Hello Ladies…

Thought id start a new thread…

Some of you may of heard of me, ive just finished x6 fec, i went to see surgeon on Tuesday and he has booked me in on the 10th June for right mx and node clearance, i knew this was coming but now ive got a date and the paper work its kinda scary, i cannot have reconstruction at the same time as i will need 4 weeks of radiotherapy and to be honest im not 100% sure i want it yet, i need to get this year out the way i think…

i would be grateful for all your tips/advice on care/rest etc…

i have full confidence in my surgeon, plus he said it would only be a day case…

thankyou all
love and hugs


Hi Donna, I am due to have a mastectomy, I go back on tuesday to get the results of my MRI Scan. I am hoping that I can have mine pushed back to after my holiday which is in August as I feel I really need a holiday as had to cancel one already due to my diagnosis.

Good luck with it all, and keep us all posted.

stargazerlily, thanks for you kind wishes, and good luck with results of MRI and more importantly have a fab holiday…

Ive been worrying all night, wondering if i should go for a double mastectomy, of course i dont want to but i also dont want to be down this road again in a couple of years… ive got in touch with the hospital and they have wrote my concerns down and are going to put them to my surgeon next week so i will await his advice,

feeling very low today


Hi Donna

So sorry to hear you are feeling low today, this just stirs up so many emotions doesn’t it!

I’ve just been given the go ahead for my mastectomy on 22nd June, so will be following in your footsteps.

I’m absolutely thrilled that I don’t have to have additional Chemo but still terrified at the prospect of losing my boob.

I can’t even offer you any advice on opting for a double mastectomy but would be interested to see the statistics on recurrences.

Keep your chin up Donna,we’ve got thus far, we’ll make it the rest :slight_smile:



Hi - count me in! (Bum)

Just been for pre-op as am having SNB on 10/6. This is after chemo. If it shows that chemo had zapped anything that was in my armpit they’ll leave the nodes, if still signs of cancer they’ll all come out.

This will happen on 24th or 23rd June when i have mx + recon.

I’m up and down about it. Sometimes: ‘Just get on and do it’ other times full of doom and gloom. But done it will be and so i need to face up to it.

Donna - so sorry you’re feeling so fed up. I had days like that after my last chemo, it’s possibly the realisation hits you about what you’ve been through and then we have to face the next hurdle. It will pass. xxx

Hi girls. I’m having my mx on 1st June so ur would be nice to be in touch with others in the same boat. Ive had 3 Fec and 4 Tax and will also be having rads after mx. I was hoping my op would be sooner as I’ve booked to go in holiday 4th august and think the rads will interfere with that. Anyhow I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
At the moment I feel quite calm about the op. Just want to get rid of the cancer. Hadn’t considered asking for a double mx. My surgeon is a lovely man and I have every faith in him.
By the way the day of the op us my 45th birthday. Will have to be like the queen and have two.
Polly x

hi everyone I was diagnosed with two primary tumours -invasive ductal in right breast [size 3.7mm and 2.08mm] am 46 and no family history.
had r mx 30th of march and now undergoing radio but escaped chemo as they were both of special type “tubular”.
the mastectomy itself wasnt so bad.When I came around I had a morphine PCA[patient controlled anagesia] so I could press the button when I needed something . To be honest I didnt use it and prefered oral analgesics.I went home the following day with a drain insitu .this stayed in for five days and this was the most uncomfortable thing -but really wasnt so bad.
after this I have been dealing with a seroma [collection of residual fluid]-some people have this drained but they can simply fill up again. I left mine alone and it delayed my radio by two weeks.
I am having three weeks radio and this is ok-just a little tired.I am a lot more comfortable now and looking forward to my reconstruction as soon as I can . Good luck to you all -you will be fine

Hi ladies, I’m due to go in this Monday 30th for mx with expander implant and SNB, I’m not sure if I’ll need rads yet.I would like to be in touch with others who will be having similar procedure to me. I’ve been told to expect to stay in hospital for 3-5 days. I’m not sure what to expect but it’s starting to sink in now and the anxiety is building, although I do have every confidence in the hospital,surgeons and BC nurses so I’m putting my trust in them and hope all goes ok. I was diagnosed on the 12th April so I’ve been through a rollercoaster of emotions in the last 7 weeks, so i’m relieved now that finally the waiting is nearly over.

Jo x

Just finished 5 FEC and 4 TAX. Got my masectomy end of June, just the left, got radiotherapy through summer & reconstruction Christmas time i hope. Have been told I’ll be in and out same day for masectomy. Not having expander have been told it may hinder radiotherapy. Reconstruction is back muscle brought round to front & then fat refined off tummy to pad it out. Bit of a tummy tuck to tidy me up after. Every girls dream on her Christmas list, boob job and tummy tuck. LOL What more could I ask for?
good luck

Hi Mandy, I hope it all goes well for you in June. I’m going to a friends’ wedding today which gives me chance to put things out of my mind and concentrate on a lovely day instead. I’m going in tommorow but not having op until Tuesday so I think I’ll just drink and be merry!!

Jo x

Good luck for your op on Tuesday Jo. I hope you enjoy the wedding, thats good to have something fun to focus on. Take it easy when you get home, xxxxxx


I’m in the same club too. Still have 1 more Chemo to go but have an appointment with surgeon on Tuesday. I had surgery in Jan and SNB. The surgery was unsuccessful as the tumour was much bigger than thought and I had extensive DCIS. Am also due to have all nodes removed as 3/3 on SNB. I’m also hoping that when Mx is done I’ll also be given a reduction on the other side. I can’t bear the thought of a G cup one side and nothing the other. I am scared stiff. I haven’t done any research or googled about Mx like I did about chemo so am completely uninformed and unprepared. Am really burying my head in the sand and don’t want to do this. I will have to face up to this on Tuesday. Pants!

Hi All you lovely ladies,

Well we are certainly not alone in this are we, although I wish no-one had to be here.

I think I shocked my surgeon on Friday when I got really excited about the mastectomy going ahead lol. After 6 chemo’s my tumour had’nt shrunk as much as I’d hoped and really dreaded the thought of more but after manouvering my poor boob into positions I didn’t think possible, he said he had enough skin to go ahead. No reconstruction as Radiotherapy afterwards but will consider that for the future.

It will be fantastic to keep each other company and share our experiences and tips.

Jo, I hope you have a fantastic time at the wedding, I will be thinking about you tomorrow and wish you the very very best.



Hello Ladies,

What a wet and miserable morning, just what we all want,

Jo… wishing you lots of luck with your op today, semding you a big hug. take care…

well we all seem to have a tough month ahead of us, but lets support each other and give each other support and reassurance,

i have called my bcn and asked her to have a word with my surgeon to see if a double mx is possible/needed/will prevent reacurrance, i dont want to go down this road again… im waiting for call, im going for my pre-assesment on thursday, why didnt i think of this important question last week when i saw him, mind’s all over the place.

my first question when i was diagnosed last December was ‘cant you just take the breast off’ NOW i want to keep it and im so scared.

people say im so brave, but what they dont realise is that i dont have a choice in this, i have to do whats to be done…

anyway im of to clean.clean and clean

take care everyone
love and hugs

Hi ladies

Thanks for the lovely messages of support and to wish us all well on this journey…we’re in this together girls!! Donna I totally agree with this miserable weather its not what is needed right now! I’m going in sometime this afternoon, just waiting for the phone call after two o’clock! The op will be sometime tommorow. I hope the pre assessment goes well on Thursday, I can see why you are worried about reacurrance, it’s a question I asked the surgeon myself, he wasn’t too concerned and his view was that there is 1% chance of it reacurring in right side. I’m not totally convinced but i’ve already insisted a cyst in my right side be checked again with ultrasound…it makes you so paranoid doesn’t? Good luck with the decision you finally make, all of the ladies on here will support you, lots of love and hugs :)Jo x

Thanks Scrapper and Clematis for kind words, I had a fab time at the wedding, it was a total distraction for the day and got to spend it with several of my closest girl friends who have supported me from the moment I was diagnosed. I’m feeling so surrounded by love and support at the moment and I’ll be offering as much company and support to all of you lovely ladies when I’m hope. I’ll be taking it easy when I get home and leaving the housework for everyone else to do!

Love and hugs Jo xxxx

Hi. Another one joining the club.
Have mx and immediate recon on 7th June. Had snb on the 24th may. Done all the chemo bit, just want it gone now.
Good luck for tomorrow jo.
Kerry xxxx

Hi everyone, glad you’ve got a gang together, ours was and still is amazingly supportive and helpful. I had bilateral mx in March, and am doing really well, now back at work and didn’t need any more treatment which was incredibly lucky. You’ll get through it, it really is doable as long as you take it easy and are kind to yourselves. Wishing you lots of luck and sending big hugs xx

Hello Ladies,

Still not heard from surgeon, im going to preassment thursday so maybe he will be there to answer my question…

how are we all feeling?

im going away friday till wednesday to TRY to take my mind of surgery on the 10th,

ive cleaned the house like mad and shopped for groceries, oh and a couple of tops for me… its anyone else shopping for clothes differently now? ive never been floral person yet everythink i buy is gypsie type so it will disguise my no boob…

also got 2 post surgery bra’s, bless hubby he went to pieces and had to go outside, he really is so upset for me we have been married 27yrs this year and i love him dearly as he does me…

well speak soon

love and hugs


Hi Ladies, hope you are all having a great day.

Just popped on very quickly to wish you all the best for tomorrow Polly. Will be thinking of you and wishing you well.



Evening All,

Just a quickie- I have my date for Mx on 18th July so will be a little behind the rest of you.

Jo- It’s so good to have supportive and loving friends around you isn’t it? Will be thinking of you. Sending you lots of hugs and best wishes.

Donna- I think you’re doing the right thing, a break away will do you the world of good. I hope todo the same. Bless your husband, he sounds a real sweetie.

We can do this!!
