June 2024 chemo starters

@donna_51 you are doing your super woman thing - its just you’re now beating cancer too!!



Thank you @bettyb24 . You’re absolutely right, I am still super woman! We all are :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts:


I’m not allowed to continue work as a teacher as I’m not allowed to be around all the pathogens that kids have. However, I have still written the school timetable for next year, so have done some work from home.
Lips are still sore and cracked in corners of mouth but I think they’re getting a bit better. I feel like people notice them and then deduce cancer. Overthinking things again.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend. My daughter wants to look round the shops in Telford. Not what I fancy but here goes. Xx

I once did an assembly to 200 year 11 pupils whilst wearing my Wonder Woman pants on top of my trousers. My assembly title was unsung heroes. I think I may have another assembly to deliver after getting through this. I may use some of June team’s inspirational words. Not sure about mentioning the difficulties of no pubic hair though :joy:


@alig1961 … hopefully you can ease your way back to work in the future! Shopping!! Arghhh something I hate and luckily teenage boys have no interest in … but it does get you out and about which is a good thing. Glad the mouth is feeling a bit better. I’m often wondering if people notice I have CANCER :scream: but the reality is most people don’t notice anything much beyond themselves so I don’t worry too much about it. And if they do? Then so be it … I challenge anyone to look good going through chemo and just getting out of the house, fully dressed is a win !!! :partying_face:

@collywobbles … what did you decide about your head with your family in the end? Did you terrify them with your baldness?!! :joy:


@alig1961 :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: love it … be brave and talk about pubes!!! :rofl:

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Well, Telford turned out to be quite a nice experience. I was sat in a coffee shop minding my own business when a complete stranger came up to me and complemented me on my hair and then went on to ask where I had it done. The poor lady was mortified when I told her it was a wig and that I was half way through chemo. Bless her. I did tell her where she could buy one :joy:
A little win and a boost in confidence.


@alig1961 I’m really pleased you had a good trip to Telford. Your story about the wig did make me laugh, though I had to feel a bit sorry for the lady - she must have been mortified! :sweat_smile: I don’t think people do notice as, on the whole, I think people are more interested in themselves than others, and they just dont notice. My sister in law lost her hair due to chemo and wore a wig at work. She told her boss she’d had her last chemo and he said - well you’ve done so well and at least you didn’t lose your hair :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

@collywobbles I hope the family visit has gone ok :crossed_fingers:t3:

@donna_51 he did finally bugger off and I had a nice evening in my pj’s eating cake and watching Bridgerton. Thank goodness the 2 main protagonists have finally woken up to what we’ve known all along - that they are in love :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Hi all. Just catching up - you always make be laugh and well as want to send hugs out to everyone as I read through the posts!

Thanks for the advice @donna_51 and @pat - family arrived and I wore my cap …. The little one 6 years old told me I was beautiful and asked why I hadn’t got any hair - I just said my hair was poorly and it would be a little while before it grew back - I also said i had a wig and would like her to help me with it when we go for dinner. She like the wig and wanted me to wear it all the time - I still find it wiggy and hot but so is the hat! The older children didn’t say anything so all in all it was fine so thank you all :heart:. Worried about nothing.

@pat hope you enjoyed Bridgerton whilst hubby was out! @alig1961 Telford sounds like a nice break and made me laugh about your wig! It looks fab when you showed your photo!

Onc told me on Friday I will be able to go on holiday as we stand today so that’s great news. I’m half way through with #4 on Thursday …. I’m focussing on 83 days time when I hope to board a plane! 30 more injections :crazy_face:

@alig1961 thought of you wearing @donna_51 ’s M&S vagina munching knickers over your trousers as SUPERWOMAN on stage :joy: when I read your post!

Another week tomorrow - good luck to all that have treatments this week - may your symptoms be kind xx

BTW - anyone think their hair grows back a little in between chemo sessions? I’m sure my stubble has got longer :joy:


Woooo @collywobbles … holidays!!! Where are you off to? My Dec holiday and planning a BIG holiday for 2025 have got me through quite a few dark days so I imagine knowing you’re going away is fantastic!

Glad it went well with the children too - bless that little 6 year old (older ones are always going to ignore it all!!!)

@alig1961 that wig mistake is sooo funny, a bit like asking someone when the baby is due and they’re not expecting. The woman will probably never comment on anyone’s hair ever again !!! You must have looked fab though so well done for being so fabulous xx

Happy start of the week and all it brings for everyone xx


I’ve had a very mixed day on the first treatment with Docetaxel. Firstly I only slept for 2 hours after my double steroids yesterday but actually feel ok! I feel much better after the Docetaxel infusion normal in fact, whereas I felt lightheaded and a bit grotty during and after the EC. Unfortunately i have had to stop the cold capping so will now lose my hair :sob::sob: The nurse felt it was so thin on top, in fact she took a photo and the patch is much much bigger than I realised, that she couldn’t cover it sufficiently with hair or surgical cap to prevent a cold burn and covering it further would prevent the cold cap working effectively. They spent a lot of time discussing it with me, and were so kind and empathetic, and would have continued if I wanted to but I decided to stop. I hope I’ve made the right decision. I feel very upset at the moment. I went to a wig shop a couple of weeks ago and have one on order which should arrive soon. I was hoping I wouldn’t need it but it turns out I will. I’m going to have to google hats that don’t scream I’ve got cancer :cry:


@pat glad to hear the side effects haven’t been too bad so far. Not looking forward to my steroids on Thursday before my treatment Friday :grimacing:. So sorry about the cold cap though. However, I’ve been reading a lot of comments on that Paxman page I follow where people have had hair growing back eventually while still on Docetaxel so hopefully what you have done so far has helped the hair follicles and maybe it won’t be too long before it’s coming back. Still disappointing for you though.x

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I’m trying to be positive and think that I’ve had 3 months of my own hair. Im off to google non cancery hats and eat cake now. A lovely friend dropped me off an M and S raspberry and white chocolate cake today. People are so kind :face_holding_back_tears:

Hi @pat
Firstly, so pleased to hear that the side effects have been kind to you. Fingers crossed that continues.
I’m going to second what @wjs has just said. I’ve been to my onc appointment today and the nurse said that there is a strong possibility that hair will grow during docetaxol. I have my fingers crossed for you. You may not loose any more. How often are you having treatment? Is it every 3 weeks?
It’s absolutely understandable to be pxxxed off about this, but you’ve got this and you will be ok. Ask the June ladies for advice. There are some excellent baseball caps with built in wigs and hair bands with attached wigs that are cheap on Temu. Look good feel better do a course on wigs and how to tie scarves. There are some excellent you tube videos too. This link is a great one. The lady has alopecia. https://youtu.be/gzTxYBwQgJo?si=sOqgaciCM_M54Uu7
Enjoy your cake. Big hugs :hugs:

@alig1961 thanks for your encouragement. Fingers crossed for the next couple of weeks from side effects and hair points of view! I think I will order some different styles of hats to try on and assess for cancer-yness and send back any I don’t like. I have a wig on order so I’ll try that for wigginess too :rofl::rofl:

I hope you’re feeling better now!!

First paclitaxel done today woohoooo! Definitely not feeling as rubbish compared to EC and had minimal nausea which went away after I continued taking my oral nausea meds! Bring on 11 more paclitaxel! :muscle:

My oncologist also encouraged me to go on a holiday to Barcelona in Oct for a friend’s wedding! Booking everything on a refundable basis but really hoping I can make this long weekend trip! Don’t lose hope on 2024 holidays ladies!

@pat bummer about the hair but hopefully you won’t lose as much as on EC fingers crossed for you!! And like others said it could even actually grow back during your next couple of docetaxel!

@collywobbles I totally feel you about the hair! My possum bum hair definitely feels longer but I’ve not seen any growth on the bald patches yet.


Im presuming I’m going to lose the lot and will plan accordingly. I feel a bit of a failure for having to stop and wonder if I should have carried on but I got the feeling they felt I was flogging a dead horse.

Great to hear about the holidays being planned!

@akioqey I feel much better after the first Docetaxel than i felt on the evenings of the EC so :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:


Hi all

I just wanted to message as i definitely look like i have cancer…

Im completely bald now, very tired looking & more as slow as a snail…

I dont wear a wig. I too am not keen on the “cancer hats” ive got a few baseball caps though.

And people notice and stare sometimes…

But it wont be forever…

And maybe someone will see me, who has been thinking about getting a lump checked & will actually get checked too.

So im basically a walking advert lol!


@pat there is no way you are a failure!! I can understand you might feel like that but you’re not.

In fact - I propse we ban the use of the word “failure” hence forth!!

We are all queens! Everyone of us



Hi @bettyb24 thanks. You and me both wide awake at 5am :roll_eyes: mine is the second night in a row courtesy of the steroids. I think once the hair goes then its gone and I’ll get used to it and will stop over thinking it. I have just been lying here wondering if I should brave the shave now or wait in case it doesn’t fall out with Docetaxel. More dilemmas I could do without.