminated.
I had another friend who told me I was vain as I was worrying about losing my hair. That friendships on hold too for a while.
You realise who your true friends are when you go through something like this.
It’s interesting with work colleagues too.
Humans are funny creatures.


Hi @jbb
I find my wig cooler than a hat as it’s less dense. Try it, you may be surprised xx

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@donna_51 and @alig1961 … so sorry to hear you’ve had such negative experiences with your “friends” … it’s true you do find out who your really friends are!! I suppose I have been lucky … I only have a couple of close friends really anyway now, but it’s my family and my partner that have been my rock … but I have so many people I thought wouldn’t reach out and express well wishes. But I agree since this started it does all wean off a bit! :smiling_face_with_tear: sometimes I think if I looked and acted more poorly would the sympathy be more consistent? But I’m very strong willed and still want to do a lot myself … so sometimes put on a front … probably to my detriment :weary: @jbb siad it wisely… it is a very lovely place to be … and this was exactly what my dad said to me right at the start … other people aren’t inside your head and it’s hard!

With regards to the paclitaxel… completely agree with the steroids … they are awful!! I’ve just had a sudden burst of energy from nowhere so cleaned the whole downstairs of the house, dusted, hoovered and mopped whilst my partner took my little boy out (I’m supposed to be resting :grimacing:) well I felt like I was going to keel over by the end… so now chilling on the bed! For me it’s the sleep … honestly feels like a could run a marathon at night sometimes! :weary: so trying hard not to nap today!! A few weekends ago I worked out I had about 5 hours sleep over two nights … and that was without naps!! :weary:

Those that have been on EC do you still have the steroids with that? I’m hoping not :weary: although a few have mentioned more nausea … which sounds awful as well … it’s all just bloody awful really :rofl:

Oh yes Vinted and the big skirts … I’m quite girly but like to mix it up with trainers … so currently on the hunt for a pair that will go with all my new dresses and skirts… not that I need any… I have plenty :grimacing: … if you can’t treat yourself now when can you?!! :rofl::rofl:

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@donna_51 and @alig1961 I’m really sorry to hear about your ‘friends’ You can do without people like that around you and I would be inclined to say something before meeting up, if you do. It isn’t going to make the situation worse and is likely to make you feel better I would have thought!! Hard to know if the reactions are awkwardness, thoughtlessness or selfishness sometimes.

@charlie22 I’ve been on EC and sorry to say I’ve had the steroids - 8mgs Dexamethazone tablets for 3 days. Each time I’ve hardly slept at all the first night but then its been ok. Ive been told for the Docetaxel I’ll be on 16mgs for 4 days :see_no_evil: I won’t sleep for a week :rofl:

@donna_51 I’ll keep your Bridgerton advice in mind :wink:

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I definitely had a chemo wardrobe that is going to charity as soon as this is over.

I bought a new top for chemo this week (heavy poly weave) and stood on the scale a whopping 500g more than the day before. That is getting dumped this week :rofl:

Re steroids:

On paclitaxel I had a weekly infusion of 270mg at the same time as chemo. Was way too much. I had little sleep and was suffering from it

On week three this was reduced to 135mg.

I wasn’t that nauseous on paclitaxel. It used to hit on day 3 and then it would disappear on day 4.

On AC for me nausea hits the day after and is foul. I had my meds tweaked for this round - more steroids so sleep impacted again. Thank G I only have two more rounds of this - I don’t think I could take much more. The heatwave hasn’t helped.

Tomorrow I will get the bone pain from filgrastim. Joy.

Not sure if this helps. Sorry to be on a downer - I blame the nausea :blush:

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Thanks for the advice about friends … @alig1961 I can’t believe how insensitive your friends were… I can see why they’re over! I read a magazine article about categories of friendships which made sense and I think this will make me recategorise plenty of mine!!! Luckily I’ve had plenty of people who have really gone the extra mile and they’re the ones to cherish the most :two_hearts:

@jbb don’t apologise for saying the negative stuff. I love this group as we can say anything, good or bad … we all get it. It’s lovely to know we’re not alone in this with various treatments and side affects and tv watching habits!!!

Happy weekend ladies … I’m coming out of my yuk days so am wondering what cravings I’ll get this time round … pot noodles were looking good the other day :joy:


Hi all, a small milestone for me, switched to Docatexol this week for treatment for 4 cycles and have completed 3 EC so halfway. Day of treatment and day after seemed ok but unfortunately a day at the hospital yesterday with my daughter who is also on treatment has wiped me out and everything hurts today. Really interested in anyone’s tips on Docatexol, its 3 weekly so will I get 2 weeks of normality? Nail beds so painful even typing this message is hard.

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@bridget1 Im sorry you’re having a bad day, and also sorry that your daughter is going through similar. How difficult for you both :pleading_face::hugs:

Ive just finished 3 EC and will be starting 3 Docetaxel in a couple of weeks time so would also be interested in seeing what I’m in for next. I must say that each EC has been slightly different. Ended up in hospital on the 5th day of the first session :roll_eyes: I’m on the 5th day of the 3rd session now and this has been the best yet. Feel lightheaded and shaky if I walk around but basically not too bad :grin:

A bit worried about the nail beds :see_no_evil: mine are ok so far. I’ve been getting about 10 days of normality with the EC but I’m hoping for a few days more this time!!

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Really interested to know the side effects of docatexol. I’m just hoping that there’s no nausea. My friend who went through it last year said that we’re more likely to pick up infections and that we are put on antibiotics to try and prevent this. Not sure if this is the case. She said that we are more likely to have pain and lots of mouth sores. She also said that taste will go. It doesn’t sound great but I think I’d take pain and fatigue over nausea any day of the week. Again though, we’re all different. Xx

Happy Friday!

I’m on docatexol - had session 3 this week. I think I’ve been reasonably lucky with tiredness being the main symptom

It does seem to get a bit worse after each treatment - day4/5 wiped out this week. Day 5 today and felt very sorry for myself and slept for England. Those are the days when a bit of TLC is nice from friends - saw some of the comments from some you - some of my best friends don’t really have a clue but new friends As we moved home recently have been super …… who knows how to react sometimes. I hope you wiggle your way through it all.

I do have steroids the day before treatment and don’t sleep that night but sleep like a log on chemo day - also have antihistamines on the chemo day which makes me sleepy.

My nails have been fine which is weird - using cuticle oil and clear sally Hansen strengthening varnish.

I’ve not had any nausea - dodgy tummy for a day 4 but nothing much else. Hair started to shed day 18 and left it too long to shave - should have done it day 25 and been more like @alig1961 who inspired me.

Suggest get food ready for the week of chemo and dont beat yourself up if it isn’t as healthy as you’d like - I’ve found lots of energy week 2&3 and plan some things on.

Good luck to all those going on to this treatment. Sending everyone lots of hugs for the weekend xx


Quick question on behalf of a friend. Those of you who are cold capping, when have you seen shedding and how long does it last? Does it slow down ? My friend has just had her second lot of EC and is concerned that she’s losing quite a lot of hair. Thank you all. Xx

Hi there. I have had 3 EC and cold capped on all 3. I lost nothing until the 18th day after the first session when it started to come out quite a bit. This continued steadily, and increased quite a bit from a few days after the second treatment. On about day 11ish after the second treatment it slowed to almost nothing. I’m 5 days after the third now and it hasnt restarted as yet.

I have a fair sized patch on my crown and it’s thinner all over but particularly on one side. It is all coverable with a wide headband.

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@pat thank you. I’ve passed this on. Xx

@alig1961 Ive been similar to Pat. Just had third EC. Felt like it had slowed down the last week or two although still constantly picking hair off me. Washed it Friday and felt like there was a bit more than usual but not as much as I have been getting. It has thinned a lot and I’ve had patches above my ears for a while. Have started to notice it thin slightly more on top of my head along my parting, but not that I need to cover it up yet. (Have the wide headbands on standby!)


@wjs. Thank you too. I will pass this on. Xx

Happy Sunday Everyone

Another week done :+1:

Question: is anyone on fortnightly EC/AC rather than every three weeks? I did my second round last week and it’s knocked me for six.

Wondering whether to push the next to a three week gap and try to recover. Two to go. Big decision. Part of me just wants to get this over and done with and the other wants to stop and have a break.

Nausea, fatigue, upset tummy and bone ache from filgastim. I guess it’s also five months build up of chemo and cold capping. Thankfully the weather has spotted my mood and cooled down.

I feel I shouldn’t complain as so many people on here have had worse experiences. Just feel rather done and overwhelmed today.

I need that five star hotel, room service, luxurious bedding and views more than ever today - thinking Swiss Alps and clean crisp air :blush:

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@jbb i don’t know how your managing with just 2 weeks. I only switch back on at about day 11 which gives me 10 days to feel a bit more normal again. I’m on EC. At the end of the first cycle I wanted to get the next one started asap but a friend said don’t wish your good days away, you’re going to need them. Good luck with your decision. I know I would ask to go to 3 weeks. Xx


Hi @jbb
I can’t offer any wisdom but my plan after my 12 weekly Placitaxel is fortnightly EC x4 too.
Have you had the 12 weekly plaxitaxel too before the fortnightly EC and still cold capping?

Thankyou xx

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@jbb I’m on 2 weekly EC and have finished my 4th last Tuesday. My last 3 were a 2 weekly cycle and it was ok. Generally first few days :nauseated_face: and feeling sorry for myself (but can still do a bit of work and eat a bit) but by the weekend okayish - hungover type tiredness and starving mixed with not feeling like eating anything!!! Then generally week 2 I’ve been tired but get better and better (with crazy food cravings!) until I have to do it all again … which is psychological torture really!

I personally wanted to get it over and done with asap … yes, it’s nice to feel better but knowing I’m ticking each round off makes me feel sooo much better mentally. I’m really hoping my 4 x pax stays on a 2 week cycle too.

Unfortunately we’re our own lab rat so we all just have to see how it goes … but no matter how long the treatment or how bad it may be, it won’t last forever… cling on to that thought x :two_hearts: