Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the 2nd June and although I had a suspicion something was wrong, the shock was enormous. I am 53 and have two lovely daughters, who are now so frightened for me. But although I feel sad, angry, frightened for the unknown, I never allow myself to think that I might die, as this is not an option. There is too much to live for and so staying positive is the only way to fight this beast, which is the name I gave this cancer. I will have my operation on the 6th July and my right breast will have to come off. This thought gives me more fear than the cancer itself. I will feel incomplete and have worries for my relationship, although my partner has been increadibly caring and supportive. I can’t believe how many women are diagnosed every day and reading all these forum comments are making me stronger, because I am not alone, but I feel also sad that so many of us have to suffer this horrible disease and some of you are still so young. I am going to do nice things between now and the operation and after, when I likely have to have chemo, I will plan nice things for when I feel better between the treatments. Good times will come back!
Hi Inge, you have come to the right place for support, you will find lots of advice and understanding here and you don’t have to put on a brave face and you can be yourself. Good luck with your op and hopefully your family will be there to support you, take one day at a time! Big Hug, tinaxx
dear inge
Welcome to the forum, and I am sorry to hear about your BC. I was diagnosed in 2004 at 45, and went through all the usual treatments but am now well 6 years on (almost 52 now).
It’s a good idea to plan treats, I went on a short holiday before my op, and on several during chemo. There were large chunks of time when I felt perfectly ok (physically), but then of course there is the emotional side as well, but I tried to stay reasonably positive. A word of warning, you may find some others reaction difficult to deal with, as people can be extremely tragic. I aimed for a ‘positive realism’ ie I wanted full information with no gloss, but tried to keep the whole thing in its place and not let it dominate everything.
Best of luck and do keep us posted
your post has taken me back 6 months to the day I was diagnosed. Had so many emotions going through my head. Have 3 wonderful kids and they found it so hard. My little 1 is 10 and she has been my inspiration to get through this. I told her I will see her get married and then told her she can’t get married until she is 40 !!!
I have now been through surgery twice and now 4 weeks post chemo and although I won’t pretend it has been easy I am still here and still fighting. There have been days when I have just sobbed but then picked myself up to fight another day
I tried to fit treats in both before surgery and on the good weeks between chemo sessions. Have just had a fantastic weekend away with a good mate.
This forum is so good and gives so much support as we all understand what each of us is going through.
K x
Hi lnge
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, I hope you will find it a great source of information and support.
As well as the support you receive from the other users you may find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It contains information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like a pack just follow the link below:-
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hi Inge, What can I say but sorry that you have had to join us, I was DX last Nove aged 42, it is a shock but now, I have had my operations, just had 6 sessions of chemo, this hasn’t been too bad, there were days I said never again but thats just words, The important thing is you do it !!
I am now about to embark on another year of treatment which at first did upset me as it wasn’t part of the plan, but I have adapted and still soooooo positive !!!
You will always find someone on hear to help or listen even scream at, and meet and build some fantastic relationships…
Good luck…
Love Teresa xxx
Hello, I’m here on behalf of my mother who was diagnosed with cancer just under two weeks ago. I understand how terrifying it is and want to reliterare that you’re totally not alone. My mum is due to have a masectomy soon and she is worried about that too. It brings up a lot of emotions but at least here you will see that others also have those emotions and feelings and they can be shared and understood. Thinking of you and your family.
Hi Inge,
Like the others have said - i’m sure you’ll find the forums a great source of information and support as you fight your way through this rubbish. There is so much help and support from so many different ladies on here - at times its felt like a life support machine.
So sorry you’ve been diagnosed - one day at a time and don’t set yourself up with too many expectations of how you need to be or how you’ll cope - its new territory and not the greatest terrain but you’ll get there!
Good luck and kind thoughts
I have just been told i have BC on 10/06/10 I can not even say the word just call it lump. About to go and see my doctor to discuss treatment. The chemo is more frightening than the cancer itself. I want to opt for Surgery and chemo later i have holidays booked in August and Oct. Please someone out there help me out. i think i heard grade 3 stage 2…
Hello Ola,
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, I’m sure you’ll get lots of good support from the many informed users of this site. While you are waiting for replies I have put for you below links to some of BCC’s publications which you may find useful. Also if you need to talk to someone in confidence, with a good ‘listening ear’, then please do phone the helpline here, the staff are here to support you. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2.
Referral to a breast clinic:
Breast cancer and you:
Hope this helps, take care,
Jo, Facilitator
Hi Ola
Dont be scared of the grades etc…
Just go with it and beat it… dont let it beat you… NEVER
Hi Ola
I was grade 3 stage 2 - more than 6 year ago and have been fine since treatment. As Van said, don’t get too scared about grades etc. It all sounds incredibly technical and frightening initially, but it’s just so they can work out the best treatment package.
You can still go for holidays, explain to the doctors and they will advise about how to fit these in. I went on some an really enjoyed them, even during treatment. Its a way of saying it’s not taking over.
HI oLA I WAS diagnosed march 19th and was the same as you stage 2 grade 3 and it is all overwhelming and difficult to understand at first but im sure you will have a meet with your b/care nurse who will explain all this and go through everything with you .I ended up having a lumpectomy and although no nodes were involved in my case iam still having chemo i will be 1/2 way through on thurs 17th June . Dont read too much and frighten yourself by lookin up things ( i know thats hard because i did ) but remember everyones b/c is different and they will give you a treatment plan which is right for you. Believe me the waiting is the worst but once you get underway there is light at the end of the tunnel and my husband and famly are now starting to laugh and plan again instead of being in limbo …we have a holiday booked early sept after chemo and before rads start. we were spposed to be away now June but the holiday co. just postponed everything for us they were fab. you will suprise yourself how strong you can be and up to now side effects with chemo have not been too bad for me i have had loads of tips and support from all the lovely brave ladies on here and you will too. send me a message anytime for any help or advice and remember just to take baby steps at a time and its all do-able even for a big coward like me take care and sending hugs Julie xxx
I would like to thank everybody for all your comments and support it has given me. I am now recovering from my mastectomy which was performed two weeks ago and I am feeling fine! Yes I had tears, yes it is not particularly nice to look at, but the source of cancer is gone and that is the first step to getting better. I have amazed myself with being strong and positive. Any negative thought is not an option and doing something nice every day and apreciating every day is an enormous help. My result will be tomorrow and I have read form many that the waiting for this is the longest and the hradest. Funnuly enough that has not been the case with me and I believe this is because I made sure I did enjoy every day. I must admit I was very lucky to come out off the operation feeling quite ok and no pain at any time. I felt strong before the op because I went on hoiliday to see my family in Holland and the love and support I received from my friends and family made me increadibly strong. I am not trying to be strong I just feel it and I suppose that makes me a lucky person. MInd over matter is my motto and this “beast” inside me will be destroyed! I also found that not being the only one to give me support but at the same time it makes me sad that so many of us women have to suffer with breast cancer. Let’s hope one day it can be prevented all together. I wish you all the best with your treatment, keep smiling, be positive and surround yourselves with love and support from those who care for you. Thank for helping me thus far! Inge