Just been to clinic - breast cysts

Hi all

This is my first posting so apologies if I get it wrong!

After seeing GP last week was referred urgently about a small hard gritty lump in right breast as I hvae a strong family history of BC (great grandmother had BC double mastectomy, gran had cells removed and Mum had a single Mastectomy, been clear for 10 years now. :)). Glad to say my ultrasound came back clear for BC but was told my breast tissue is changing, that I have two small cysts and a skin lesion just under the skin which was the lump i felt. I’m 31.

No treatment yet, have appt for 6 months time.

My questions are, really :

  1. I know my family history is strong and this means the cysts may change into something more serious - how common is this?
  2. The pill - the clinic wants me to see my GP re: other contraceptive methods - is the pill a bad idea after breast complications? Ive been on it quite some time…
  3. Any one else had this experience? Am so glad I’m all clear at present, but will they need to keep seeing me to check? I kind of hope they will…

Thanks for your time, in advance!

Kat. x

i went to breast clinic with lump in lft breast, the surgeon came in and said oh that is a cyst, i went to have ultra sound and it showed up hollow fluid filled they did a fna and drained the lump she put me on antibiotics saying there was infection and sent a sample to microbiology it came back no ifection
i still have the lump and it seems to be attaching to the meat of the breast where as before it was mobile
i go bk in 2 weeks for another ultra sound
i still cant get bc out of myt head as the lump is there and seems to be in the duct from the nipple

i understand your concerns and would say better get it checked hon and the waiting is hell i,m still waiting to hear bad news but i pray it is still benign
