Just a little concerned

Hi All, I know I am probably worred about nothing but I have a slight swelling just above my left collarbone and I recently read that this is where the lymph glands are and could be a sign of breast cancer. I am worred about going to the Doctor as I feel I would be wasting their time. Can anyone give me any ideas of what I should be looking or feeling for. I am sorry to trouble any of you. Kind regards.x

hi there,

I think that any swelling is probably worth getting checked out. Lymph glands can swell due to an infection… my little one had a huge golf ball size swelling in one of his lymph glands once due to an infection. So definitely worth checking it out. Don’t feel like you are wasting their time… it’s what they are there for and they could put your mind at rest and know if there needs to be further investigation.

Let us know how you get on.

take care,


Hi Nanny
Thank you so much for taking the trouble to respond. I hate going to the doctor at the best of times and I always think that I am wasting their time in going anyway, not that I visit them that much! I will probably go just to put my mind at rest.
Thanks again.

Hi Ladygilly

I agree with what Nanny says, you should go and get checked out, and not worry about wasting docs time, as that is what they are there for, and at least then you can put your mind at rest.

Worth the visit I reckon.


Thank you too Dawn for taking the time to write back.x Gill

Hi Gill

We have pulished a booklet called ‘Breast Awareness’ which may help you to understand a little more about signs and symptoms to look out for, you can read it via the following link:


If you would like to discuss your worries about breast cancer in confidence, please call our helpline on freephone 0808 800 6000 for more advice and information. The number is 0808 800 6000 and it is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care