Just been diagnosed and really scared

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I have posted this on behalf of new user carol.

Kind regards.


Just been diagnosed and really scared
Commented on 01 Feb 2009 21:04

hi, I’m Carol…was diagnosed approx 2 weeks ago…its all a blur, had an MRI scan which shows a possible further lump in the original boob, and possibly a growth in the other one…hence, further biopsy…have to wait now til thursday 5th…the worse part for me is the waiting…head is in a spin…as this category shows…really scared…

Hi there, we all know just what you mean and sorry you have to join us here. I imagine you are thinking you were having a normal kind of life and then you find yourself plunged into this scary unknown world - new words, strange equipment and concerns about where it is all going. You will get lots of support here.

I was diagnosed in November (seems ages ago now) and so far had surgery and now on chemo. I have been impressed though by hospital care - BC treatment is so well organised - you get a nurse, specialist team of doctors and plan of action to give you the best possible chance to carry on normally.

Feel free to ask members any questions or call the helpline.

Bright x

Hi Carol it is such a scary time waiting for results. I had 2 tumours found on a routine scan in late October. On was cancer and the other wasn’t. Had a lumpectomy in December and lymph nodes were clear. so waiting to have radiotherapy. I found taking each day at a time useful and pushing away scary thoughts that are really not useful. The waiting is the worst time. This is a great site and you will find a lot of support here.

Carol, so sorry you’re here. I was diagnosed with bc on 12 Dec. I too had to have an MRI, as I have lobular cancer, and it has a tendency to be multicentric. They wanted to see if I had any other tumours. I had MRI on 31 Dec and results on 9 Jan, which showed another suspicious lump in the same breast. Had to have another biopsy and wait another two weeks for the result. So 6 weeks wait in all. Thankfully, the second area was benign. So hang in there. Im having a lumpectomy on 12 Feb. The wait is the worst time, as your mind takes you to deep, dark places, but that’s normal. We’ve all done it. But now I know what is happening, I’m ok. I have something to focus on and you’ll get there too. Don’t forget, you’re in good hands and you’ll meet lots of great ladies on this site.

All the best.

Hi Salopets, just read your message and want to wish you well for your lumpectomy on the 12th. I had a lumpectomy on the 8th December, I was in for a day and felt okay to go home in the evening. Had very little pain with it as it was very close to the skin and not deep. I was dreading the anaestetic but it was much better that I imagined and I wondered why I worried so much about it!! Had a very good service from William Harvey in Ashford Kent.
But as you say the waiting is the worse and what a waiting game bc is!!!