I just want to say hello to everyone who might read this post. I’m sitting here on my lap top while my children are enjoying the first day of their half term holiday, and I’m feeling very very thankful for just being here really!
I was diagnosed in April last year with an aggresive stage 3 tumour, 9cms, which had spread into my lymph nodes but, after many scans, no where else!
I don’t need to say how I felt , nor what a whirl wind of emotions and hospital appointments followed but after a gruelling round of chemo, Mamoplasty surgery and then radiotherapy I am so happy to say that I seem to be on the right side of this horrible disease, for which I thank God every day!
I’m now counting the days until my surgery to level me up… so to speak, in November! It’s a very strange feeling knowing things are getting back to normal, whatever normal might be but at the same time I know that my life will never be the same again!
I’m so glad I’ve joined this forum and will look forward to making some new friends, hopefully!
Thankyou for reading.
God bless!