Just been diagnosed

Hi there i received my results on friday 9th april i had a feeling it would be bad news my husband and both my parents was here with me when i got the news i feel if someone has just put the world on my shoulders … I received a breast care pack from the breast care nurse and have had a brief glance at it as i dont think i have really come to terms with it yet. I go back to see my consultant on friday to see what action he is going to take as the cancer is more or less right near my nipple,is there anyone else on her in the situation as myself …

Hi Sandra

I’m so sorry you had to join us. There seems to be a lot of new arrivals today; not good. All of us understand what you are going thru, having been there. It is early on in your journey and I can well remember just how terrifying that feels. I does get easier when you have a treatment plan. I wont say the treatments are easy, but they are doable. I’ve had surgery, chemo and now on Radiotherapy. If there’s anything you want to ask, this is a great place to do so, or you can private message me, if you prefer.

Take care

Julia xx

Hi Sandra…

Not a great way to meet friends is it… I am 6 weeks further down the line to you and never thought I would get there… 2nd Chemo was last Tuesday…have 4 more left then 3 weeks of rads as Triple negative…

Please dont feel you cant get angry or sad on here… I do plenty of times… we are the people who do know what you are going through…

One thing is laughter is best medicine… it might not feel like it right now but it will be…

If you need a chat let me know… am good at listening…
take care and be very brave…


Welcome Sandra,
I was diagnosed on 1st of Feb, had surgery on the 20th and started chemo on Friday.
My lump was also near the nipple, in fact part behind it.
Two months ago I couldn’t even contemplate surgery or chemo… BUT it really is one day at a time, one treatment at a time AND you will get through it.
Use this forum to ask as many questions as you need to, it helped me enormously.
Good luck for Friday

Hi Sandra and welcome to the BCC forums.

I have posted a link below to our new resource pack which you may find helpful, it has been designed for those newly diagnosed, just click on the link to access the order form. You can also order more information publications on the same page by clicking on the links under the ‘quick order list’.


If you would like to speak to someone in confidence please do call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2, our team of specialist nurses and trained helpliners can offer you further support and information. Hope this helps.

Best wishes

Hi Sandra,

I was diagnosed on April 9 last year, and to say I was terrified is an understatement, as we all do I felt totally devastated, and guilty for putting this rubbish at my familys feet. It took me a long time to read the info books, I think we all agree it can only be done in stages, tick them off as you get them done, it then feels as if you are making progress.

One year on and I am back at work with hair, and the terror has reduced , not gone but I am laughing again

take care , be kind to yourself


Hello Sandra
I’m so sorry that you have had to join us on this forum. Its very shocking and very hard to get your head around the diagnosis, but, as Julia says, it does get easier when you start to have a plan of action.
The waiting is hard, and I hope you will accept whatever help is offered to get you through the next few weeks. That includes us on here - hope you’ll stay in touch with us

hi there, I am new to this site & am struggling to figure out how to start a thread. I am 45 yrs old, had a mammogram 18 months ago in South Africa - the radiologist was concerned about an elarged gland - she advised that I have a repeat mammogram in 6 months.Well, emigrating took up all my time & energy.Once I was settled my GP referred me to an NHS breast clinic - they would not screen me as my family history & risk was not high enough according to the NICE guidelines. My mum had bilateral mastectomies at the age of 60. After much research I finally found a breast specialist privetly who ordered a mammogram. He said he was able to feel the gland. I had my mammogram last Thursday, although I took along my previous mammogram from SA,it was not given to the radiologist so she still wants to do a comparison - she will only be able to see to this on Thurs. As a result I shall have to wait another week before I get my results. I must say that I feel really anxious about the whole process. I have felt that there has been little understanding of the angst that we experience. I am also not sure of what happens if the results dictate that I should have further investigations or treatment should I be diagnoed with cancer. Would the NHS accept me into a breats clinic or would I have to seek medical care privately? I would so appreciate some advice!! I apologise for “hijacking” this post!! Beez

Hi Sandra
I was diagnosed on the 19th February and know like the rest of the ladies know what you are going through. I had 2 lots of surgery and had my first chemo last friday. As the other ladies say it does get easier when you know your treatment plan and the next stage of your dx.
When my husband and I were told it was if it was not me they were talking about as I had been at work in the morning and was perfectly fit and healthy, now in the last 8 weeks everything has changed, but honestly you will get through it. with the help of family and friends you will cope. Anything I can help you with let me know.
Anne x

Hi beez and welcome to the BCC Forums.

To start your own thread just click on an appropriate room on the left where you want your post to appear, for example, ‘Waiting for test results’ or ‘Have i got breast cancer’, then in the top right hand corner there is ‘post a new topic’, just click here, put in a title and away you go. If you have any further queries just ask.

Best wishes

Hi Sandra, sorry you’re joining us but you’ll find a lot of good help, advice and friendship on here.

I was diagnosed on 3rd Feb, with a lump behind my nipple, had surgery on 18th Feb and will be having my 2nd (of 6) chemos this Wednesday. I’ve buddied up with a lovely group of women on here who are all going through this at the same time, which does make you feel that you’re not alone.

I can’t believe 2 months have already passed since diagnosis, and I can still remember how numb and upset I was when I first found out. But things really do get easier once your treatment starts and you have a better understanding of your diagnosis.

You need to take things slowly and take in each stage as it happens. Remember there is no right or wrong way of dealing with what you’re going through, so cry if you need to, and shout and scream when you want. We’ve all been there, and are all here for each other.

take care


Hi Sandra so sorry you are joining us but you are in the right place. Wish I had known about this lovely group of ladies earlier. Am a bit ahead of you but can still remember how the disbelief/ denial hit me on diagnosis, but am having chemo now as my small lump turned out to be in an awkward place too.There will be tears and strops along the way but hey that is OK Do keep posting and there are lots of lovely ladies here to help/commiserate/boost your spirits/offer wisdom/advice etc.LOL Jackie

hi i was diagnosed in midde of jan this year but believe me it is worse the waiting than the results ,fingers crossed for you JANE XXXX

Hi Sandra
This is the first time I have made a post on here

My lump was near to my nipple, most hospitals offer a mastectomy when it is there, but I was offered just to have the nipple, aerola and lump removed. I had my surgery on 22nd March but alas they couldn’t get any clear margins so I have to go back on wed to have a mastectomy.
My breast care nurse has been amazing she is there to help me with any questions that I have(and there are many). Don’t wait to see your surgeon on Fri if you have any questions just ring your nurse.

I am not the most patient person and have found the waiting the worst bit but I am learning to take each day as it comes.

You will find the strength to get through this, I have.

Good luck with everything

Chris xx

thank you lucy!

Beez - if you can, please re post - often questions get lost or overlooked if they are mid post. I am sure that there are lots of ladies on here that can give advice, I know many of them live overseas or have emigrated to the UK. You will definately not be alone!

Beez do try and get your treatment on NHS as I’ve heard ‘rads’ alone can cost 8000 pounds ( sorry pound sign not working on the laptop)Good luck.

I’ve also just been diagnosed on Tuesday the 6th of April (last week)so very sorry to hear about your news. My first few days of knowing was hell as I coudn’t stop crying. Now 1 week later and after seeing the surgeons and speaking to the oncologist I feel better. I think like many have said on this forum, we need to take it one day at a time and personally I have had a chat with one of the BCC worker over the phone just after being diagnosed and it was so helpful. Good luck and keep us posted.

Hi iam Julie and iam also new here .I was diagnosed on the 19th march and had my surgery on the 30 th march .I was offered a wide excision lumpectomy or a mastectomy and my initial reaction was just to take it all off and get rid of it i also cried a lot and went through all the emotions of why me ? having relatively looked after myself never smoked and quite fit and healthy normally. Iam also a nurse and believe me a bit of knowlwdge and being on the other side of the fence scared the hell out of me .i was originally having a sentinal node biopsy but the only surgeon who was trained to do it went off sick and so i was either going to have to wait or be referred to another hospital so decided to go ahead with another surgeon ( who is lovely by the way) i told him to to whatever he needed to in theatre and he said when he got to second layer of nodes and they still looked suspicious and swollen he did a full clearence (i was shocked and very down hearted that day ) but on friday when i got results they were all clear iam now waiting to here what they have decided in mdt meeting and my next course of treatment > the surgeon seems to think just Rads but said they might leave it to me to decide .I really wish they would,t give me a choice as i dont know if iam making the right ones and just want him to take it out of my hands and hope i dont have to go down the chemo route but then iam worrying if i dont are they doing enough treatment to make sure they get rid of everything in my system iam very confused as to what to do . However apart from that i feel great after surgey and i have good movement the wound has healed amazing ( they glued the edges 0 so no sutures very neat scar and no dent or divert that i was expecting and feeling very strong and postive ,and ready to face next hurdle xxx huugs to all julie

Hi Julie,welcome to the forums where i am sure you will receive lots of support and shared experiences from your fellow users. In addition, I have posted a link below to our new resource pack which you may find helpful, it has been designed for those newly diagnosed, just click on the link to access the order form. You can also order more information publications on the same page by clicking on the links under the ‘quick order list’.


If you would like to speak to someone in confidence please do call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2, our team of specialist nurses and trained helpliners can offer you further support and information. Hope this helps.

Best wishes