just been told that cancer is now in my bones

I was diagnosed with BC in May 2007. had 3 ops including mastectomy, followed by chemo and radioterapy. 2008 had reconstructive surgery.
in June 2010 noticed small lump on recon…thought it was an insect bite. had 3 lots antibiotics for it. Saw consultant in November as i had lymphodema in arm. I went in and had it removed two weeks ago. this Monday was told it hadnt been an insect bite but a cancer tumor and that he would need to go back in to get clear tissue margin. firts had CT scan and bone scan. then told that the cancer had gone into my bones…mainly my left hip, back and ribcage. Which explains why ive had terrible pain laying down in bed at night.
They also found small spot on lung but arent concerned with this at the moment as they said bones take priority.
got t see oncologist for radiotherapy and treatment.
I’m scared that its going o spread quickly. (Had a scan in january and there was no sign of it so has grown in that time)
My kids aged 23 and 21 were really scared.
The pain is really uncomfortable. ive got oramorph for the time being.
I’m scared about my future.

Hi diddly
It is terrible when you find out you have secondaries ,I kept saying I thought I had got away with it.I found a lump in july at my collarbone, went on holiday and came back to find I needed it removed.Both my gp and surgeon were convinced it was just an enlarged lymph node but it was breast cancer tissue possibly escaped at time of original surgery in March 2009.I then had bone scan(clear) but ct showed enlarged lymph nodes at neck and a spot on my lung and liver.I have no symptoms but Iam sure your bone pain will reduce with radiotherapy.(I started chemo right away)I think you will feel mentally more in control when your radio starts I definitely did.The whole situation is crap but Iam now able to see afuture with the help and support of this forum.Make sure you get all the financial support you are entitled to .Check with your mcmillan team or local support centre.I live in Glasgow and attend Maggies they are fab.They can fill out your DLA forms and save you the hassle.My kids are 12 and 15 and have been great,if they see you looking ok it all seems normal.The were upset for me to lose my hair again but love my new wigs!I tend now to just pray and hope that my oncologist is doing her best to keep me going for as long as possible.I hope you get thru this hard time and use this forum and you will find a lot of uplifting stories who will sound very similar to your situation and that helps.Best wishes to you Love Teresax

Hi diddly,

Welcome but sorry you’re here.

I’ve got secondaries in bone and liver. Quite a few places in bone. Didn’t have any pain and was discovered during “routine” check ups. It’s very scary to hear that it has spread. And to be in pain just make things worse. Radiotherapy will help with the pain and there’re lots of effective treatments available to keep it under control.

Lots of ladies on here with bone secondaries have lived a lot longer than me and I’m hoping to be one of them. There is a thread might be of interest. There’re lots of useful info on there. breastcancercare.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=27192&start=360

Take care xxx

Hi Diddly

I’m so sorry to hear this. Just wanted to give you a (((hug))). I’m sure some of the bone met ladies will be along soon to give you support and advice.

Katie x x

I’m so sorry to hear your news, if it helps, my story, I was diagnosed with bone mets and breast cancer at the same time when my hip spontaneously fractured. This was in 2003 and I was in my early 40’s. Seven years later I have no bone pain, no pain killers needed at all. I had a very succesful hip replacement in 2003 and at my last scan, this Autumn, my bones were in good shape with many areas of healing. I’ve had hormonal treatments, bisphosphonates (bone strengtheners) and started my first and so far only chemo in 2008. I’ve had many of the last seven years with no detectable active cancer.
Best Wishes with your treatment…xx