Hi all
This is my first posting so apologies if I get it wrong!
After seeing GP last week was referred urgently about a small hard gritty lump in right breast as I hvae a strong family history of BC (great grandmother had BC double mastectomy, gran had cells removed and Mum had a single Mastectomy, been clear for 10 years now. :)). Glad to say my ultrasound came back clear for BC but was told my breast tissue is changing, that I have two small cysts and a skin lesion just under the skin which was the lump i felt. I’m 31.
No treatment yet, have appt for 6 months time.
My questions are, really :
- I know my family history is strong and this means the cysts may change into something more serious - how common is this?
- The pill - the clinic wants me to see my GP re: other contraceptive methods - is the pill a bad idea after breast complications? Ive been on it quite some time…
- Any one else had this experience? Am so glad I’m all clear at present, but will they need to keep seeing me to check? I kind of hope they will…
Thanks for your time, in advance!
Kat. x