June 2024 chemo starters

@charlie22 try not too worry too much re the EC, my experience of it hasn’t been too bad. I think I’ve been lucky. A mix of tiredness, a few upset stomachs, random one off spotty day, but generally it was all manageable. Like you say we all react differently but hopefully you’ll be ok too. Having said that I’m worried that haven’t not been too bad with EC that I won’t be so lucky with the Docetaxel :face_with_peeking_eye:

Re your other worry, have you tried ringing the nurses at Breast Cancer Now? I’ve spoken to them in the past and they’ve been really helpful. Also, if you have an Maggies near you, they are also great at helping you understand things.x

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@charlie22 glad you’re feeling happier today … stick with that!!! Do not google anything… I stopped quite early on as it was driving me mad. There is soooo much crap and old information out there. I actually searched on this website for information… it tells you a lot about lymph node involvement with breast cancer. But tbh, now I’m in this process I’ve stopped looking for answers to anything now. I trust my team to do what’s right for me and once this is over I’m going to get on with my life and try not to worry about it anymore (the counselling is helping with that)

Ask your onc and bc nurses all you need to know but it sounds like they’re not particularly worried about anything and just want you to get through your treatment. I am sending you a ‘shrink the tumour’ dance and hug :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @wjs @ljlj … that sounds positive and manageable re the treatment … only time will tell but if I keep with a positive mindset I’m hoping that will work in my favour :muscle:t3: also re the advice of ringing the nurses thank you … I’ll consider that… got to better than googling :roll_eyes::weary::rofl::rofl: I’m probably over thinking it all and like you say @donna_51 just got to keep trusting my medical team and keep on with the plan!! So for now I will defo be doing my happy “shrink the tumour” dance :rofl::rofl: … that and I’ve just had a scrumptious M&S salted Caramel Teacake :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::rofl:

Thanks guys … your all very good at keeping positive and like it’s been said many times before … what a fab group to be part of :heart:


Excuse me, a salted caramel tea cake? :yum::yum: That’s me off to M&S as soon as I get chance!:laughing:

@wjs … discovered them on Monday … looked in the food hall for a few treats after taking my daughter bra shopping :weary::rofl: they do all sorts of flavours … very very nice :ok_hand:t3:… thankfully the nearest M&S is a good 25 min drive otherwise I think I’ll be nipping back for all the others … in hindsight it was an error not just grabbing them all :pig::rofl:

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Morning all!

I just wanted to jump on quickly to feedback after my 1st paclitaxel dose
(As a reminder i had 3 ECs every 3 weeks & Im now having p weekly for 9 weeks)

And im relieved to report that night 1 has been so much easier - very littke sleep due to the steriods…And i was v anxious beforehand & felt quite sicky when they gave me premeds so i got more anti sickness pills…

And this morning i feel “ok” just exhausted… but going to try a mini walk & some brunchbat a NT garden.

I know some of you have done your treatment the other way round so are now having EC/about to start - i cant lie, i personally found it tough but i think P is going to be tough as ill be in every week (twice if you include bloods)… at least with EC it was only every 3 weeks…

And you will survive EC - if i can, anyone can!!!

Please be kind to yourself - the quote below really helped me & no doubt will do again



That’s really good @bettyb24 and so true! I came on to post this, which i also think is very appropriate for chemo days!!


Love this!!
Chemo days, day after chemo, everyday til the next chemo lol!!!

And, if I’m being perfectly honest, some days even before diagnosis as well!!:rofl::rofl:

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Omg @bettyb24 that is exactly me!! I’m still in my pyjamas, and eating crumpets - no real excuse as I’m in my 3rd post chemo week :rofl::rofl::rofl: I guess I could say I’m practicing for the next chemo on Monday :woman_shrugging:

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Hi all. I’m after a bit advice. The corners of my mouth are really cracked and sore. I know that they’re not going to get truly better until my white blood count has increased a bit more, but wondered if any of you have had the same issue and have been advised of a treatment? I’ve been using Vaseline but it doesn’t seem to be helping. I’m looking like a scary clown :clown_face:.
Thank you team June xx

I’ve got my 12th weekly paclitaxel on Monday and I hope it’s reassuring for anyone who has struggled with nausea and sickness to hear it hasn’t been an issue on weekly pax . I have lost a lot of the hair on the top of my head (oddly I still have my fringe) despite cold capping, also lost a little above my ears so I suspect the cap just didn’t fit my giant head too well. It’s not been plain sailing but no sickness or failed blood tests, I hope that’s reassuring as it seems a lot of you are about to start.
I’ve not been on for a while as although I felt really well till about week 5 the fatigue did then kick in. I found prioritising rest really helped but the steroids are a bugger and lately the night sweats are robbing me of so much sleep I can’t catch up. I’m an emotional wreck and knackered. Does anyone have tips for dealing with night sweats and fatigue please? I’m still working from home 3.5 days a week and weekend and evenings taken up with my 2 year old so can’t reliably nap (also joy of steroids) . I suspect I’ve been trying to do too much. Think I’m finally going to have to put work on a pause to get through the next week and then the week after with no Monday steroid boost. Does anyone know how long it’s supposed to take to feel a bit more lively once the pax is over?
Hang in there ladies :muscle: enjoy those snacks

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@alig1961 sorry to hear you’re having such a rough time. One of my nurses offered me a mouthwash for an ulcer. It might be worth checking with your nurses, they seem to have tricks for everything. Hope you feel much better soon x
P.s. if you think a really good moisturizer would do the trick the best one I’ve ever found for skin issues is Elizabeth Arden eight hour cream

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@charlie22 great news about your shrinkage, hopefully it’s a real boost to hear they’ve got you on something that’s showing results :tada:


Hi @alig1961 … aww you really are having a tough time, so sorry :pensive: I haven’t experienced that but in previous experience Vaseline isn’t the best for lips … I have some Weleda Skin Food that is great for any little sore, dry spots … that may work … it’s super rich and nourishing … that may help? If it’s ulcers inside your mouth Saltwater is a good fix.

Hope you feel better soon xx

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Thank you @kaydee82 :heart:

Can’t offer any advise about the night sweats … but just glad to hear it’s not just me … they are blooming awful … I have never experienced anything like it :weary: and totally sympathetic towards your fatigue plight … having a toddler is not easy … I am counting down the days till mine is back at nursery … 12 to go :raised_hands:t3::rofl: just try and rest when you can … is there any family that can maybe take a bit of the pressure of you? As for work can you take some time of with a sick note? As if juggling life isn’t tough enough this on top just makes it worse … but you will get through it … each day at a time :muscle:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xx

Hi all

@alig1961 - the look good feel better lafy really recommended paw paw lip balm. Its meant to be the best & theres an intensive over night mask one thats lovely. Its on amazon!

On the night sweats things ive heard that have helped are

  1. Silk / satin pillows covers that have been in the frigde ready for when an attack hits
  2. Cool packs / ice packs (apparently works best in your pants :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:)
  3. Fans with a bowl of cold water in front of them - not too sure how safe that actually is
  4. Air con unit - £££££
  5. Autumn / winter months…

Hi @bettyb24
Thank you for the advice and thank you to all the other lovely ladies who have suggested ideas of how to improve my scary clown :clown_face: face. I’m have purchased dr paw paw lip balm and overnight mask from Amazon. I will let you know how I get on. Last night I put aloe Vera gel with tea tree oil on it and it’s dried it out brilliantly, but now I’m worried to open my mouth as it feels like it will crack more. Isn’t cancer expensive? I’d love to know how much I’ve spent so far. Xx


@charlie22 insta rabbit hole led me to recommendation of sage tea and red clover tea on doctors_kitchen for hot flushes and/or night sweats. I’ve also picked up that sleeping in a running top helps and I think I’ve had fewer nights waking up frozen and sweaty since I tried.

Unfortunately looking in the mirror just now reminded me my nipples are on different planets, does anyone have swimming costume recommendations for obscuring wonky nips? :laughing:

@donna_51 I’ve decided the only safe TV is fantasy and period drama. My lady Jane on prime is absolutely bonkers but it ticked my boxes of easy, entertaining and no cancer